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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Facebot Commands

Facebot Commands


[spotify link] returns info about the link (track, artist, etc.)
[dribbble URL] brings up image from the URL
face google me [query] Googles [query] & returns 1st result’s URL
face wiki me [query] Searches for [query] on Wikipedia.
face youtube me [query] Searches YouTube for the query and returns the video embed link.
face map me [query] Returns a map view of the area returned by `query`.
face there’s a gem for [that] Returns a link to a gem on
git help [topic]
face bitcoin price (in) [currency]
face lmgtfy [optional @username] [some query]
face imdb the matrix
face rotten [me] [movie]
face what’s coming out in theaters?
face what’s coming out on (dvd/bluray)? there is not a distinction between dvd and bluray
face what’s in theaters?
face github search [repo] [query] Search for [query] in [repo] or anywhere
face show [me] [repo] pulls Show open pulls for face_GITHUB_USER/[repo], if face_GITHUB_USER is configured
face show [me] [user/repo] pulls [with [regular expression]] Shows open pull requests for that project by filtering pull request’s title.
face show [me] org-pulls [for [organization]] Show open pulls for all repositories of an organization, default is face_GITHUB_ORG
face urban define me [term] Searches Urban Dictionary and returns definition
face urban example me [term] Searches Urban Dictionary and returns example
face urban me [term] Searches Urban Dictionary and returns definition
face what is [term]? Searches Urban Dictionary and returns definition

Get N

face news Get the latest headlines
face news [topic] Get the latest headlines for a specific topic refer to the top item on hn
hn[i] refer to the ith item on hn
face hn top [N] get the top N items on hacker news (or your favorite RSS feed)
face (depress/dribbble/inspire) me brings up popular images

Get Image

face image me [query] The Original. Queries Google Images for [query] and returns a random top result.
face animate me [query] The same thing as `image me`, except adds a few parameters to try to return an animated GIF instead.
face beer me returns the latest beer discussed on beer advocate with picture
face beer me [beer name] Information about a beer
it’s a trap Display an Admiral Ackbar piece of wonder
sarcastic applause/clap Get sarcastic applause
scotch me supply a user with scotch
ship it Display a motivation squirrel
thanks obama A random image from
haters Returns a random haters gonna hate url
face pug bomb N get N pugs
face pug me Receive a pug

Create Image

face mustache me [query] Searches Google Images for the specified query and mustaches it.
face mustache me [url] Adds a mustache to the specified URL.
face [text] (SUCCESS/NAILED IT) Generates success kid with the top caption of [text]
face [text] ALL the [things] Generates ALL THE THINGS
face [text] TOO DAMN [high] Generates THE RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH guy
face [text], BITCH PLEASE [text] Generates Yao Ming
face [text], COURAGE [text] Generates Courage Wolf
face Aliens guy [text] Aliens guy weighs in on something
face All your [text] are belong to [text] All your [text] are belong to [text]
face Brace yourself [text] Ned Stark braces for [text]
face I don’t always [something] but when i do [text] Generates The Most Interesting man in the World
face IF YOU [text] GONNA HAVE A BAD TIME Ski Instructor
face IF YOU [text] TROLLFACE [text] Troll Face
face If [text], [word that can start a question] [text]? Generates Philosoraptor
face Iron Price [text] To get [text]? Pay the iron price!
face Not sure if [something] or [something else] Generates a Futurama Fry meme
face ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY [text] Generates Boromir
face Y U NO [text] Generates the Y U NO GUY with the bottom caption of [text]
face Yo dawg [text] so [text] Generates Yo Dawg


face feed me get the URL to subscribe to your bookmark rss
face link [url] as [description] add a url to the robot brain
face link me for [description] find a link by description
face list bookmarks get a list of the 15 most recent bookmarks
face list links List all of the links that are being tracked
face pin [url] as [description] add a url to your pinboard feed


face random memory Returns a random string
face remember [key] Returns a string
face remember [key] is [value]. Returns nothing. Remembers the text for next time!
face show storage Display the contents that are persisted in the brain
face what are your favorite memories? Returns a list of the most remembered memories.
face what do you remember Returns everything face remembers.
face forget [key] Removes key from faces brain.


face card 2 Displays two answers for questions with two blanks
face card me Displays an answer
face cast [card name] a picture of the named magic card


face ruby/rb [script] Evaluate one line of Ruby script
face translate me [phrase] Searches for a translation for the [phrase] and then prints that bad boy out.
face translate me from [source] into [target] [phrase] Translates [phrase] from [source] into [target]. Both [source] and [target] are optional
face convert me [expression] to [units] Convert expression to given units.
face math me [expression] Calculate the given expression.
face roll (die/one) Roll one six-sided dice
face roll Generates a random number between 1 and 100 inclusive
face roll [num] Generates a random number between 1 and [num] inclusive
face roll [num]-[num2] Generates a random number between [num] and [num2] inclusive
face roll [x]d[y] roll x dice, each of which has y sides
face roll dice Roll two six-sided dice
countdown [for] #meetupname# e.g. countdown punerbmeetup
countdown clear
countdown delete #meetupname# e.g. countdown delete seattlerbmeetup
countdown list
countdown set #meetupname# #datestring# e.g. countdown set punerbmeetup 21 Jan 2014


face help Displays all of the help commands that face knows about.
face help [query] Displays all help commands that match [query].
face echo [text] Reply back with [text]
debug {user: [user object to send message to]}
face die End face process
face ping Reply with pong
face time Reply with current time
face chat Tell face to make something fun to chat about
face insult [name] give [name] the what-for
face ambush [user name]: [message]
face pinkman me bitch Random quote from Pinkman
face the rules Make sure face still knows the rules.
face designer excuse Get a random designer excuse
face designer excuse me Get a random designer excuse
face developer excuse Get a random developer excuse
face developer excuse me Get a random developer excuse
face strategy Suggests a strategy
face a strategy for [user] Suggests a strategy to user
face decide “[option 1]” “[option 2]” “[option x]” Randomly picks an option
face decide [option1] [option2] [option3] Randomly picks an option


face [user] doesn’t have [role] role Removes a role from a user
face [user] has [role] role Assigns a role to a user
face [user] is a badass guitarist assign a role to a user
face [user] is not a badass guitarist remove a role from a user
face what role does [user] have Find out what roles are assigned to a specific user
face who has admin role Find out who’s an admin and can assign roles
face who is [user] see what roles a user has
face show users Display all users that face knows about
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