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Last active September 16, 2018 07:52
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Connect to a Jupyter notebook that runs on a docker container in Ben-Gurion University deep learning server.

Followings are the steps to run a Jupyter notebook on a docker container in Ben-Gurion University deep learning server csdlsrv1 and then to connect to it using a local browser.

  1. In csdlsrv1:
nvidia-docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --name <ContainerName> dl-image bash
  1. In container:
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8080
  1. In local:
ssh -f -L 8080:csdlsrv1:8080 -N
  1. In local:

Open a browser and connect to the address: localhost:8080

Useful links

Installing Python Packages from a Jupyter Notebook

Docker for Data Science

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