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Last active March 3, 2018 18:00
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(ns dijkstra.core
(:require [ :refer [priority-map]]))
(def ^:private ^:const infinity ##Inf)
(defmacro infinity? [x] `(= ~x ##Inf))
(defn- construct-path [m start end]
(loop [weight 0
path (list)
v end]
(if (= v start)
{:path (cons v path) :weight weight}
(let [[w cost] (get m v)]
(recur (+ weight cost) (cons v path) w)))))
(defn dijkstra
([vertices neighbour-fn weight-fn]
(->> (map #(dijkstra vertices % neighbour-fn weight-fn) vertices)
(reduce into)
([vertices start neighbour-fn weight-fn]
(filter some? (map #(dijkstra vertices start % neighbour-fn weight-fn) vertices)))
([vertices start end neighbour-fn weight-fn]
(loop [paths (transient {})
xs (-> (priority-map)
(into (map vector vertices (repeat infinity)))
(assoc start 0))]
(when-let [[v s-v-cost] (peek xs)]
(cond (infinity? s-v-cost) nil ; only unreachable vertices are left
(= v end) (construct-path (persistent! paths) start end)
:else (let [[updated-paths ys]
(reduce (fn [[paths xs :as acc] w]
(if-let [s-w-cost (get xs w)] ; may have already removed w from xs
(let [v-w-cost (weight-fn v w)
s-v-w-cost (+ s-v-cost v-w-cost)]
(if (< s-v-w-cost s-w-cost)
[(assoc! paths w [v v-w-cost]) (assoc xs w s-v-w-cost)]
[paths (pop xs)]
(neighbour-fn v))]
(recur updated-paths ys)))))))
(def g {:t {:x 10 :y 7}
:x {:t 20 :y 8}
:y {:x 5}
:s {:a 7 :b 2 :c 3}
:a {:s 7 :b 3 :d 4}
:b {:s 2 :a 3 :d 4 :h 1}
:d {:a 4 :b 4 :f 5}
:g {:e 2 :h 2}
:h {:b 1 :f 3 :g 2}
:f {:d 5 :h 3}
:c {:s 3 :l 2}
:l {:c 2 :i 4 :j 4}
:i {:l 4 :j 6 :k 4}
:j {:l 4 :i 6 :k 4}
:k {:i 4 :j 4 :e 5}
:e {:g 2 :k 5}})
(def result (dijkstra (keys g)
(fn get-neighbours [node] (keys (get g node)))
(fn get-edge-weight [& nodes] (get-in g nodes)) ; (constantly 1)
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