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Created August 29, 2014 17:29
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Save bergeycm/4782dbd49b39efd3c729 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
R function to grab a random picture of a cat and a random quote from Dune and plot them together.
plot.kitty = function () {
library(jpeg) = tempfile()
kitty = readJPEG(
# Get dimensions
kitty.h = dim(kitty)[1]
kitty.w = dim(kitty)[2]
kitty.ratio = kitty.h / kitty.w
par(mar=rep(1, 4))
# Only plot if version of R supports it
if (exists("rasterImage")) {
plot(0:1, 0:1, type='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4],
col = "black")
# If image is lanscape, set width to be 0.6 and compute height
if (kitty.w > kitty.h) {
center.x = 0.5
x.limits = c(center.x - 0.3, center.x + 0.3)
width = x.limits[2] - x.limits[1]
height = width * kitty.ratio
center.y = 1 - (1.5 * height / 2)
y.limits = c(center.y - (height / 2), center.y + (height / 2))
} else {
# Otherwise, set height to be 0.6 and compute width
center.y = 1 - (0.6 / 2)
y.limits = c(center.y - 0.3, center.y + 0.3)
height = y.limits[2] - y.limits[1]
center.x = 0.5
width = height / kitty.ratio
x.limits = c(center.x - (width / 2), center.x + (width / 2))
rasterImage(kitty, x.limits[1], y.limits[1], x.limits[2], y.limits[2])
add.quote = function () {
json.url = "" = fromJSON(paste(readLines(json.url), collapse=""))
quote =$quote
# Get rid of newlines
quote = gsub("\\n", "", quote)
# And escaped quotes
quote = gsub('\\"', "", quote)
# And the source info
quote = gsub("-from.*", "", quote)
json.wrap = paste(strwrap(quote, width=10 * dev.size("in")[1]), collapse="\n")
text(0.501, 0.201, bquote(.(json.wrap)), col="grey")
text(0.5, 0.2, bquote(.(json.wrap)), col="white")
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