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object detection error analysis article - Classify the errors of an object detection model
# Copyright © 2022 Bernat Puig Camps
from typing import Dict, Set, Tuple
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import torchvision
ERRORS_DF_COLUMNS = ["pred_id", "target_id", "error_type"]
class ErrorType:
OK = "correct" # pred -> IoU > foreground; target_label == pred_label; highest score
CLS = "classification" # pred -> IoU > foreground; target_label != pred_label
LOC = "localization" # pred -> background < IoU < foreground; target_label == pred_label
CLS_LOC = "cls & loc" # pred -> background < IoU < foreground; target_label != pred_label
DUP = "duplicate" # pred -> background < IoU < foreground; target_label != pred_label
BKG = "background" # pred -> IoU > foreground; target_label == pred_label; no highest score
MISS = "missed" # target -> No pred with Iou > background
def classify_predictions_errors(
targets_df: pd.DataFrame,
preds_df: pd.DataFrame,
iou_background: float = BACKGROUND_IOU_THRESHOLD,
iou_foreground: float = FOREGROUND_IOU_THRESHOLD,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Classify predictions
We assume model is right as much as possible. Thus, in case of doubt
(i.e matching two targets), a prediction will be first considered
ErrorType.LOC before ErrorType.CLS.
The error definition credit belongs to the following paper (refer to it for
conceptual details):
TIDE: A General Toolbox for Identifying Object Detection Errors
:param targets_df: DataFrame with all targets for all images with TARGETS_DF_COLUMNS.
:param preds_df: DataFrame with all predictions for all images with PREDS_DF_COLUMNS.
:param iou_background: Minimum IoU for a prediction not to be considered background.
:param iou_foreground: Minimum IoU for a prediction to be considered foreground.
:return errors_df: DataFrame with all error information with ERRORS_DF_COLUMNS
# Provide clarity on expectations and avoid confusing errors down the line
assert (set(TARGETS_DF_COLUMNS) - set(targets_df.columns)) == set()
assert (set(PREDS_DF_COLUMNS) - set(preds_df.columns)) == set()
pred2error = dict() # {pred_id: ErrorType}
target2pred = (
) # {target_id: pred_id}, require iou > iou_foreground & max score
pred2target = dict() # {pred_id: target_id}, require iou >= iou_background
missed_targets = set() # {target_id}
# Higher scoring preds take precedence when multiple fulfill criteria
preds_df = preds_df.sort_values(by="score", ascending=False)
for image_id, im_preds_df in preds_df.groupby("image_id"):
# Need to reset index to access dfs with same idx we access
# IoU matrix down the line
im_targets_df = targets_df.query("image_id == @image_id").reset_index(
im_preds_df = im_preds_df.reset_index(drop=True)
if im_targets_df.empty:
pred2error = {**pred2error, **_process_empty_image(im_preds_df)}
iou_matrix, iou_label_match_matrix = _compute_iou_matrices(
im_targets_df, im_preds_df
# Iterate over all predictions. Higher scores first
for pred_idx in range(len(im_preds_df)):
match_found = _match_pred_to_target_with_same_label(
if match_found:
missed_targets = _find_missed_targets(targets_df, pred2target)
errors_df = _format_errors_as_dataframe(
pred2error, pred2target, missed_targets
return errors_df[list(ERRORS_DF_COLUMNS)]
def _process_empty_image(im_preds_df: pd.DataFrame) -> Dict[int, str]:
"""In an image without targets, all predictions represent a background error"""
return {
pred_id: ErrorType.BKG for pred_id in im_preds_df["pred_id"].unique()
def _compute_iou_matrices(
im_targets_df: pd.DataFrame, im_preds_df: pd.DataFrame
) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]:
"""Compute IoU matrix between all targets and preds in the image
:param im_targets_df: DataFrame with targets for the image being processed.
:param im_preds_df: DataFrame with preds for the image being processed.
iou_matrix: Matrix of size (n_targets, n_preds) with IoU between all
targets & preds
iou_label_match_matrix: Same as `iou_matrix` but 0 for all target-pred
pair with different labels (i.e. IoU kept only if labels match).
# row indexes point to targets, column indexes to predictions
iou_matrix = iou_matrix = torchvision.ops.box_iou(
im_targets_df[["xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax"]].values
torch.from_numpy(im_preds_df[["xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax"]].values),
# boolean matrix with True iff target and pred have the same label
label_match_matrix = (
im_targets_df["label_id"].values[:, None]
== im_preds_df["label_id"].values[None, :]
# IoU matrix with 0 in all target-pred pairs that have different label
iou_label_match_matrix = iou_matrix * label_match_matrix
return iou_matrix, iou_label_match_matrix
def _match_pred_to_target_with_same_label(
pred_idx: int,
pred2error: Dict[int, str],
pred2target: Dict[int, int],
target2pred: Dict[int, int],
iou_label_match_matrix: np.array,
im_targets_df: pd.DataFrame,
im_preds_df: pd.DataFrame,
iou_background: float,
iou_foreground: float,
) -> bool:
"""Try to match `pred_idx` to a target with the same label and identify error (if any)
If there is a match `pred2error`, `pred2target` and (maybe) `target2pred`
are modified in place.
Possible error types found in this function:
ErrorType.OK, ErrorType.DUP, ErrorType.LOC
:param pred_idx: Index of prediction based on score (index 0 is maximum score for image).
:param pred2error: Dict mapping pred_id to error type.
:param pred2target: Dict mapping pred_id to target_id (if match found with iou above background)
:param target2pred: Dict mapping target_id to pred_id to pred considered correct (if any).
:param iou_label_match_matrix: Matrix with size [n_targets, n_preds] with IoU between all preds
and targets that share label (i.e. IoU = 0 if there is a label missmatch).
:param im_targets_df: DataFrame with targets for the image being processed.
:param im_preds_df: DataFrame with preds for the image being processed.
:param iou_background: Minimum IoU to consider a pred not background for target.
:param iou_foreground: Minimum IoU to consider a pred foreground for a target.
:return matched: Whether or not there was a match and we could identify the pred error.
# Find highest overlapping target for pred processed
target_idx = np.argmax(iou_label_match_matrix[:, pred_idx])
iou = np.max(iou_label_match_matrix[:, pred_idx])
target_id =[target_idx, "target_id"]
pred_id =[pred_idx, "pred_id"]
matched = False
if iou >= iou_foreground:
pred2target[pred_id] = target_id
# Check if another prediction is already the match for target to
# identify duplicates
if target2pred.get(target_id) is None:
target2pred[target_id] = pred_id
pred2error[pred_id] = ErrorType.OK
pred2error[pred_id] = ErrorType.DUP
matched = True
elif iou_background <= iou < iou_foreground:
pred2target[pred_id] = target_id
pred2error[pred_id] = ErrorType.LOC
matched = True
return matched
def _match_pred_wrong_label_or_background(
pred_idx: int,
pred2error: Dict[int, str],
pred2target: Dict[int, int],
iou_matrix: np.array,
im_targets_df: pd.DataFrame,
im_preds_df: pd.DataFrame,
iou_background: float,
iou_foreground: float,
) -> None:
"""Try to match `pred_idx` to a target (with different label) and identify error
If there is a match `pred2error` and (maybe) `pred2target` are modified in place.
Possible error types found in this function:
ErrorType.BKG, ErrorType.CLS, ErrorType.CLS_LOC
:param pred_idx: Index of prediction based on score (index 0 is maximum score for image).
:param pred2error: Dict mapping pred_id to error type.
:param pred2target: Dict mapping pred_id to target_id (if match found with iou above background)
:param target2pred: Dict mapping target_id to pred_id to pred considered correct (if any).
:param iou: Matrix with size [n_targets, n_preds] with IoU between all preds and targets.
:param im_targets_df: DataFrame with targets for the image being processed.
:param im_preds_df: DataFrame with preds for the image being processed.
:param iou_background: Minimum IoU to consider a pred not background for target.
:param iou_foreground: Minimum IoU to consider a pred foreground for a target.
# Find highest overlapping target for pred processed
target_idx = np.argmax(iou_matrix[:, pred_idx])
iou = np.max(iou_matrix[:, pred_idx])
target_id =[target_idx, "target_id"]
pred_id =[pred_idx, "pred_id"]
if iou < iou_background:
pred2error[pred_id] = ErrorType.BKG
# preds with correct label do not get here. Thus, no need to check if label
# is wrong
elif iou >= iou_foreground:
pred2target[pred_id] = target_id
pred2error[pred_id] = ErrorType.CLS
# No match to target, as we cannot be sure model was remotely close to
# getting it right
pred2error[pred_id] = ErrorType.CLS_LOC
def _find_missed_targets(
im_targets_df: pd.DataFrame, pred2target: Dict[int, int]
) -> Set[int]:
"""Find targets in the processed image that were not matched by any prediction
:param im_targets_df: DataFrame with targets for the image being processed.
:param pred2target: Dict mapping pred_id to target_id (if match found with
iou above background)
:return missed_targets: Set of all the target ids that were missed
matched_targets = [t for t in pred2target.values() if t is not None]
missed_targets = set(im_targets_df["target_id"]) - set(matched_targets)
return missed_targets
def _format_errors_as_dataframe(
pred2error: Dict[int, str],
pred2target: Dict[int, int],
missed_targets: Set[int],
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Use the variables used to classify errors to format them in a ready to use DataFrame
:param pred2error: Dict mapping pred_id to error type.
:param pred2target: Dict mapping pred_id to target_id (if match found with
iou above background)
:param missed_targets: Set of all the target ids that were missed
:return: DataFrame with columns ERRORS_DF_COLUMNS
errors_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
{"pred_id": pred_id, "error_type": error}
for pred_id, error in pred2error.items()
errors_df["target_id"] = None
errors_df.set_index("pred_id", inplace=True)
for pred_id, target_id in pred2target.items():[pred_id, "target_id"] = target_id
missed_df = pd.DataFrame(
"pred_id": None,
"error_type": ErrorType.MISS,
"target_id": list(missed_targets),
errors_df = pd.concat(
[errors_df.reset_index(), missed_df], ignore_index=True
{"pred_id": float, "target_id": float, "error_type": pd.StringDtype()}
return errors_df
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