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Created August 25, 2012 12:59
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Ruby on Rails Sortable/Reorderable lists on STI models using ranked_model, Twitter Bootstrap and inherited_resources
%h1= "Listing " + "#{resource_name}s"
= link_to "All #{resource_name(item: resource_class.superclass)}s", polymorphic_path([:admin, resource_class.superclass]), class: 'btn'
= link_to "Add #{resource_name}", new_resource_path, class: 'btn-primary btn'
%table.table.table-bordered.table-striped#sortable{:data => {update_url: polymorphic_path([:sort, :admin, resource_class])}}
- attributes.each do |attr|
%th= resource_class.human_attribute_name(attr)
- collection.each do |resource|
%tr{data: {item_id: "#{}"}, class: 'item'}
- attributes.each do |attr|
%td= resource.public_send(attr).to_s.truncate(20)
= link_to 'show', resource_path(resource), :class => 'btn'
= link_to 'edit', edit_resource_path(resource), :class => 'btn btn-primary'
= link_to 'destroy', resource_path(resource), method: :delete, confirm: "Are you sure?", :class => 'btn btn-danger'
#sortable {
tr {
cursor: row-resize;
jQuery ->
#this is a fix; when a tr is dragged with jQuery UI sortable
#the cells lose their width
cells = $('.table').find('tr')[0].cells.length
desired_width = 940 / cells + 'px'
$('.table td').css('width', desired_width)
axis: 'y'
items: 'tr'
stop: (e, ui) ->
ui.item.children('td').effect('highlight', {}, 1000)
update: (e, ui) ->
item_id ='item_id')
position = ui.item.index()
type: 'POST'
url: $(this).data('update_url')
dataType: 'json'
data: { id: item_id, menu_item: { row_order_position: position } }
module Admin::ResourcesHelper
def attributes
resource_class.attribute_names - %w(id created_at updated_at row_order)
# resource_class is an inherited_resources helper method
# resource_name(item: resource_class.superclass) # => Menu Item (from a model that inherits from MenuItem)
# resource_name # => Burger
def resource_name(options = {})
options[:item] ||= resource_class
class Admin::ResourcesController < Admin::ApplicationController
respond_to :html
def sort
@menu_item = resource_class.find(params[:id])
@menu_item.attributes = params[:menu_item]
render nothing: true
def collection
collection_variable_name = controller_name.gsub(/^/, '@').to_sym
instance_variable_set(collection_variable_name, resource_class.rank(:row_order).all)