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Created February 26, 2019 20:51
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Windows Service Restart and Slack Log
#---------------------------------[Slack Setup]---------------------------------
#bot name to post into slack
$slackBotName = "YourSlackBotName"
#your slack webhook key - blank for no trigger
#slack channel to post into
$slackChannel = "#YourChannel"
#---------------------------------[Services Setup]---------------------------------
$servicesToMonitor = "Xbox Live Auth Manager", "Windows Search", "MyServiceNotInstalled"
#what should the service start timeout be?
$servicesTimeout = "00:00:30" ##30 seconds by default
function waitUntilServices($service, $status)
# Wait for the service to reach the $status or until timeout
$service.WaitForStatus($status, $servicesTimeout)
function logToSlack($message)
#setup payload - customise as needed.
$slackPayload = @{
"channel" = $slackChannel
"icon_emoji" = ":world_map:"
"text" = "[{0}] {2} - {1}" -f $env:COMPUTERNAME, $message, $(Get-Date -Format T)
"username" = $slackBotName
#slack enabled? If so, fire it off!
if ($slackKey)
#send message to slack always.
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Body (ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject $slackPayload) `
-Method Post `
-Uri "$slackKey" | Out-Null
#iterate each of the services
foreach ($s in $servicesToMonitor)
#check if service exists.
if(Get-Service -DisplayName $s -ea 0){
#fetch service
$svc = Get-Service -DisplayName $s
Write-Host "Processing " $svc.DisplayName
if ($svc.Status -eq "Stopped")
logToSlack ("{0} service was stopped, we will start" -f $s)
#start it.
waitUntilServices $svc "Running"
catch { #catch it...
logToSlack ("ERROR - {0} could NOT BE STARTED and needs to be investigated" -f $s)
elseif ($svc.Status -eq "Running") #service already running
logToSlack ("{0} service was running, leaving it be" -f $s)
else #service was not running or stopped, maybe "starting" or "stopping" etc.. needs to be looked at by a human.
logToSlack ("WARNING - {0} was not Stopped OR Running, needs to be investigated" -f $s)
else #service could not be found on system
Write-Host "Could not find " $s
logToSlack ("WARNING - {0} service was not found on this system" -f $s)
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