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Created April 16, 2012 22:11
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World of Tanks low-level replay file parser
package WR::Parser::LL;
use strict;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
use IO::String;
This module is used as a low-level block parser for the WoT replay file, it
doesn't do much in the way of encoding or decoding, but just reads chunks.
At the moment it reads them from a string buffer, but eventually Moose roles will
determine what we read from, whether it's a string buffer or a real file handle.
my $ll_parser = WR::Parser::LL->new(data => $raw_data_from_replay_file)
=head2 num_blocks
Returns the number of data blocks found in the file. A complete replay has 2 data blocks.
=head2 complete
Returns true or false depending on whether the replay is complete
=head2 block_meta
Returns an arrayref containing block meta information. Each item is a hashref with two keys, pointer and length. Pointer is the offset within the replay file where the block starts, and length is the size in bytes of the block
=head2 blocks
Returns an arrayref containing the raw block data for each data block
=head2 get_block($block_number)
Shortcut to get the data blocks. The block number starts at 1.
This module was written by Scrambled <> and is released under a "do whatever you want with it" license.
has 'data' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1);
has 'buf' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'IO::String', required => 1, builder => '_build_buf', lazy => 1, init_arg => undef);
has 'num_blocks' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Num', required => 1, default => 0, writer => '_set_num_blocks', init_arg => undef);
has 'block_meta' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef', required => 1, default => sub { [] }, writer => '_set_block_meta', init_arg => undef);
has 'blocks' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef', required => 1, default => sub { [] }, init_arg => undef);
use constant SEEK_SET => 0;
use constant SEEK_CUR => 1;
use constant SEEK_END => 2;
use constant REPLAY_START_POS => 8;
sub _build_buf {
my $self = shift;
my $str = IO::String->new($self->data);
return $str;
sub get_block {
my $self = shift;
my $block = shift;
return $self->blocks->[$block - 1];
sub complete {
return (shift->num_blocks <= 1) ? 0 : 1;
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
$self->buf->seek(4, SEEK_SET);
$self->buf->read(my $blockheader, 4) || die '[header]: could not read replay header', "\n";
$self->_set_num_blocks(unpack('I*', $blockheader));
my $block_meta = [];
my $i = $self->num_blocks;
my $start_pointer = REPLAY_START_POS;
while($i > 0) {
my $m = {};
$self->buf->seek($start_pointer, SEEK_SET);
$self->buf->read(my $blocklen, 4) || die '[block]: could not read block length', "\n";
$m->{length} = unpack('L*', $blocklen);
$m->{pointer} = $start_pointer + 4;
$start_pointer = $m->{pointer} + $m->{length};
push(@$block_meta, $m);
$i = 0;
foreach my $bm (@$block_meta) {
$self->buf->seek($bm->{pointer}, SEEK_SET);
$self->buf->read(my $block, $bm->{length}) || die '[block]: could not read block', "\n";
$self->blocks->[$i++] = $block;
my $self = shift;
package WR::Parser::LL;
use strict;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
use IO::String;
This module is used as a low-level block parser for the WoT replay file, it
doesn't do much in the way of encoding or decoding, but just reads chunks.
At the moment it reads them from a string buffer, but eventually Moose roles will
determine what we read from, whether it's a string buffer or a real file handle.
my $ll_parser = WR::Parser::LL->new(data => $raw_data_from_replay_file)
=head2 num_blocks
Returns the number of data blocks found in the file. A complete replay has 2 data blocks.
=head2 complete
Returns true or false depending on whether the replay is complete
=head2 block_meta
Returns an arrayref containing block meta information. Each item is a hashref with two keys, pointer and length. Pointer is the offset within the replay file where the block starts, and length is the size in bytes of the block
=head2 blocks
Returns an arrayref containing the raw block data for each data block
=head2 get_block($block_number)
Shortcut to get the data blocks. The block number starts at 1.
This module was written by Scrambled <> and is released under a "do whatever you want with it" license.
has 'data' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1);
has 'buf' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'IO::String', required => 1, builder => '_build_buf', lazy => 1, init_arg => undef);
has 'num_blocks' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Num', required => 1, default => 0, writer => '_set_num_blocks', init_arg => undef);
has 'block_meta' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef', required => 1, default => sub { [] }, writer => '_set_block_meta', init_arg => undef);
has 'blocks' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef', required => 1, default => sub { [] }, init_arg => undef);
use constant SEEK_SET => 0;
use constant SEEK_CUR => 1;
use constant SEEK_END => 2;
use constant REPLAY_START_POS => 8;
sub _build_buf {
my $self = shift;
my $str = IO::String->new($self->data);
return $str;
sub get_block {
my $self = shift;
my $block = shift;
return $self->blocks->[$block - 1];
sub complete {
return (shift->num_blocks <= 1) ? 0 : 1;
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
$self->buf->seek(4, SEEK_SET);
$self->buf->read(my $blockheader, 4) || die '[header]: could not read replay header', "\n";
$self->_set_num_blocks(unpack('I*', $blockheader));
my $block_meta = [];
my $i = $self->num_blocks;
my $start_pointer = REPLAY_START_POS;
while($i > 0) {
my $m = {};
$self->buf->seek($start_pointer, SEEK_SET);
$self->buf->read(my $blocklen, 4) || die '[block]: could not read block length', "\n";
$m->{length} = unpack('L*', $blocklen);
$m->{pointer} = $start_pointer + 4;
$start_pointer = $m->{pointer} + $m->{length};
push(@$block_meta, $m);
$i = 0;
foreach my $bm (@$block_meta) {
$self->buf->seek($bm->{pointer}, SEEK_SET);
$self->buf->read(my $block, $bm->{length}) || die '[block]: could not read block', "\n";
$self->blocks->[$i++] = $block;
my $self = shift;
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