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Created January 11, 2010 00:47
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node helloworld.js
Server running at
# At this point in another terminal I use netcat to open a plain TCP connection,
# and then Ctrl-C to close the connection without having sent any data.
# node then blows up with:
Segmentation Fault
# If instead I build with configure --debug:
node_g helloworld.js
Server running at
# Fatal error in /home/benw/github/node/deps/v8/src/handles-inl.h, line 48
# CHECK(location_ != __null) failed
==== Stack trace ============================================
Security context: 0x7fa873e6eff9 <JS Object>#0#
1: /* anonymous */(this=0x7fa873e6f0d9 <JS Global Object>#1#)
2: /* anonymous */(this=0x7fa873e6f0d9 <JS Global Object>#1#)
==== Details ================================================
[1]: /* anonymous */(this=0x7fa873e6f0d9 <JS Global Object>#1#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var pathModule = 0x7fa87004fd69 <a Module>>#2#
var createInternalModule = 0x7fa87003f7d1 <JS Function createInternalModule>#3#
var posixModule = 0x7fa87004ce29 <a Module>>#4#
var cwd = 0x7fa870053441 <String[34]: /home/benw/github/node/build/debug>
var loadPromise = 0x7fa870053c29 <JS Object>#5#
// heap-allocated locals
var cat = 0x7fa87003f8d9 <JS Function cat>#6#
var statWatchers = 0x7fa870045861 <an Object>>#7#
var debug = 0x7fa87003f701 <JS Function debug>#8#
var coroutineStack = 0x7fa870044f79 <JS array[0]>#9#
var moduleCache = 0x7fa8700473b9 <an Object>>#10#
var createModule = 0x7fa87003f799 <JS Function createModule>#11#
var isSignal = 0x7fa87003f6c9 <JS Function isSignal>#12#
var loadModule = 0x7fa87003f879 <JS Function loadModule>#13#
var Module = 0x7fa87003f739 <JS Function Module>#14#
var path = 0x7fa87004fdf1 <an Object>>#15#
var findModulePath = 0x7fa87003f809 <JS Function findModulePath>#16#
var debugLevel = 0
var posix = 0x7fa87004cf39 <an Object>>#17#
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[06] : 0x7fa870015481 <an EventEmitter>>#18#
[05] : 0x7fa873e174e1 <String[4]: loop>
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
function () { // annonymous namespace??// deprecation errors??GLOBAL.__module = function () {? throw new Error("'__module' has been renamed to 'module'");?};??GLOBAL.include = function () {? throw new Error("include(module) has been removed. Use process.mixin(GLOBAL, require(module)) to get the same effect...
[2]: /* anonymous */(this=0x7fa873e6f0d9 <JS Global Object>#1#) {
// stack-allocated locals
var .result = 0x7fa873e12151 <undefined>
// expression stack (top to bottom)
[01] : 0x7fa873e79cc1 <JS Function>#19#
--------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------
(function () { // annonymous namespace??// deprecation errors??GLOBAL.__module = function () {? throw new Error("'__module' has been renamed to 'module'");?};??GLOBAL.include = function () {? throw new Error("include(module) has been removed. Use process.mixin(GLOBAL, require(module)) to get the s...
==== Key ============================================
#0# 0x7fa873e6eff9: 0x7fa873e6eff9 <JS Object>
#1# 0x7fa873e6f0d9: 0x7fa873e6f0d9 <JS Global Object>
#2# 0x7fa87004fd69: 0x7fa87004fd69 <a Module>>
filename: 0x7fa873e12101 <null>
children: 0x7fa87004fec9 <JS array[0]>#20#
id: 0x7fa873e1a2e1 <String[4]: path>
exited: 0x7fa873e121f9 <false>
loaded: 0x7fa873e121c9 <true>
loadPromise: 0x7fa873e12101 <null>
parent: 0x7fa873e12151 <undefined>
exports: 0x7fa87004fdf1 <an Object>>#15#
#3# 0x7fa87003f7d1: 0x7fa87003f7d1 <JS Function createInternalModule>
#4# 0x7fa87004ce29: 0x7fa87004ce29 <a Module>>
filename: 0x7fa873e12101 <null>
children: 0x7fa87004d6c1 <JS array[0]>#21#
id: 0x7fa873e1a291 <String[5]: posix>
exited: 0x7fa873e121f9 <false>
loaded: 0x7fa873e121c9 <true>
loadPromise: 0x7fa873e12101 <null>
parent: 0x7fa873e12151 <undefined>
exports: 0x7fa87004cf39 <an Object>>#17#
#5# 0x7fa870053c29: 0x7fa870053c29 <JS Object>
_events: 0x7fa870055739 <an Object>>#22#
_blocking: 0x7fa873e121f9 <false>
hasFired: 0x7fa873e121c9 <true>
_hasFired: 0x7fa873e121f9 <false>
#6# 0x7fa87003f8d9: 0xAborted
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