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ldodds /
Last active September 2, 2023 01:15
How to make your own Xanadu demo

Twitter informed that a demo of Xanadu had launched, so I went to have a look. The demo only works in Firefox and it seems to be a cut down version of demos that I've seen Ted Nelson give in the past. But still: running code in the wild.

I met Ted Nelson once when we both spoke at an STM Innovations conference in 2006. I suspect he wouldn't have agreed with my much of my talk which looked at the web as a hypertext system and compared it with earlier approaches. My point of view was that we could bring those features back into the web by creating new services and by exploiting Javascript and web browsers to upgrade our experience of using the web. Evolution doesn't need to happen in a coordinated centralised way.

(When I say I met Ted Nelson, I meant that I shyly sat next to him at lunch while he expounded on various topics and fiddled with the tape recorder he was using to record all his conversations. So maybe, "met" isn't the right word (he won't

thebouv /
Last active May 7, 2024 08:33
ducks: linux command for the 10 largest files in current directory
du -cks * | sort -rn | head -11
# Usually set this up in my bash profile as an alias:
# alias ducks='du -cks * | sort -rn | head -11'
# Because it is fun to type ducks on the command line. :)
blackfalcon /
Last active April 13, 2024 07:33
Git basics - a general workflow

Git-workflow vs feature branching

When working with Git, there are two prevailing workflows are Git workflow and feature branches. IMHO, being more of a subscriber to continuous integration, I feel that the feature branch workflow is better suited, and the focus of this article.

If you are new to Git and Git-workflows, I suggest reading the Git Workflow article in addition to this as there is more detail there than presented here.

I admit, using Bash in the command line with the standard configuration leaves a bit to be desired when it comes to awareness of state. A tool that I suggest using follows these instructions on setting up GIT Bash autocompletion. This tool will assist you to better visualize the state of a branc

nylen / inject.js
Last active December 13, 2021 16:53
JavaScript file to allow injecting scripts into a page using GreaseMonkey/TamperMonkey and running a callback when loading is complete. Based on .
function inject(src, callback) {
if (typeof callback != 'function') callback = function() { };
var el;
if (typeof src != 'function' && /\.css[^\.]*$/.test(src)) {
el = document.createElement('link');
el.type = 'text/css';
el.rel = 'stylesheet';
el.href = src;
enricmcalvo / gist:6151178
Last active February 21, 2024 19:53
RDP SSL tunneling

RDP SSL tunneling with stunnel

stunnel utility can be used to tunnel RDP connexions through HTTPS/SSL in order to pass through proxies. It served the same purpose as the Microsoft RDP gateway, but without requirements for Windows Server and licences. I use it for connections to my home PC from work.

General configuration

The 2 sides for the RDP connexion are :

  • The server side :
  • The server is the PC you want to connect to (typically your home PC). Remote connections have to be enabled in the computer properties of that machine, and the local firewall adjusted for corresponding traffic (TCP 3389).

LogShark is a simple utility to collect logs from an Android device using a PC.

I created this to help Android developers collect information from their app's users. This information can be very useful for debugging purposes.

From Android version 4.1 (Jelly Bean) onwards, it has become difficult to collect this information through the device itself. Hence the need for an app that runs on the PC.

Note that the collection of information is entirely voluntary. Moreover, the user can (and should) review the information before sending it to developers or other people.


killnine / Form1.cs
Created September 27, 2012 17:19
Asynchronous TreeView-builder Proof-Of-Concept
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace View
public partial class Form1 : Form
BrockA / checkForBadJavascripts.js
Created May 6, 2012 06:11
This is a utility function, meant to be used inside a Greasemonkey script that has the "@run-at document-start" directive set. It Checks for and deletes or replaces specific <script> tags.
/*--- checkForBadJavascripts()
This is a utility function, meant to be used inside a Greasemonkey script that
has the "@run-at document-start" directive set.
It Checks for and deletes or replaces specific <script> tags.
function checkForBadJavascripts (controlArray) {
/*--- Note that this is a self-initializing function. The controlArray
parameter is only active for the FIRST call. After that, it is an
event listener.
azproduction / LICENSE.txt
Created November 28, 2011 14:03 — forked from 140bytes/LICENSE.txt
A turing machine in 79! bytes of javascript
Version 2, December 2004
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.
koenbollen / Screen.cs
Created April 18, 2011 14:43
A simple but complete ScreenManager for XNA.
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using System.Linq;
namespace Screens
/// <summary>
/// This is a screen that can be added to the ScreenManager. Extend it and add components
/// to it in the Initialize() method. You can also override the Update() and Draw() method.
/// </summary>