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Forked from anthumchris/post-receive
Created March 29, 2017 18:25
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Git Push to Deploy — Instantly deploy your local Git repository to your remote web server
# This script will push your local repository's latest commit to a remote repository on your server.
# It's useful for quickly pushing your local changes to deployment servers (Dev, Stage, Prod/Live, etc.)
# This file should be placed in your remote server's project's git hooks folder and named .git/hooks/post-receive.
# Security reminder: Your web server should not allow access to the /.git folder URL
# Ensure that this script is executable:
# $ chmod +x .git/hooks/post-receive
# Configure your repository to update its current branch after we push to it:
# $ git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore
# From your local repository, add the Git remote where this file resides (i.e. your Stage server)
# $ git remote add stage
# From any branch in your local repository, push the current commit to Stage's master branch. (Use --force flag when you require)
# $ git push stage HEAD:master
# Exit on Errors
set -e
# Script excutes from .git/ folder, so back up one to get deploy path
DEPLOY_PATH=$(cd ..; pwd)
# Specify the branch we're deploying from the push. You can also use "deploy" if you prefer to keep master unaffected
echo "Deploying branch '$DEPLOY_BRANCH' to $DEPLOY_PATH..."
git --work-tree=$DEPLOY_PATH --git-dir=$DEPLOY_PATH/.git checkout -f $DEPLOY_BRANCH
echo "Successfully deployed to $DEPLOY_PATH"
# You can add your project's build, cache-clearing, or other scripts here. For example:
# gulp -cwd $DEPLOY_PATH build
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