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Last active September 18, 2018 18:31
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pragma solidity ^0.4.7;
contract ChefFactory {
event CreateChef(address _address);
struct Chef {
uint8 cooking_ability; // Personal Cooking Rating 1-10
uint8 baddaboops; // Acquired Taste Rating 1-10
Chef[] chef_listing;
mapping(address => uint) chef_mapping;
function createChef(address _address, uint8 _cooking_ability) internal {
require(chef_mapping[_address] == 0, "Chef for that address already exists.");
assert(_cooking_ability >= 1 && _cooking_ability <= 10);
Chef memory chef = Chef({
cooking_ability: _cooking_ability,
baddaboops: 1
chef_mapping[_address] = chef_listing.length;
emit CreateChef(_address);
function hasChef(address _address) public view returns(bool) {
return chef_mapping[_address] != 0;
function getChef(address _address) public view returns (uint8, uint8) {
require(chef_mapping[_address] != 0, "Chef with given address does not exist.");
Chef memory chef = chef_listing[chef_mapping[_address]-1];
return (chef.cooking_ability, chef.baddaboops);
function getCurrentChef() public view returns (uint8, uint8) {
return getChef(msg.sender);
pragma solidity ^0.4.7;
import "./TasteLibrary.sol";
contract CustomerFactory {
event CreateCustomer(address _address);
struct Customer {
Taste.TastePreference taste_preference;
Customer[] customer_listing;
mapping(address => uint) customer_mapping;
function createCustomer(address _address, Taste.TastePreference _pref) internal {
require(customer_mapping[_address] == 0, "Given address is already a customer.");
Customer memory customer = Customer({
taste_preference: _pref
customer_mapping[_address] = customer_listing.length;
emit CreateCustomer(_address);
function hasCustomer (address _address) public view returns(bool) {
return customer_mapping[_address] != 0;
function getCustomer (address _address) public view returns(Taste.TastePreference) {
require(customer_mapping[_address] != 0, "Given Customer does not exist");
Customer memory customer = customer_listing[customer_mapping[_address]-1];
return customer.taste_preference;
pragma solidity ^0.4.7;
import "./TasteLibrary.sol";
// Customers Open a bounty, multiple chefs can draft solutions
// TasteTesters test out drafts and rate them.
// Customer can then claim what they deem the 'best',
// and the Chef who is claimed is rewarded.
contract RecipeBountyFactory {
struct RecipeBounty {
string name;
string description;
uint256 reward;
RecipeBounty[] recipe_listing;
mapping(address => uint) recipe_mapping;
// ...
pragma solidity ^0.4.7;
import "./UserFactory.sol";
import "./CustomerFactory.sol";
import "./ChefFactory.sol";
import "./TasteTesterFactory.sol";
import "./TasteLibrary.sol";
contract RecipeExchangeMediator is UserFactory, CustomerFactory,
ChefFactory, TasteTesterFactory
modifier isRegisteredUser(address _address) {
require(user_mapping[_address] != 0, "User is not Registered.");
function registerUser(string _name, string _email) public {
createUser(msg.sender, _name, _email);
function registerChef(uint8 _rating) public isRegisteredUser(msg.sender) {
createChef(msg.sender, _rating);
function registerCustomer(Taste.TastePreference _pref) public isRegisteredUser(msg.sender) {
createCustomer(msg.sender, _pref);
function registerTasteTester() public isRegisteredUser(msg.sender) {
pragma solidity ^0.4.7;
library Taste {
pragma solidity ^0.4.7;
import "./TasteLibrary.sol";
contract TasteTesterFactory {
event CreateTasteTester(address _address);
struct TasteTester {
Taste.TastePreference taste_preference;
TasteTester[] tasteTester_listing;
mapping(address => uint) tasteTester_mapping;
function createTasteTester(address _address) internal {
require(tasteTester_mapping[_address] == 0, "TasteTester for account already exists.");
TasteTester memory tasteTester = TasteTester({
taste_preference: Taste.TastePreference.NONE
tasteTester_mapping[_address] = tasteTester_listing.length;
emit CreateTasteTester(_address);
function hasTasteTester(address _address) public view returns(bool) {
return tasteTester_mapping[_address] != 0;
function getTasteTester(address _address) public view returns(Taste.TastePreference) {
require(tasteTester_mapping[_address] != 0, "TasteTester does not exist.");
TasteTester memory tasteTester = tasteTester_listing[tasteTester_mapping[_address]-1];
return tasteTester.taste_preference;
function getCurrentTasteTester() public view returns(Taste.TastePreference) {
return getTasteTester(msg.sender);
pragma solidity ^0.4.7;
contract UserFactory {
event CreateUser(address _address);
struct User {
string name;
string email;
User[] user_listing;
mapping(address => uint) user_mapping;
function createUser(address _address, string _name, string _email) internal {
require(user_mapping[_address] == 0, "User with given address already exists.");
assert(bytes(_name).length > 0);
assert(bytes(_email).length > 0);
User memory user = User({
name: _name,
email: _email
user_mapping[_address] = user_listing.length;
emit CreateUser(_address);
function hasUser(address _address) public view returns (bool) {
return user_mapping[_address] != 0;
function getUser(address _address) public view returns (string, string) {
require(user_mapping[_address] != 0, "User with given address does not exist.");
User memory user = user_listing[user_mapping[_address]-1];
return (,;
function getCurrentUser() public view returns (string, string) {
require(user_mapping[msg.sender] != 0, "Current user does not exist.");
return getUser(msg.sender);
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