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Last active December 18, 2015 01:28
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pdx.rb Redis presentation notes
# Redis memory dump tool
# Generate dump csv
rdb -c memory dump.rdb >dump.csv
# Filter out unique IDs from Redis key names
time cat dump.csv | ruby -pe '$_.gsub! /:\d+:/, ":"' >keys.csv
# ... or in Perl
time cat dump.csv | perl -pe 's/:\d+:/:/g' >keys.csv
# CSVKit
# Import CSV file into a sqlite database using csvkit
csvsql -i sqlite keys.csv | sqlite3 keys.db
sqlite3 keys.db
.mode csv
.import ./keys.csv keys
# Analyze in sqlite
SELECT key,ROUND(AVG(num_elements)),SUM(size_in_bytes)/1024/1024 FROM keys GROUP BY key;
# Write a script to truncate
bundle exec rails console
User.find_each do |user|
zset = "recommendable:users:#{}:recommended_wiggles"
Recommendable.redis.zremrangebyrank(zset, 0, -101)
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