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Last active July 10, 2018 19:08
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Backup Scripts
# Run this script with sudo
[ `whoami` = root ] || { echo "Need to run as root"; exit 1; }
# Update config here and run the script - example values used below
export PASSPHRASE="12345678901234567890"
# Specify full system paths from the root
export backupDirectory="/network/path/to/backps"
export restoreDirectory="/tmp/restore-data/"
duplicity --file-to-restore / "file://$backupDirectory" "$restoreDirectory"
# Backup Script
# Backs up docker directory to a remote encryped SMB share with guest permissions
# May add smb user permissions in the future
# Uncomment to debug
# set -x
## Config
# export DEBUG="1"
export DEBUG="0"
export localDirs="/local/dir/to/backup"
export localDescription="Description of backup job here to be put in notification mail"
export localTmpMountPath="/tmp/backupmount"
export remoteSmbHost=""
export remoteSmbShare="ShareName"
export remoteSmbPathInShare="subdir/in/share"
# Used to encrypt the backups - storing this in a file allows it
# to only be read by root, while other users can see this script
export passwordFile="/opt/backups/pwfile"
export alertFromAddr=""
export alertFromName="Backups User"
## Helper Functions
# Send success message along with some further information about the backup run
function successMail() {
echo "Sending backup report to recipients"
for m in $alertAddresses ; do
if [[ "$DEBUG" = "1" ]] ; then
echo " - sending alert message to $m"
echo -e "Duplicity backup run completed sucessfully on '$HOSTNAME' with the following settings: \n\nDEST: $remoteSmbHost/$remoteSmbShare/$remoteSmbPathInShare\nLOCAL DIR: $localDirs \nBACKUP DESCRIPTION: $localDescription\n\n\n----------------------------------------------------\n\n\nOLD BACKUP REMOVAL OUTPUT: \n${removalResult}\n\n\nBACKUP RUN RESULT:\n${runResult}\n\n\nBACKUP VERIFY RESULT:\n${verifyResult}" | mail -s "[BACKUP] [SUCCESS] $HOSTNAME" -a "From: $alertFromName<$alertFromAddr>" "$m"
# Sends failure message on backup failure
function failMail() {
ws=" "
echo "Sending backup report to recipients"
for m in $alertAddresses ; do
if [[ "$DEBUG" = "1" ]] ; then
echo " - sending alert message to $m"
# echo -e "Duplicity backup run failed on '$HOSTNAME' with the following settings: \n\n$ws Destination: $remoteSmbHost/$remoteSmbShare/$remoteSmbPathInShare\n$ws Local dir: $localDirs \n$ws Description: $localDescription" | mail -s "[BACKUP] [FAIL] $HOSTNAME" -a "From: $alertFromName<$alertFromAddr>" "$m"
function exitFailHandler() {
# echo "$@"
# echo "$(caller)"
echo >&2 '
*** FAILURE ***
echo "An error occurred. Exiting..." >&2
exit 1
trap exitFailHandler ERR
set -e
## Error handler method
# Runs on every exit, and can handle failures so they are alerted
## Main method
# Steps accomplished below:
# 0) Read password file into variable, fail if unreadable or < 8 chars
# 1) Mount remote share - fail if no mount found after running mount command
# 2) Run duplicity 1) remove old, 2) backup, and 3) verification of backups
# 3) Cleanup mount and unmount
# 4) Alert on success
# Check if running as root
if [ $(id -u) != 0 ]; then echo "You should run this script as root."; exit 1; fi
# Check if $passwordfile is readable
if [[ -r "$passwordFile" ]] ; then
if [[ "$DEBUG" = "1" ]] ; then
echo "Password file '$passwordFile' is readable."
echo "Password file '$passwordFile' is not readable. Can not continue."
exit 1;
# Reading in password
# NOTE - don't change this variable name, it's a magic env var used by duplicity
export PASSPHRASE="$(cat $passwordFile)"
# Check to ensure length is > 8
if [[ ${#PASSPHRASE} -lt 8 ]] ; then
echo "Password specified was too short or could not be read. Exiting backup."
exit 1
# Ensure CIFS utils are installed
# Will return "0" if installed, and "1" if not installed
dpkg -l cifs-utils &> /dev/null
# which mount.cifs &> /dev/null
if [[ "$cifsNeedsInstall" = "1" ]] ; then
echo "You need to install 'cifs-utils' before you can continue."
exit 1;
elif [[ "$cifsNeedsInstall" = "0" ]] ; then
if [[ "$DEBUG" = "1" ]] ; then
echo "cifs-utils is installed - continuing with mount attempt"
echo "Unexpected result from dpkg. Can not continue."
exit 1;
# Mount remote share
mkdir -p "$localTmpMountPath"
echo "Mounting remote share"
# Unmount if mounted
umount "$localTmpMountPath" &> /dev/null || umount -l "$localTmpMountPath" &> /dev/null || true
mount -t cifs -o rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,noperm,guest "//$remoteSmbHost/$remoteSmbShare" "$localTmpMountPath"
# Catch the error so it can be handled below
mountFail="$(df -h | grep "$localTmpMountPath" &> /dev/null ; echo $?)"
if [[ "$mountFail" = "1" ]] ; then
echo "Network share could not be mounted."
exit 1;
elif [[ "$mountFail" = "0" ]] ; then
if [[ "$DEBUG" = "1" ]] ; then
echo "Mount successfully completed"
echo "Unexpected result from mount. Can not continue."
exit 1;
mkdir -p "$localTmpMountPath/$remoteSmbPathInShare/" &> /dev/null
# Mounting done - if we reached here, mount was successful
# output variables:
# OUT_REM = output of the removal
# OUT_RUN = output of the backup run
# OUT_VER = output of the backup verification
# Backup and purge old backups
echo "Removing old backups"
OUT_REM="$(duplicity remove-older-than 1Y --force file://$localTmpMountPath/$remoteSmbPathInShare/)"
# Run incremental backup, unless older than a week
echo "Running Backup"
OUT_RUN="$(duplicity --asynchronous-upload --allow-source-mismatch --full-if-older-than 1W $localDirs file://$localTmpMountPath/$remoteSmbPathInShare/)"
# Verify all the backups there
echo "Verifying backups"
OUT_VER="$(duplicity verify file://$localTmpMountPath/$remoteSmbPathInShare/ $localDirs)"
# Remove passphrase from environment
echo "Unmounting network mount"
umount "$localTmpMountPath"
successMail "${OUT_REM}" "${OUT_RUN}" "${OUT_VER}"
exit 0;
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