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Created June 6, 2020 09:17
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lnd panic
pi@btclnd:~/gocode/src/ $ sudo systemctl restart lnd
pi@btclnd:~/gocode/src/ $ sudo journalctl -u lnd -f
-- Logs begin at Tue 2020-04-28 23:17:02 MSK. --
Jun 06 11:53:08 btclnd systemd[1]: Stopped LND Lightning Daemon.
Jun 06 11:53:08 btclnd systemd[1]: Started LND Lightning Daemon.
Jun 06 11:53:09 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:53:09.001 [INF] LTND: Version: 0.10.0-beta commit=v0.10.0-beta-198-gdb47a0ce00b2c2a3108ec2b527c17654bfc71a38, build=production, logging=default
Jun 06 11:53:09 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:53:09.001 [INF] LTND: Active chain: Bitcoin (network=mainnet)
Jun 06 11:53:09 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:53:09.001 [INF] LTND: Opening the main database, this might take a few minutes...
Jun 06 11:53:10 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:53:10.301 [INF] CHDB: Checking for schema update: latest_version=13, db_version=13
Jun 06 11:53:10 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:53:10.302 [INF] LTND: Database now open (time_to_open=1.299918176s)!
Jun 06 11:53:10 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:53:10.308 [INF] RPCS: password RPC server listening on
Jun 06 11:53:10 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:53:10.308 [INF] RPCS: password gRPC proxy started at
Jun 06 11:53:10 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:53:10.308 [INF] LTND: Waiting for wallet encryption password. Use `lncli create` to create a wallet, `lncli unlock` to unlock an existing wallet, or `lncli changepassword` to change the password of an existing wallet and unlock it.
pi@btclnd:~/gocode/src/ $ lncli unlock
Input wallet password:
lnd successfully unlocked!
pi@btclnd:~/gocode/src/ $ sudo journalctl -u lnd -f
-- Logs begin at Tue 2020-04-28 23:17:02 MSK. --
Jun 06 11:53:10 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:53:10.301 [INF] CHDB: Checking for schema update: latest_version=13, db_version=13
Jun 06 11:53:10 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:53:10.302 [INF] LTND: Database now open (time_to_open=1.299918176s)!
Jun 06 11:53:10 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:53:10.308 [INF] RPCS: password RPC server listening on
Jun 06 11:53:10 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:53:10.308 [INF] RPCS: password gRPC proxy started at
Jun 06 11:53:10 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:53:10.308 [INF] LTND: Waiting for wallet encryption password. Use `lncli create` to create a wallet, `lncli unlock` to unlock an existing wallet, or `lncli changepassword` to change the password of an existing wallet and unlock it.
Jun 06 11:54:51 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:51.801 [INF] LNWL: Opened wallet
Jun 06 11:54:52 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:52.412 [INF] LTND: Primary chain is set to: bitcoin
Jun 06 11:54:52 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:52.736 [INF] LTND: Initializing bitcoind backed fee estimator in CONSERVATIVE mode
Jun 06 11:54:52 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:52.734 [INF] LNWL: Started listening for bitcoind transaction notifications via ZMQ on
Jun 06 11:54:52 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:52.734 [INF] LNWL: Started listening for bitcoind block notifications via ZMQ on
Jun 06 11:54:58 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:58.367 [INF] LNWL: The wallet has been unlocked without a time limit
Jun 06 11:54:58 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:58.528 [INF] LTND: LightningWallet opened
Jun 06 11:54:58 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:58.769 [INF] HSWC: Restoring in-memory circuit state from disk
Jun 06 11:54:58 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:58.780 [INF] HSWC: Payment circuits loaded: num_pending=0, num_open=0
Jun 06 11:54:58 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:58.902 [INF] HSWC: Trimming open circuits for chan_id=622332:1781:1, start_htlc_id=2
Jun 06 11:54:59 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:59.231 [INF] LTND: Channel backup proxy channel notifier starting
Jun 06 11:54:59 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:59.243 [INF] ATPL: Instantiating autopilot with active=false, max_channels=5, allocation=0.600000, min_chan_size=20000, max_chan_size=16777215, private=false, min_confs=1, conf_target=3
Jun 06 11:54:59 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:59.286 [INF] RPCS: RPC server listening on
Jun 06 11:54:59 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:59.328 [INF] LTND: Waiting for chain backend to finish sync, start_height=633343
Jun 06 11:54:59 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:59.331 [INF] RPCS: gRPC proxy started at
Jun 06 11:54:59 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:54:59.952 [INF] LNWL: Started rescan from block 0000000000000000000e73eda4d6db885ccbd0fea2c867500767466ffc31f7c8 (height 633330) for 84 addresses
Jun 06 11:55:15 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:15.678 [INF] LNWL: Catching up block hashes to height 633343, this might take a while
Jun 06 11:55:15 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:15.701 [INF] LNWL: Done catching up block hashes
Jun 06 11:55:15 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:15.701 [INF] LNWL: Finished rescan for 84 addresses (synced to block 0000000000000000000eefca137c1279dae4ce7d2a791f67626f9b5d55c81efd, height 633343)
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.118 [INF] LTND: Chain backend is fully synced (end_height=633343)!
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.147 [INF] PRNF: PeerNotifier starting
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.234 [INF] NTFN: New block epoch subscription
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.241 [INF] HSWC: Starting HTLC Switch
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.242 [INF] NTFN: New block epoch subscription
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.414 [INF] LNWL: Removed invalid transaction: (*wire.MsgTx)(0x312f660)({
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: Version: (int32) 2,
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: TxIn: ([]*wire.TxIn) (len=3 cap=3) {
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: (*wire.TxIn)(0x218bbc0)({
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: PreviousOutPoint: (wire.OutPoint) 3be18fbca03b3500c1467de0a31bfa0e2a1accaa32f1a30eb22907d700aa0b5c:1,
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: SignatureScript: ([]uint8) {
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: },
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: Witness: (wire.TxWitness) (len=2 cap=2) {
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: ([]uint8) (len=72 cap=72) {
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000000 30 45 02 21 00 e4 2c ec 49 cb a6 db c7 fb 88 21 |0E.!..,.I......!|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000010 59 22 ff 32 19 cc 18 39 39 37 45 1f 49 aa b9 31 |Y".2...997E.I..1|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000020 af 6c 38 29 c9 02 20 7e ff 5e 9f d3 fc 5b 93 44 |.l8).. ~.^...[.D|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000030 9f 30 71 87 9c e6 89 5d c7 2c 64 c2 df 3e 26 9d |.0q....].,d..>&.|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000040 8d 72 0f b3 3b b7 e2 01 |.r..;...|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: },
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: ([]uint8) (len=33 cap=33) {
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000000 02 05 b7 33 59 ec b1 7f 50 b5 ac ea 62 dc 83 28 |...3Y...P...b..(|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000010 15 1d 4b 8a e1 db 80 81 98 f0 48 ee 3e d1 9e 2b |..K.......H.>..+|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000020 d4 |.|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: }
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: },
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: Sequence: (uint32) 0
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: }),
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: (*wire.TxIn)(0x218bc00)({
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: PreviousOutPoint: (wire.OutPoint) d9489bd02ca4406392a60d6e778f296ea2cf66edaf3f610061921eedcdf84c5f:1,
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: SignatureScript: ([]uint8) {
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: },
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: Witness: (wire.TxWitness) (len=2 cap=2) {
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: ([]uint8) (len=71 cap=71) {
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000000 30 44 02 20 23 c3 fb 23 52 05 ee 6b 2d 90 de 35 |0D. #..#R..k-..5|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000010 7e c8 91 4c 5b 9b 24 bb b6 fa da e0 bf 29 fb d2 |~..L[.$......)..|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000020 25 ae 64 3a 02 20 24 b9 a3 03 a6 f5 15 06 bb bc |%.d:. $.........|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000030 04 d4 6e 34 ca 7f a2 8b 6f bd bd 11 28 4a 83 fb |..n4....o...(J..|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000040 94 b8 57 ec 93 2f 01 |..W../.|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: },
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: ([]uint8) (len=33 cap=33) {
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000000 03 71 71 dc 31 10 02 6b 6e 54 2e ee 27 74 0d 94 |.qq.1..knT..'t..|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000010 e5 88 26 13 ca ee 47 a0 26 e8 e6 ca ef 4c 57 b4 |..&...G.&....LW.|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000020 e1 |.|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: }
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: },
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: Sequence: (uint32) 0
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: }),
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: (*wire.TxIn)(0x218bc40)({
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: PreviousOutPoint: (wire.OutPoint) 8831bd4552604b6d350a77be308860aac4bee309bec5c2a33a06959dffeec101:0,
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: SignatureScript: ([]uint8) {
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: },
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: Witness: (wire.TxWitness) (len=2 cap=2) {
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: ([]uint8) (len=72 cap=72) {
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000000 30 45 02 21 00 d5 3a b3 54 99 56 04 81 f2 02 ed |0E.!..:.T.V.....|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000010 17 64 ec 3a 76 46 2b c2 8d f9 85 54 47 98 d0 53 |.d.:vF+....TG..S|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000020 fd e3 75 0e a3 02 20 2d de 78 b0 2a a5 9e 99 21 |..u... -.x.*...!|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000030 21 57 d2 97 86 05 35 f3 8a 47 74 29 81 f2 75 6d |!W....5..Gt)|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000040 ce db 61 8b bd 32 1f 01 |..a..2..|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: },
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: ([]uint8) (len=33 cap=33) {
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000000 02 d0 e8 b9 75 ff 28 6e 8d 19 05 8e a2 48 1f 5d |....u.(n.....H.]|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000010 0d 3d b6 14 a8 3e 27 0f ef 0a d3 eb 2e 6e 49 5d |.=...>'......nI]|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000020 da |.|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: }
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: },
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: Sequence: (uint32) 0
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: })
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: },
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: TxOut: ([]*wire.TxOut) (len=1 cap=1) {
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: (*wire.TxOut)(0x312f6a0)({
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: Value: (int64) 325286,
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: PkScript: ([]uint8) (len=22 cap=22) {
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000000 00 14 22 4a be ef 2f 91 a5 06 95 e2 a8 92 74 bd |.."J../.......t.|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 00000010 14 47 35 16 d6 71 |.G5..q|
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: }
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: })
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: },
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: LockTime: (uint32) 622147
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: })
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.416 [INF] NTFN: New block epoch subscription
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.502 [INF] NTFN: New block epoch subscription
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.522 [INF] CNCT: Creating ChannelArbitrators for 3 active channels
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.523 [INF] NTFN: New block epoch subscription
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.548 [INF] NTFN: New spend subscription: spend_id=1, outpoint=8860eafc5f8570e115bdad8e4e9379ede5f72e496fe8627107a5a2332d7457a9:0, script=0 01828c8befde6fd248dbd6530b7aad657941b79044d7cbfc5ad41e29e7a5f801, height_hint=633330
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.548 [INF] NTFN: Dispatching historical spend rescan for outpoint=8860eafc5f8570e115bdad8e4e9379ede5f72e496fe8627107a5a2332d7457a9:0, script=0 01828c8befde6fd248dbd6530b7aad657941b79044d7cbfc5ad41e29e7a5f801, start=633330, end=633343
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.549 [INF] NTFN: New spend subscription: spend_id=2, outpoint=f029b45a579b89dabbd7b80b0ed84215dea37c8acfc0eda13ce9eebb82f8945f:1, script=0 55f813c2b6cace6cec9f9915e80484f01c234c99c451cd9412eb6f5f0965811e, height_hint=633330
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.550 [INF] NTFN: Dispatching historical spend rescan for outpoint=f029b45a579b89dabbd7b80b0ed84215dea37c8acfc0eda13ce9eebb82f8945f:1, script=0 55f813c2b6cace6cec9f9915e80484f01c234c99c451cd9412eb6f5f0965811e, start=633330, end=633343
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.552 [INF] NTFN: New spend subscription: spend_id=3, outpoint=b450e05e740a5da8ef9731ab50770e7f3ddc9aabc4d70533e7ffb9f7531ddda8:0, script=0 e399add0f329b4c9e81ce85bf79e0ec4aad6f75a3f72eaee27b86db71516326a, height_hint=623336
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.552 [INF] NTFN: Dispatching historical spend rescan for outpoint=b450e05e740a5da8ef9731ab50770e7f3ddc9aabc4d70533e7ffb9f7531ddda8:0, script=0 e399add0f329b4c9e81ce85bf79e0ec4aad6f75a3f72eaee27b86db71516326a, start=623336, end=633343
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.646 [INF] CNCT: Close observer for ChannelPoint(8860eafc5f8570e115bdad8e4e9379ede5f72e496fe8627107a5a2332d7457a9:0) active
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.744 [INF] CNCT: Close observer for ChannelPoint(f029b45a579b89dabbd7b80b0ed84215dea37c8acfc0eda13ce9eebb82f8945f:1) active
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.755 [INF] CNCT: Close observer for ChannelPoint(b450e05e740a5da8ef9731ab50770e7f3ddc9aabc4d70533e7ffb9f7531ddda8:0) active
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.760 [INF] CNCT: ChannelArbitrator(8860eafc5f8570e115bdad8e4e9379ede5f72e496fe8627107a5a2332d7457a9:0): starting state=StateBroadcastCommit, trigger=chainTrigger, triggerHeight=633343
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.760 [INF] CNCT: ChannelArbitrator(8860eafc5f8570e115bdad8e4e9379ede5f72e496fe8627107a5a2332d7457a9:0): force closing chan
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.803 [INF] HSWC: Removing channel link with ChannelID(a957742d33a2a5077162e86f492ef7e5ed79934e8eadbd15e170855ffcea6088)
Jun 06 11:55:16 btclnd lnd[19700]: 2020-06-06 11:55:16.859 [INF] CNCT: local commit: (*wire.MsgTx)(<nil>)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: unexpected fault address 0x58d5f000
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: fatal error: fault
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: [signal SIGBUS: bus error code=0x2 addr=0x58d5f000 pc=0x1271dc]
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 1 [running]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: runtime.throw(0xc6b449, 0x5)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:774 +0x5c fp=0x33c65fc sp=0x33c65e8 pc=0x42360
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: runtime.sigpanic()
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/runtime/signal_unix.go:391 +0x378 fp=0x33c6614 sp=0x33c65fc pc=0x58a3c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: encoding/hex.Encode(0x3575b1a, 0xe, 0xe, 0x58d5f000, 0x1, 0x9e000, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/encoding/hex/hex.go:27 +0x40 fp=0x33c6624 sp=0x33c6618 pc=0x1271dc
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: encoding/hex.(*dumper).Write(0x3575b00, 0x58bfd000, 0x200000, 0x200000, 0xaa5598, 0x33b8060, 0x37c99b8)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/encoding/hex/hex.go:259 +0xcc fp=0x33c6654 sp=0x33c6624 pc=0x127918
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: encoding/hex.Dump(0x58bfd000, 0x200000, 0x200000, 0x37c99b8, 0x5)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/encoding/hex/hex.go:132 +0xe8 fp=0x33c6688 sp=0x33c6654 pc=0x1276d8
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*dumpState).dumpSlice(0x33c7210, 0xaa5598, 0x2220174, 0x1b7)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x1d4 fp=0x33c675c sp=0x33c6688 pc=0x27e87c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*dumpState).dump(0x33c7210, 0xaa5598, 0x2220174, 0x1b7)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x714 fp=0x33c683c sp=0x33c675c pc=0x27f714
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*dumpState).dump(0x33c7210, 0xc4f288, 0x2220140, 0x1b9)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xc04 fp=0x33c691c sp=0x33c683c pc=0x27fc04
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*dumpState).dumpPtr(0x33c7210, 0xbdaa98, 0x2220140, 0x36)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x608 fp=0x33c69c4 sp=0x33c691c pc=0x27e498
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*dumpState).dump(0x20f1210, 0xbdaa98, 0x2220140, 0x36)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x1614 fp=0x33c6aa4 sp=0x33c69c4 pc=0x280614
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*dumpState).dump(0x33c7210, 0xc4c3f0, 0x2146000, 0x1b9)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xc04 fp=0x33c6b84 sp=0x33c6aa4 pc=0x27fc04
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*dumpState).dumpPtr(0x33c7210, 0xc64fa0, 0x2498330, 0x1b6)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x608 fp=0x33c6c2c sp=0x33c6b84 pc=0x27e498
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*dumpState).dump(0x20f1210, 0xc64fa0, 0x2498330, 0x1b6)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x1614 fp=0x33c6d0c sp=0x33c6c2c pc=0x280614
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*dumpState).dump(0x33c7210, 0xbd3340, 0x2498330, 0x199)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xc04 fp=0x33c6dec sp=0x33c6d0c pc=0x27fc04
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*dumpState).dumpPtr(0x33c7210, 0xc512e0, 0x2498330, 0x16)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x608 fp=0x33c6e94 sp=0x33c6dec pc=0x27e498
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*dumpState).dump(0x20f1210, 0xc512e0, 0x2498330, 0x16)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x1614 fp=0x33c6f74 sp=0x33c6e94 pc=0x280614
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*dumpState).dump(0x33c7210, 0xc35cb0, 0x2244a80, 0x199)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xc04 fp=0x33c7054 sp=0x33c6f74 pc=0x27fc04
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*dumpState).dumpPtr(0x33c7210, 0xc64550, 0x2244a80, 0x16)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x608 fp=0x33c70fc sp=0x33c7054 pc=0x27e498
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*dumpState).dump(0x20f1210, 0xc64550, 0x2244a80, 0x16)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x1614 fp=0x33c71dc sp=0x33c70fc pc=0x280614
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:, 0xf765f0, 0x3903160, 0x33c72b8, 0x1, 0x1)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x100 fp=0x33c7228 sp=0x33c71dc pc=0x280818
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x2244a80)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x54 fp=0x33c7248 sp=0x33c7228 pc=0x280a1c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*arbChannel).ForceCloseChan(0x2416f50, 0xc9f574, 0x29, 0x2417098)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x264 fp=0x33c72c0 sp=0x33c7248 pc=0x622174
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*ChannelArbitrator).stateStep(0x3242000, 0x9a9ff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x3, 0x3, 0x34073c, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x224 fp=0x33c73d0 sp=0x33c72c0 pc=0x62bc48
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*ChannelArbitrator).advanceState(0x3242000, 0x9a9ff, 0x248e500, 0x0, 0x4, 0x4, 0x20f1700, 0x8)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x140 fp=0x33c7428 sp=0x33c73d0 pc=0x62da94
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*ChannelArbitrator).Start(0x3242000, 0x21d6c00, 0x20f1728)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x468 fp=0x33c74ac sp=0x33c7428 pc=0x62a7bc
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*ChainArbitrator).Start(0x23fe410, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x984 fp=0x33c7978 sp=0x33c74ac pc=0x623a38
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*server).Start.func1()
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x3bc fp=0x33c79d8 sp=0x33c7978 pc=0xa06108
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: sync.(*Once).doSlow(0x23ec6e8, 0x20f1a4c)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/sync/once.go:66 +0xac fp=0x33c7a2c sp=0x33c79d8 pc=0x8c374
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: sync.(*Once).Do(0x23ec6e8, 0x20f1a4c)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/sync/once.go:57 +0x44 fp=0x33c7a38 sp=0x33c7a2c pc=0x8c2b8
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*server).Start(0x23ec6e0, 0xca6caa, 0x2e)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x64 fp=0x33c7a58 sp=0x33c7a38 pc=0x9e88b4
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:, 0x0, 0x0, 0x248c940, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x1634 fp=0x33c7f74 sp=0x33c7a58 pc=0x9af6d4
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: main.main()
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xb0 fp=0x33c7fa4 sp=0x33c7f74 pc=0xa0e06c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: runtime.main()
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:203 +0x208 fp=0x33c7fe4 sp=0x33c7fa4 pc=0x44308
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: runtime.goexit()
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_arm.s:868 +0x4 fp=0x33c7fe4 sp=0x33c7fe4 pc=0x719d0
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 68 [IO wait]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.runtime_pollWait(0x6632b0d4, 0x72, 0xffffffff)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/runtime/netpoll.go:184 +0x44
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*pollDesc).wait(0x21ec014, 0x72, 0x0, 0x1, 0xffffffff)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:87 +0x30
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitRead(...)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:92
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*FD).Read(0x21ec000, 0x3102180, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_unix.go:169 +0x178
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*netFD).Read(0x21ec000, 0x3102180, 0x1, 0x1, 0xfff, 0x1, 0x177)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:202 +0x38
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*conn).Read(0x21b0000, 0x3102180, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/net.go:184 +0x58
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: io.ReadAtLeast(0xf77a48, 0x21b0000, 0x3102180, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x37b60e0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:310 +0x6c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: io.ReadFull(...)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:329
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Conn).readFrame(0x2498300, 0x246e780, 0x5, 0x5, 0x1, 0x3, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x80
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Conn).readMessage(0x2498300, 0x2061f48, 0x3, 0x3, 0x18, 0x4d41c0, 0x3, 0x21849c0, 0x248c100)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xa0
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Conn).Receive(0x2498300, 0x2061f48, 0x3, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x34
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindConn).txEventHandler(0x246c140)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x1c4
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*BitcoindConn).Start
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x144
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 35 [syscall, 2 minutes]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: os/signal.signal_recv(0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/runtime/sigqueue.go:147 +0x130
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: os/signal.loop()
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/os/signal/signal_unix.go:23 +0x14
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by os/signal.init.0
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/os/signal/signal_unix.go:29 +0x30
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 38 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: io.(*pipe).Read(0x2108c00, 0x2206000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x16b0174, 0x1000c8, 0x1)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/io/pipe.go:50 +0xac
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: io.(*PipeReader).Read(0x21b17d0, 0x2206000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x48, 0x4, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/io/pipe.go:127 +0x38
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: bufio.(*Reader).fill(0x2474f84)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:100 +0x108
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: bufio.(*Reader).ReadSlice(0x2474f84, 0xa, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:359 +0x2c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: bufio.(*Reader).ReadLine(0x2474f84, 0x16b0174, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:388 +0x24
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Rotator).Run(0x2108bd0, 0xf77958, 0x21b17d0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x90
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*RotatingLogWriter).InitLogRotator.func1(0x2104ac0, 0x21b17d0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x30
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*RotatingLogWriter).InitLogRotator
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x288
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 41 [select, 2 minutes]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xc8
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xac
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 26 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Client).sendPostHandler(0x21b6000)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x94
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*Client).start
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xe4
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 27 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*ConcurrentQueue).Start.func1(0x24862a0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x258
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*ConcurrentQueue).Start
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x2c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 58 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Client).sendPostHandler(0x20a8480)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x94
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*Client).start
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xe4
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 483 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*SigPool).poolWorker(0x2152740)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xdc
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*SigPool).Start.func1
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x54
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 67 [IO wait]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.runtime_pollWait(0x6632b050, 0x72, 0xffffffff)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/runtime/netpoll.go:184 +0x44
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*pollDesc).wait(0x2490064, 0x72, 0x0, 0x1, 0xffffffff)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:87 +0x30
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitRead(...)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:92
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*FD).Read(0x2490050, 0x246824e, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_unix.go:169 +0x178
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*netFD).Read(0x2490050, 0x246824e, 0x1, 0x1, 0xfff, 0x1, 0x177)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:202 +0x38
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*conn).Read(0x248e4a0, 0x246824e, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/net.go:184 +0x58
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: io.ReadAtLeast(0xf77a48, 0x248e4a0, 0x246824e, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x6632f7a8, 0x2, 0x11)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:310 +0x6c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: io.ReadFull(...)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:329
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Conn).readFrame(0x2108090, 0x203a900, 0x8, 0x8, 0x6dc01, 0x2bd0000, 0x1d1ec, 0x1d250, 0x2bd0000, 0x3d2000, ...)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x80
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Conn).readMessage(0x2108090, 0x217df48, 0x3, 0x3, 0x3d0900, 0x2bd0000, 0x6632e430, 0x20514a0, 0x20514a0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xa0
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Conn).Receive(0x2108090, 0x217df48, 0x3, 0x3, 0x33d5cc2, 0x33a510c, 0x206d12f, 0xa7e800, 0x306600)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x34
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindConn).blockEventHandler(0x246c140)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x1c4
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*BitcoindConn).Start
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x128
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 71 [IO wait]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.runtime_pollWait(0x6632b158, 0x72, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/runtime/netpoll.go:184 +0x44
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*pollDesc).wait(0x21be474, 0x72, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc6d80f)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:87 +0x30
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitRead(...)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:92
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*FD).Accept(0x21be460, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_unix.go:384 +0x1a8
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*netFD).accept(0x21be460, 0x20ead80, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:238 +0x20
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*TCPListener).accept(0x2186270, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/tcpsock_posix.go:139 +0x20
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*TCPListener).Accept(0x2186270, 0x2476fac, 0x2, 0x0, 0x1)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/tcpsock.go:261 +0x3c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Listener).listen(0x21d64c0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x88
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x16c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 15 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Wallet).txCreator(0x2146000)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x9c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*Wallet).Start
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xa4
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 16 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Wallet).walletLocker(0x2146000)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x1a8
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*Wallet).Start
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xc0
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 78 [chan receive]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*addrConn).resetTransport(0x216c160)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x6d4
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*addrConn).connect
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x98
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 117 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindClient).rescanHandler(0x23fe340)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xc4
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*BitcoindClient).Start
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 118 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Wallet).handleChainNotifications(0x2146000)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x12c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*Wallet).SynchronizeRPC
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x124
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 119 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Wallet).rescanBatchHandler(0x2146000)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x114
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*Wallet).SynchronizeRPC
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x140
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 120 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Wallet).rescanProgressHandler(0x2146000)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xb8
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*Wallet).SynchronizeRPC
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x15c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 121 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Wallet).rescanRPCHandler(0x2146000)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xd8
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*Wallet).SynchronizeRPC
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x178
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 122 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*LightningWallet).requestHandler(0x20996c0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x84
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*LightningWallet).Startup
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x9c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 72 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*GCQueue).queueManager(0x2108330)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x134
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x160
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 73 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*GCQueue).queueManager(0x2108360)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x134
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x160
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 482 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*SigPool).poolWorker(0x2152740)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xdc
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*SigPool).Start.func1
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x54
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 123 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*channelNotifier).SubscribeChans.func2(0x2186470, 0x214e680, 0x246cf80, 0x248c340)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xe0
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*channelNotifier).SubscribeChans
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xec
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 124 [IO wait]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.runtime_pollWait(0x6632b260, 0x72, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/runtime/netpoll.go:184 +0x44
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*pollDesc).wait(0x2490514, 0x72, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc6d80f)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:87 +0x30
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitRead(...)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:92
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*FD).Accept(0x2490500, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_unix.go:384 +0x1a8
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*netFD).accept(0x2490500, 0x12cf8, 0x17bb778, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:238 +0x20
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*TCPListener).accept(0x214eaa0, 0x0, 0x2, 0x4ba34)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/tcpsock_posix.go:139 +0x20
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*TCPListener).Accept(0x214eaa0, 0x222bef0, 0xc, 0x22169a0, 0x7f8cac)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/tcpsock.go:261 +0x3c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Server).Serve(0x2182000, 0xf7eae0, 0x2481660, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x1b0
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*rpcServer).Start.func1(0x216a1b0, 0x2481660)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xfc
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*rpcServer).Start
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x198
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 125 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*ccBalancerWrapper).watcher(0x24987b0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xa0
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x100
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 126 [chan receive]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:, 0x2481b20, 0x2114000, 0x22a6360, 0xf)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x38
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x164
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 127 [IO wait]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.runtime_pollWait(0x6632b1dc, 0x72, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/runtime/netpoll.go:184 +0x44
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*pollDesc).wait(0x2490564, 0x72, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc6d80f)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:87 +0x30
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitRead(...)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:92
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*FD).Accept(0x2490550, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_unix.go:384 +0x1a8
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*netFD).accept(0x2490550, 0x18, 0x28, 0x4)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:238 +0x20
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*TCPListener).accept(0x214ee00, 0x21a3e01, 0x207c780, 0x76df7a34)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/tcpsock_posix.go:139 +0x20
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*TCPListener).Accept(0x214ee00, 0x2218188, 0x218c4e0, 0x18eac0, 0x20)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/tcpsock.go:261 +0x3c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: crypto/tls.(*listener).Accept(0x214ee10, 0x218c500, 0x421b18, 0xb1cca0, 0x17830c8)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/crypto/tls/tls.go:59 +0x28
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net/http.(*Server).Serve(0x2218120, 0xf7e2e0, 0x214ee10, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2896 +0x220
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net/http.Serve(...)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2468
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*rpcServer).Start.func3(0xf7e2e0, 0x214ee10, 0x2498690)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xf8
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*rpcServer).Start
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x464
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 109 [IO wait]:
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.runtime_pollWait(0x6632afcc, 0x72, 0xffffffff)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/runtime/netpoll.go:184 +0x44
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*pollDesc).wait(0x2490924, 0x72, 0x200, 0x205, 0xffffffff)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:87 +0x30
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitRead(...)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:92
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*FD).Read(0x2490910, 0x2224000, 0x205, 0x205, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_unix.go:169 +0x178
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*netFD).Read(0x2490910, 0x2224000, 0x205, 0x205, 0x8, 0x1d0fc, 0x1d968)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:202 +0x38
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*conn).Read(0x21b0910, 0x2224000, 0x205, 0x205, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/net.go:184 +0x58
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: crypto/tls.(*atLeastReader).Read(0x24861a0, 0x2224000, 0x205, 0x205, 0x1a0e0, 0x29c428, 0xf77a48)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/crypto/tls/conn.go:780 +0x78
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: bytes.(*Buffer).ReadFrom(0x218eb60, 0xf766e0, 0x24861a0, 0x1f, 0x29aeec, 0xb27a78, 0xc49d58)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/bytes/buffer.go:204 +0xa4
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: crypto/tls.(*Conn).readFromUntil(0x218ea00, 0xf77a48, 0x21b0910, 0x5, 0x21b0910, 0x9)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/crypto/tls/conn.go:802 +0xc4
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: crypto/tls.(*Conn).readRecordOrCCS(0x218ea00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/crypto/tls/conn.go:609 +0x104
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: crypto/tls.(*Conn).readRecord(...)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/crypto/tls/conn.go:577
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: crypto/tls.(*Conn).Read(0x218ea00, 0x22cc000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/crypto/tls/conn.go:1255 +0x13c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: bufio.(*Reader).Read(0x208c720, 0x22e4020, 0x9, 0x9, 0x9, 0x20514a0, 0x76df736c)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:226 +0x248
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: io.ReadAtLeast(0xf765a8, 0x208c720, 0x22e4020, 0x9, 0x9, 0x9, 0x2102100, 0x770c48, 0x2102100)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:310 +0x6c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: io.ReadFull(...)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:329
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:, 0x9, 0x9, 0xf765a8, 0x208c720, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2102100, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x54
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Framer).ReadFrame(0x22e4000, 0x2102100, 0x2102100, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x74
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*http2Server).HandleStreams(0x22e8000, 0x218c640, 0xdf6244)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x54
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Server).serveStreams(0x2182000, 0xf8aa80, 0x22e8000)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xc8
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Server).handleRawConn.func1(0x2182000, 0xf8aa80, 0x22e8000)
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x2c
Jun 06 11:55:17 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*Server).handleRawConn
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x494
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 108 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*http2Server).keepalive(0x22e8000)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x184
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xcd4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 107 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*controlBuffer).get(0x218c600, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xc8
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*loopyWriter).run(0x201ac90, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x190
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xac
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xcb8
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 138 [IO wait]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.runtime_pollWait(0x6632af48, 0x72, 0xffffffff)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/runtime/netpoll.go:184 +0x44
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*pollDesc).wait(0x21be3d4, 0x72, 0x600, 0x6c6, 0xffffffff)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:87 +0x30
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitRead(...)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:92
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: internal/poll.(*FD).Read(0x21be3c0, 0x22a0000, 0x6c6, 0x6c6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/internal/poll/fd_unix.go:169 +0x178
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*netFD).Read(0x21be3c0, 0x22a0000, 0x6c6, 0x6c6, 0x8, 0x1d0fc, 0x1d968)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:202 +0x38
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: net.(*conn).Read(0x248e9d0, 0x22a0000, 0x6c6, 0x6c6, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/net/net.go:184 +0x58
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: crypto/tls.(*atLeastReader).Read(0x214f0b0, 0x22a0000, 0x6c6, 0x6c6, 0x1a0e0, 0x29c428, 0xf77a48)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/crypto/tls/conn.go:780 +0x78
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: bytes.(*Buffer).ReadFrom(0x2204d60, 0xf766e0, 0x214f0b0, 0x1f, 0x29aeec, 0xb27a78, 0xc49d58)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/bytes/buffer.go:204 +0xa4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: crypto/tls.(*Conn).readFromUntil(0x2204c00, 0xf77a48, 0x248e9d0, 0x5, 0x248e9d0, 0x9)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/crypto/tls/conn.go:802 +0xc4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: crypto/tls.(*Conn).readRecordOrCCS(0x2204c00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/crypto/tls/conn.go:609 +0x104
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: crypto/tls.(*Conn).readRecord(...)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/crypto/tls/conn.go:577
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: crypto/tls.(*Conn).Read(0x2204c00, 0x22c4000, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/crypto/tls/conn.go:1255 +0x13c
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: bufio.(*Reader).Read(0x2498b40, 0x21b67a0, 0x9, 0x9, 0x9, 0x20514a0, 0x76df76d0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:226 +0x248
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: io.ReadAtLeast(0xf765a8, 0x2498b40, 0x21b67a0, 0x9, 0x9, 0x9, 0x2105360, 0x770c48, 0x2105360)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:310 +0x6c
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: io.ReadFull(...)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/io/io.go:329
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:, 0x9, 0x9, 0xf765a8, 0x2498b40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2105360, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x54
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Framer).ReadFrame(0x21b6780, 0x2105360, 0x2105300, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x74
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*http2Client).reader(0x22e6000)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x100
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x9d4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 139 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*controlBuffer).get(0x2105220, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xc8
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*loopyWriter).run(0x2498ba0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x190
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x5c
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xb88
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 563 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindNotifier).RegisterBlockEpochNtfn.func1(0x3194210, 0x20b2e40)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xd4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*BitcoindNotifier).RegisterBlockEpochNtfn
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x218
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 446 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindClient).rescanHandler(0x23fe0d0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xc4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*BitcoindClient).Start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 113 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindClient).ntfnHandler(0x23fe340)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xdc
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*BitcoindClient).NotifyBlocks
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x294
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 484 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*SigPool).poolWorker(0x2152740)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xdc
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*SigPool).Start.func1
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x54
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 460 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*ConcurrentQueue).start.func1(0x312c100)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x468
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*ConcurrentQueue).start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x48
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 485 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*SigPool).poolWorker(0x2152740)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xdc
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*SigPool).Start.func1
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x54
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 489 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*SigPool).poolWorker(0x2152740)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xdc
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*SigPool).Start.func1
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x54
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 486 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*SigPool).poolWorker(0x2152740)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xdc
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*SigPool).Start.func1
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x54
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 461 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindNotifier).RegisterBlockEpochNtfn.func1(0x3194120, 0x20b2e40)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xd4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*BitcoindNotifier).RegisterBlockEpochNtfn
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x218
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 488 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*SigPool).poolWorker(0x2152740)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xdc
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*SigPool).Start.func1
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x54
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 492 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*ConcurrentQueue).Start.func1(0x2486280)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x258
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*ConcurrentQueue).Start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x2c
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 491 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Worker).requestHandler(0x2152640)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xb8
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*Worker).Start.func1
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x4c
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 522 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindClient).ntfnHandler(0x23fe0d0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xdc
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*BitcoindClient).NotifyBlocks
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x294
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 536 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindNotifier).RegisterBlockEpochNtfn.func1(0x3da7050, 0x20b2e40)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xd4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*BitcoindNotifier).RegisterBlockEpochNtfn
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x218
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 535 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*ConcurrentQueue).start.func1(0x2ff2f40)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x468
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*ConcurrentQueue).start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x48
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 487 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*SigPool).poolWorker(0x2152740)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xdc
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*SigPool).Start.func1
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x54
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 534 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Server).subscriptionHandler(0x2108390)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xe4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*Server).Start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x74
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 562 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*ConcurrentQueue).start.func1(0x312c5c0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x468
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*ConcurrentQueue).start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x48
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 490 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Worker).requestHandler(0x21525c0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xb8
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*Worker).Start.func1
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x4c
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 465 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindNotifier).RegisterBlockEpochNtfn.func1(0x3194180, 0x20b2e40)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xd4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*BitcoindNotifier).RegisterBlockEpochNtfn
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x218
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 464 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*ConcurrentQueue).start.func1(0x312c380)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x468
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*ConcurrentQueue).start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x48
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 462 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*DecayedLog).garbageCollector(0x2108300, 0x2416ed0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xe0
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*DecayedLog).Start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x284
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 533 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindNotifier).notificationDispatcher(0x20b2e40)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xd8
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*BitcoindNotifier).startNotifier
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x1f0
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 458 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Server).subscriptionHandler(0x208c6c0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xe4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*Server).Start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x74
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 457 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Server).subscriptionHandler(0x24985a0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xe4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*Server).Start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x74
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 529 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*ConcurrentQueue).start.func1(0x2153080)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x468
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*ConcurrentQueue).start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x48
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 537 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Switch).htlcForwarder(0x2482630)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x344
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*Switch).Start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xfc
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 547 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindNotifier).RegisterBlockEpochNtfn.func1(0x3732c00, 0x20b2e40)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xd4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*BitcoindNotifier).RegisterBlockEpochNtfn
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x218
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 546 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*ConcurrentQueue).start.func1(0x21537c0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x468
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*ConcurrentQueue).start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x48
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 548 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*UtxoSweeper).collector(0x21be190, 0x2153800)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x1b4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*UtxoSweeper).Start.func1(0x3d9c118, 0x21be190)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x84
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*UtxoSweeper).Start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x218
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 555 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*ConcurrentQueue).start.func1(0x2153bc0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x468
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*ConcurrentQueue).start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x48
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 556 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindNotifier).RegisterBlockEpochNtfn.func1(0x3732e10, 0x20b2e40)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xd4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*BitcoindNotifier).RegisterBlockEpochNtfn
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x218
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 557 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*utxoNursery).incubator(0x2108180, 0x3d9c2b8)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xe0
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*utxoNursery).Start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x270
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 558 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*ConcurrentQueue).start.func1(0x2038740)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x468
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*ConcurrentQueue).start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x48
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 559 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindNotifier).RegisterBlockEpochNtfn.func1(0x3732fc0, 0x20b2e40)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0xd4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*BitcoindNotifier).RegisterBlockEpochNtfn
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x218
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 565 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*chainWatcher).closeObserver(0x38c9b60, 0x24f1000)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x158
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*chainWatcher).Start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x248
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 610 [runnable]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: encoding/json.stateInString(0x3440074, 0xbf6d35, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/encoding/json/scanner.go:300 +0x1d8
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: encoding/json.checkValid(0x3092000, 0x6d97a, 0x6e000, 0x3440074, 0xae9b90, 0x20a8401)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/encoding/json/scanner.go:29 +0xc4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: encoding/json.Unmarshal(0x3092000, 0x6d97a, 0x6e000, 0xa962f8, 0x21b0010, 0x3092000, 0x6d97a)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /usr/local/go/src/encoding/json/decode.go:100 +0x48
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:, 0x248d900, 0x40, 0x2fa5a80, 0x40, 0x2fa5a80, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0xa4
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*Client).GetBlock(0x20a8480, 0x229c180, 0x0, 0x229c180, 0x0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/ +0x48
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindClient).GetBlock(...)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/pkg/mod/
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindNotifier).historicalSpendDetails(0x20b2e40, 0x531ddda8, 0xe7ffb9f7, 0xc4d70533, 0x3ddc9aab, 0x50770e7f, 0xef9731ab, 0x740a5da8, 0xb450e05e, 0x0, ...)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x230
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*BitcoindNotifier).notificationDispatcher.func2(0x20b2e40, 0x355cd70)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x80
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*BitcoindNotifier).notificationDispatcher
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x3c0
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 590 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*chainWatcher).closeObserver(0x20b2de0, 0x200eeb0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x158
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*chainWatcher).Start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x248
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: goroutine 609 [select]:
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]:*chainWatcher).closeObserver(0x20b3080, 0x25575d0)
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x158
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: created by*chainWatcher).Start
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd lnd[19700]: /home/pi/gocode/src/ +0x248
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd systemd[1]: lnd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT
Jun 06 11:55:18 btclnd systemd[1]: lnd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jun 06 11:56:18 btclnd systemd[1]: lnd.service: Service RestartSec=1min expired, scheduling restart.
Jun 06 11:56:18 btclnd systemd[1]: lnd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1.
Jun 06 11:56:18 btclnd systemd[1]: Stopped LND Lightning Daemon.
Jun 06 11:56:18 btclnd systemd[1]: Started LND Lightning Daemon.
Jun 06 11:56:18 btclnd lnd[19747]: 2020-06-06 11:56:18.702 [INF] LTND: Version: 0.10.0-beta commit=v0.10.0-beta-198-gdb47a0ce00b2c2a3108ec2b527c17654bfc71a38, build=production, logging=default
Jun 06 11:56:18 btclnd lnd[19747]: 2020-06-06 11:56:18.702 [INF] LTND: Active chain: Bitcoin (network=mainnet)
Jun 06 11:56:18 btclnd lnd[19747]: 2020-06-06 11:56:18.702 [INF] LTND: Opening the main database, this might take a few minutes...
Jun 06 11:56:52 btclnd lnd[19747]: 2020-06-06 11:56:52.858 [INF] CHDB: Checking for schema update: latest_version=13, db_version=13
Jun 06 11:56:52 btclnd lnd[19747]: 2020-06-06 11:56:52.858 [INF] LTND: Database now open (time_to_open=34.155757144s)!
Jun 06 11:56:52 btclnd lnd[19747]: 2020-06-06 11:56:52.895 [INF] RPCS: password RPC server listening on
Jun 06 11:56:52 btclnd lnd[19747]: 2020-06-06 11:56:52.895 [INF] RPCS: password gRPC proxy started at
Jun 06 11:56:52 btclnd lnd[19747]: 2020-06-06 11:56:52.895 [INF] LTND: Waiting for wallet encryption password. Use `lncli create` to create a wallet, `lncli unlock` to unlock an existing wallet, or `lncli changepassword` to change the password of an existing wallet and unlock it.
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