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Created September 21, 2013 00:33
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  • Save benwurth/6645727 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save benwurth/6645727 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple script for Adobe After Effects that generates 10 separate null objects with keyframe data for different audio frequency bands. You can then use these nulls to set up a responsive graphical equalizer (frequency analyzer).
//Begin Undo group
app.beginUndoGroup("Generate Graphical Equalizer");
//How far apart each null is placed across the screen
var nullPlacementWidth = 0;
//Creates a variable that holds the selected comp
var curItem = app.project.activeItem;
//Creates an array that stores the lowpass values and the highpass values
var lowVals = [1,60,170,310,600,1000,3000,6000,12000,16000];
var highVals = [60,170,310,600,1000,3000,6000,12000,16000,20000];
//An array to hold the null objects
var eqNulls = [];
//An array to hold the audio layers with EQ data
var eqAudio = [];
//Create a variable to hold the control audio layer
var controlAudioLayer = null;
function placeNulls()
nullPlacementWidth = curItem.width / divisionNumber;
//TODO: Write code to place nulls
function createNulls()
for(i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
//Setting the null we're currently working with
var curNull = eqNulls[i];
//Adding the null
curNull = curItem.layers.addNull();
//Changing the layer name = lowVals[i] + " - " + highVals[i] + " band";
//Defining the effects group
var effectsGroup = curNull("Effects");
//Adding a slider control
effectsGroup.addProperty("ADBE Slider Control");
//Sending the layer to get the audio data from the proper eqNull
function ampTransfer(curLayer)
//TODO: Add code
function audioDuplicate(control)
for(i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
//Creates a duplicate of the control
eqAudio[i] = control.duplicate();
//Turns on the track
eqAudio[i].audioEnabled = true;
//Names the duplicate
eqAudio[i].name = lowVals[i] + " - " + highVals[i] + " band";
//Adds the highpass
addHighLow(eqAudio[i], true, highVals[i]);
//Adds the lowpass
addHighLow(eqAudio[i], false, highVals[i]);
app.executeCommand(app.findMenuCommandId("Convert Audio to Keyframes"));
curItem.layer(1).name = lowVals[i] + " - " + highVals[i] + " band";
//Turns the audio off so as not to interfere with the other tracks
eqAudio[i].audioEnabled = false;
function addHighLow(curLayer, highBool, freqVal)
var effectsGroup = curLayer("Effects");
var effectBase = effectsGroup.addProperty("ADBE Aud HiLo");
//Changes the Cutoff frequency
// var highLowPass ="ADBE Effect Parade").property("ADBE Aud HiLo");
if (!highBool)
{"ADBE Aud HiLo-0001").setValue(2);
}"ADBE Aud HiLo-0002").setValueAtTime(0, freqVal);
function main()
//Check to see if a single layer is selected
if(curItem.selectedLayers.length != 1)
alert("Please select ONE layer with audio.");
//Check to see if curent layer is a footage layer
if (curItem.selectedLayers[0].matchName != "ADBE AV Layer")
alert("Please select a layer with audio.");
//Check to see if the current layer has a sound component
if (!(curItem.selectedLayers[0].hasAudio))
alert("Please select a layer with audio.");
//Set selected audio layer as the control audio layer
controlAudioLayer = curItem.selectedLayers[0];
//Duplicate audio layers
//Create the nulls
//End Undo group
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