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Created October 14, 2015 19:24
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Save bergeycm/6af06bbf45acef8931dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to find CpG sites in a FASTA file.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $verbose = 0;
# Path to FASTA, hard-coded due to laziness
my $genome = "./genomes/papAnu2/papAnu2.fa";
open (GEN, "<$genome")
or die "ERROR: Could not open genome FASTA, $genome. $!\n";
my $chr;
my $chr_bp = 0;
# Flag if line ends with C
my $end_C_flag = 0;
my @CpG_locs;
while (<GEN>) {
if (/^>(.*)/) {
$chr = $1;
print STDERR "Searching in $chr...\n";
$chr_bp = 0;
my $dna = $_;
$dna =~ s/\s//g;
# Check if first character is a G if the last line's last char was a C
if ($end_C_flag && $dna =~ /^G/) {
my $CpG_start = $chr_bp - 1;
my $CpG_bp = $chr . "\t" . $CpG_start . "\t" . ($CpG_start + 2);
push @CpG_locs, $CpG_bp;
if ($verbose) {
print STDERR "CpG splitting the line at = " . $CpG_bp . "\n";
print STDERR $dna . "\n";
print STDERR "^\n";
while ($dna =~ /CG/g) {
my $CpG_start = $chr_bp + $-[0];
my $CpG_bp = $chr . "\t" . $CpG_start . "\t" . ($CpG_start + 2);
push @CpG_locs, $CpG_bp;
if ($verbose) {
print STDERR "CpG at $chr_bp + $-[0] = " . $CpG_bp . "\n";
print STDERR $dna . "\n";
print STDERR ' ' x $-[0];
print STDERR "^^\n";
$chr_bp += length $dna;
# Check if line ends with C, which could mean a CpG spans this and the next line
if ($dna =~ /C$/) {
$end_C_flag = 1;
print STDERR $dna . "\n" if $verbose;
} else {
$end_C_flag = 0;
close GEN;
print $_ . "\n" foreach (@CpG_locs);
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