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Created May 30, 2012 12:47
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Backbone.js Collection View example

This is an example of using a Collection view with Backbone.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Backbone.js Collection View example</title>
<!-- Dependencies -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- The actual code -->
<script src="models.js"></script>
<script src="views.js"></script>
<script src="router.js"></script>
<h1>Backbone.js Collection View example</h1>
<!-- The empty table we'll use as the example -->
<!-- We'll attach the PeopleView to this element -->
// Models are where actual data is kept. They can also be used
// for communicating between the server and the client through
// methods like save() and fetch().
// Models are the abstract data and do not know how they are
// supposed to be visualized. But they can perform validations
// to ensure the data is correct.
var models = {};
// Our base model is "person"
models.Person = Backbone.Model.extend({
// Example of how to do a validation in a model
validate: function(attributes) {
if (typeof attributes.firstname !== 'string') {
// Return a failed validation
return 'Firstname is mandatory';
if (typeof attributes.lastname !== 'string') {
// Return a failed validation
return 'Lastname is mandatory';
// All validations passed, don't return anything
// People collection
models.People = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: models.Person
// Router is responsible for driving the application. Usually
// this means populating the necessary data into models and
// collections, and then passing those to be displayed by
// appropriate views.
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'index' // At first we display the index route
index: function() {
// Initialize a list of people
// In this case we provide an array, but normally you'd
// instantiate an empty list and call people.fetch()
// to get the data from your backend
var people = new models.People([
firstname: 'Arthur',
lastname: 'Dent'
firstname: 'Ford',
lastname: 'Prefect'
// Pass the collection of people to the view
var view = new views.People({
collection: people
// And render it
// Example of adding a new person afterwards
// This will fire the 'add' event in the collection
// which causes the view to re-render
firstname: 'Zaphod',
lastname: 'Beeblebrox'
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// When the document is ready we instantiate the router
var router = new Router();
// And tell Backbone to start routing
// Views are responsible for rendering stuff on the screen (well,
// into the DOM).
// Typically views are instantiated for a model or a collection,
// and they watch for change events in those in order to automatically
// update the data shown on the screen.
var views = {};
views.PeopleItem = Backbone.View.extend({
// Each person will be shown as a table row
tagName: 'tr',
initialize: function(options) {
// Ensure our methods keep the `this` reference to the view itself
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
// If the model changes we need to re-render
this.model.bind('change', this.render);
render: function() {
// Clear existing row data if needed
// Write the table columns
jQuery(this.el).append(jQuery('<td>' + this.model.get('firstname') + '</td>'));
jQuery(this.el).append(jQuery('<td>' + this.model.get('lastname') + '</td>'));
return this;
views.People = Backbone.View.extend({
// The collection will be kept here
collection: null,
// The people list view is attached to the table body
el: 'tbody',
initialize: function(options) {
this.collection = options.collection;
// Ensure our methods keep the `this` reference to the view itself
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
// Bind collection changes to re-rendering
this.collection.bind('reset', this.render);
this.collection.bind('add', this.render);
this.collection.bind('remove', this.render);
render: function() {
var element = jQuery(this.el);
// Clear potential old entries first
// Go through the collection items
this.collection.forEach(function(item) {
// Instantiate a PeopleItem view for each
var itemView = new views.PeopleItem({
model: item
// Render the PeopleView, and append its element
// to the table
return this;
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dexity commented Feb 25, 2014

Clean and concise solution! Thanks, man. Table rendering drives me nuts.

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htatche commented Mar 21, 2014

Thanks for those snippets, the switch from Ember to Backbone is not so straight-forward sometimes !

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yattias commented Mar 19, 2015

@bergie - very nice & clean dude. One note though, rendering the whole collection when a person is added/removed may be overkill.

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@yattias could you please tell whether there are opportunities to avoid the problem you've mentioned (with Backbone of course)?

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@vitalyisaev2 you can create your own listener for collection's 'add' event, which will insert new PeopleItem view in correct place:

onCollectionItemAdd: function ( model, collection ) {
    var  list = this.$( 'list selector' ),
        listItems = list.children(),
        newItem = self._renderListItem( model ),
        newItemPosition = collection.models.indexOf( model );

    if ( newItemPosition > listItems.length - 1 ) {
        newItem.$el.appendTo( list );
    } else {
        newItem.$el.insertBefore( listItems.eq( newItemPosition ) );

Then you can add listener for model's 'remove' event in PeopleItem view:

onModelRemove: function() {

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Just what I needed. Thanks!

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Doesn't this solution have DOM Reflow? Here you are attaching child view html with parent view html, which causes DOM Reflow?

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