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Created November 30, 2010 20:03
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My JavaScript Lint configuration (TextMate)
# Configuration File for JavaScript Lint 0.2.6
# Developed by Matthias Miller (
# This configuration file can be used to lint a collection of scripts, or to enable
# or disable warnings for scripts that are linted via the command line.
#### Feel free to experiment with enabling/disabling individual warnings to
#### suit your own level of anal-retentiveness.
### Warnings
# Enable or disable warnings based on requirements.
# Use "+WarningName" to display or "-WarningName" to suppress.
-no_return_value # function {0} does not always return a value
+duplicate_formal # duplicate formal argument {0}
+equal_as_assign # test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)?{0}
+var_hides_arg # variable {0} hides argument
+redeclared_var # redeclaration of {0} {1}
+anon_no_return_value # anonymous function does not always return a value
+missing_semicolon # missing semicolon
+meaningless_block # meaningless block; curly braces have no impact
+comma_separated_stmts # multiple statements separated by commas (use semicolons?)
+unreachable_code # unreachable code
-missing_break # missing break statement
-missing_break_for_last_case # missing break statement for last case in switch
-comparison_type_conv # comparisons against null, 0, or an empty string allowing implicit type conversion (use === or !==)
-inc_dec_within_stmt # increment (++) and decrement (--) operators used as part of greater statement
+useless_void # use of the void type may be unnecessary (void is always undefined)
+multiple_plus_minus # unknown order of operations for successive plus (e.g. x+++y) or minus (e.g. x---y) signs
-use_of_label # use of label
+block_without_braces # block statement without curly braces
+leading_decimal_point # leading decimal point may indicate a number or an object member
+trailing_decimal_point # trailing decimal point may indicate a number or an object member
+octal_number # leading zeros make an octal number
+nested_comment # nested comment
-misplaced_regex # regular expressions should be preceded by a left parenthesis, assignment, colon, or comma
-ambiguous_newline # unexpected end of line; it is ambiguous whether these lines are part of the same statement
-empty_statement # empty statement or extra semicolon
-missing_option_explicit # the "option explicit" control comment is missing
+partial_option_explicit # the "option explicit" control comment, if used, must be in the first script tag
+dup_option_explicit # duplicate "option explicit" control comment
-useless_assign # useless assignment
+ambiguous_nested_stmt # block statements containing block statements should use curly braces to resolve ambiguity
+ambiguous_else_stmt # the else statement could be matched with one of multiple if statements (use curly braces to indicate intent)
-missing_default_case # missing default case in switch statement
+duplicate_case_in_switch # duplicate case in switch statements
+default_not_at_end # the default case is not at the end of the switch statement
+legacy_cc_not_understood # couldn't understand control comment using /*@keyword@*/ syntax
+jsl_cc_not_understood # couldn't understand control comment using /*jsl:keyword*/ syntax
+useless_comparison # useless comparison; comparing identical expressions
### Context
# Show the in-line position of the error.
# Use "+context" to display or "-context" to suppress.
### Semicolons
# By default, assignments of an anonymous function to a variable or
# property (such as a function prototype) must be followed by a semicolon.
### Control Comments
# Both JavaScript Lint and the JScript interpreter confuse each other with the syntax for
# the /*@keyword@*/ control comments and JScript conditional comments. (The latter is
# enabled in JScript with @cc_on@). The /*jsl:keyword*/ syntax is preferred for this reason,
# although legacy control comments are enabled by default for backward compatibility.
### Defining identifiers
# By default, "option explicit" is enabled on a per-file basis.
# To enable this for all files, use "+always_use_option_explicit"
# Define certain identifiers of which the lint is not aware.
# (Use this in conjunction with the "undeclared identifier" warning.)
# Common uses for webpages might be:
+define window
+define document
+output-format __LINE__: __ERROR__
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