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object detection error analysis article - Calculate the impact each error type has on a metric
# Copyright © 2022 Bernat Puig Camps
from typing import Callable, Dict, Tuple
import pandas as pd
from classify_errors import PREDS_DF_COLUMNS, TARGETS_DF_COLUMNS, ErrorType
def calculate_error_impact(
metric_name: str,
metric: Callable,
errors_df: pd.DataFrame,
targets_df: pd.DataFrame,
preds_df: pd.DataFrame,
) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Calculate the `metric` and the independant impact each error type has on it
Impact is defined as the (metric_after_fixing - metric_before_fixing).
Note that all error impacts and the metric will not add to 1. Nonetheless,
the errors (and fixes) are defined in such a way that applying all fixes
would end up with a perfect metric score.
:param metric_name: Name of the metric to display for logging purposes.
:param metric: Callable that will be called as metric(targets_df, preds_df)
and returns a float.
:param errors_df: DataFrame with error classification for all preds and targets
:param targets_df: DataFrame with the targets.
:param preds_df: DataFrame with the predictions.
:return impact: Dictionary with one key for the metric without fixing and
one for each error type.
ensure_consistency(errors_df, targets_df, preds_df)
metric_values = {
ErrorType.CLS: metric(*fix_cls_error(errors_df, targets_df, preds_df)),
ErrorType.LOC: metric(*fix_loc_error(errors_df, targets_df, preds_df)),
ErrorType.CLS_LOC: metric(
*fix_cls_loc_error(errors_df, targets_df, preds_df)
ErrorType.DUP: metric(*fix_dup_error(errors_df, targets_df, preds_df)),
ErrorType.BKG: metric(*fix_bkg_error(errors_df, targets_df, preds_df)),
ErrorType.MISS: metric(
*fix_miss_error(errors_df, targets_df, preds_df)
# Compute the metric on the actual results
baseline_metric = metric(targets_df, preds_df)
# Calculate the difference (impact) in the metric when fixing each error
impact = {
error: (error_metric - baseline_metric)
for error, error_metric in metric_values.items()
impact[metric_name] = baseline_metric
return impact
def ensure_consistency(
errors_df: pd.DataFrame, targets_df: pd.DataFrame, preds_df: pd.DataFrame
"""Make sure that all targets are preds are accounted for in errors"""
target_ids = set(targets_df["target_id"])
pred_ids = set(preds_df["pred_id"])
error_target_ids = set(errors_df.query("target_id.notnull()")["target_id"])
error_pred_ids = set(errors_df.query("pred_id.notnull()")["pred_id"])
if not target_ids == error_target_ids:
raise ValueError(
f"Missing target IDs in error_df: {target_ids - error_target_ids}"
if not pred_ids == error_pred_ids:
raise ValueError(
f"Missing pred IDs in error_df: {pred_ids - error_pred_ids}"
def fix_cls_error(
errors_df, targets_df, preds_df
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
return _fix_by_correcting_and_removing_preds(
errors_df, targets_df, preds_df, ErrorType.CLS
def fix_loc_error(
errors_df, targets_df, preds_df
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
return _fix_by_correcting_and_removing_preds(
errors_df, targets_df, preds_df, ErrorType.LOC
def fix_cls_loc_error(
errors_df, targets_df, preds_df
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
return _fix_by_removing_preds(
errors_df, targets_df, preds_df, ErrorType.CLS_LOC
def fix_bkg_error(
errors_df, targets_df, preds_df
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
return _fix_by_removing_preds(
errors_df, targets_df, preds_df, ErrorType.BKG
def fix_dup_error(
errors_df, targets_df, preds_df
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
return _fix_by_removing_preds(
errors_df, targets_df, preds_df, ErrorType.DUP
def fix_miss_error(
errors_df, targets_df, preds_df
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
"""Fix missed targets by removing them
Missed targets is the only type of errors that deals with targets rather
than predictions
:return: Fixed (`targets_df`, `errors_df`)
ensure_consistency(errors_df, targets_df, preds_df)
targets_df = targets_df.merge(
# Need to filter rest of errors or multi prediction per target makes
# target_df bigger
errors_df.query("error_type == @ErrorType.MISS"),
return targets_df[TARGETS_DF_COLUMNS], preds_df
def _fix_by_correcting_and_removing_preds(
errors_df: pd.DataFrame,
targets_df: pd.DataFrame,
preds_df: pd.DataFrame,
error_type: ErrorType,
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
"""Correct predictions of `error_type` of unmatched target and remove the rest
CLS and LOC errors are matched to targets. To assess their impact, we
correct the highest scoring prediction for an unmatched target
(no OK error for it).
- For CLS, we set the label to the right one.
- For LOC, we set the bounding box to match perfectly with the target's.
The non-corrected predictions of `error_type` are removed from `preds_df`.
The idea is to assess what happened if instead of missing a target due to an
incorrect prediction, we would have had a correct one instead. The ones that
are not highest-scoring for target would have been duplicates, so we remove
:return: Fixed (`targets_df`, `errors_df`)
assert error_type in {
}, f"error_type='{error_type}'"
ensure_consistency(errors_df, targets_df, preds_df)
cols_to_correct = {
ErrorType.CLS: ["label_id"],
ErrorType.LOC: ["xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax"],
# Add matched targets to relevant preds and sort so highest scoring is first.
preds_df = (
"error_type in [@ErrorType.OK, @ErrorType.CLS, @ErrorType.LOC]"
targets_df[["target_id"] + cols_to_correct],
suffixes=("", "_target"),
.sort_values(by="score", ascending=False)
to_correct = preds_df["error_type"].eq(error_type)
target_cols = [col + "_target" for col in cols_to_correct]
preds_df.loc[to_correct, cols_to_correct] = preds_df.loc[
to_correct, target_cols
to_drop = []
for _, target_df in preds_df.groupby("target_id"):
if target_df["error_type"].eq(ErrorType.OK).any():
# If target has a correct prediction, drop all predictions of `error_type`
to_drop += target_df.query("error_type == @error_type")[
elif (
target_df["error_type"].eq(error_type).any() and len(target_df) > 1
# If target unmatched, drop all predictions of `error_type` that are
# not highest score
to_keep = target_df["pred_id"].iloc[0]
to_drop += target_df.query(
"error_type == @error_type and pred_id != @to_keep"
return (
preds_df.query("pred_id not in @to_drop")[PREDS_DF_COLUMNS],
def _fix_by_removing_preds(
errors_df: pd.DataFrame,
targets_df: pd.DataFrame,
preds_df: pd.DataFrame,
error_type: ErrorType,
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
"""Fix the `error_type` by removing the predictions assigned to that error
This is applicable to:
- ErrorType.CLS_LOC and ErrorType.BKG because there is no target we
could match it and be sure the model was "intending" to predict that.
- ErrorType.DUP by definition.
:return: Fixed (`targets_df`, `errors_df`)
assert error_type in {
}, f"error_type='{error_type}'"
ensure_consistency(errors_df, targets_df, preds_df)
preds_df = preds_df.merge(errors_df, on="pred_id", how="left").query(
"error_type != @error_type"
return targets_df, preds_df[PREDS_DF_COLUMNS]
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