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Last active April 25, 2018 06:21
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LAMP Easy installation Bash Script.



LAMP is a powerful bash script for the installation of Apache + PHP + MySQL/MariaDB/Percona Server and so on. You can install Apache + PHP + MySQL/MariaDB/Percona Server in an very easy way, just need to choose what you want to install before installation. And all things will be done in a few minutes.

Supported System

  • CentOS-6.x
  • CentOS-7.x
  • Ubuntu-14.x
  • Ubuntu-15.x
  • Ubuntu-16.x
  • Ubuntu-17.x
  • Debian-7.x
  • Debian-8.x
  • Debian-9.x

Supported Software

  • Apache-2.4 (Include HTTP/2 module: mod_http2)
  • Apache Additional Modules: mod_wsgi, mod_security, mod_jk
  • MySQL-5.5, MySQL-5.6, MySQL-5.7, MariaDB-5.5, MariaDB-10.0, MariaDB-10.1, MariaDB-10.2, Percona-Server-5.5, Percona-Server-5.6, Percona-Server-5.7
  • PHP-5.6, PHP-7.0, PHP-7.1, PHP-7.2
  • PHP Additional Modules: opcache, ioncube_loaders, xcache, imagick, gmagick, libsodium, memcached, redis, mongodb, swoole, xdebug
  • Other Software: ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick, Memcached, phpMyAdmin, Redis-Server


  • If your server system: CentOS
yum -y install wget screen git
git clone
cd lamp
chmod +x *.sh
screen -S lamp
  • If your server system: Debian/Ubuntu
apt-get -y install wget screen git
git clone
cd lamp
chmod +x *.sh
screen -S lamp


git pull                 // Get latest version

./             // Select one to upgrade
./ apache      // Upgrade Apache
./ db          // Upgrade MySQL/MariaDB/Percona
./ php         // Upgrade PHP
./ phpmyadmin  // Upgrade phpMyAdmin


  • You must modify the config before run it
  • Backup MySQL/MariaDB/Percona datebases, files and directories
  • Backup file is encrypted with AES256-cbc with SHA1 message-digest (option)
  • Auto transfer backup file to Google Drive (need install gdrive command) (option)
  • Auto transfer backup file to FTP server (option)
  • Auto delete Google Drive's or FTP server's remote file (option)



Default Location

Apache Location Path
Install Prefix /usr/local/apache
Web root location /data/www/default
Main Configuration File /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Default Virtual Host conf /usr/local/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Virtual Host location /data/www/virtual_host_names
Virtual Host log location /data/wwwlog/virtual_host_names
Virtual Host conf /usr/local/apache/conf/vhost/virtual_host.conf
PHP Location Path
Install Prefix /usr/local/php
Configuration File /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini
ini additional location /usr/local/php/php.d
MySQL Location Path
Install Prefix /usr/local/mysql
Data Location /usr/local/mysql/data
my.cnf Configuration File /etc/my.cnf
MariaDB Location Path
Install Prefix /usr/local/mariadb
Data Location /usr/local/mariadb/data
my.cnf Configuration File /etc/my.cnf
Percona Location Path
Install Prefix /usr/local/percona
Data Location /usr/local/percona/data
my.cnf Configuration File /etc/my.cnf

Process Management

Process Command
Apache /etc/init.d/httpd (start|stop|status|restart)
MySQL /etc/init.d/mysqld (start|stop|status|restart)
MariaDB /etc/init.d/mysqld (start|stop|status|restart)
Percona /etc/init.d/mysqld (start|stop|status|restart)
Memcached /etc/init.d/memcached (start|stop|restart)
Redis-Server /etc/init.d/redis-server (start|stop|restart)

lamp Command

Command Description
lamp add create a virtual host
lamp list list all virtual host
lamp del remove a virtual host

Bugs & Issues

Please feel free to report any bugs or issues to us, or open issues on Github.

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