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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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rose tree paths
import Data.Maybe
data Tree a = Node a [Tree a] deriving (Show)
t = Node 1 [ Node 2 [ Node 3 [] ], Node 4 [], Node 5 [ Node 6 [] ] ]
paths :: Tree a -> [[a]]
paths (Node n []) = [[n]]
paths (Node n xs) = map ((:) n . concat . paths) xs
-- paths t
-- [[1,2,3], [1,4], [1,5,6]]
filterPaths :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> [[a]]
filterPaths f tree = catMaybes . map sequence $ g f tree
where g f (Node n []) = case (f n) of
True -> [[Just n]]
_ -> [[Nothing]]
g f (Node n ns) = case (f n) of
True -> map ((:) (Just n) . concat . (g f)) ns
_ -> [[Nothing]]
-- filterPaths (/= 2) t
-- [[1,4],[1,5,6]]
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