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Last active April 25, 2024 11:24
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Steps to apply gatekeeper to an existing TKG guest cluster

login to your guest cluster e.g.

❯ kubectl vsphere login --server=SERVER_IP --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace=NAMESPACE --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name=CLUSTER_NAME -u=administrator@vsphere.local --insecure-skip-tls-verify

run the gatekeeper.yaml (located in the gatekeeper directory of the cloned/downloaded project)

kubectl apply -f gatekeeper.yaml

verify gatekeeper pods are all running

❯ kubectl get po -n gatekeeper-system
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
gatekeeper-audit-6d588687dd-rbz2d                1/1     Running   1 (48s ago)   52s
gatekeeper-controller-manager-5d7465bfb7-btj7h   1/1     Running   0             52s
gatekeeper-controller-manager-5d7465bfb7-m927k   1/1     Running   0             52s
gatekeeper-controller-manager-5d7465bfb7-nnszk   1/1     Running   0             52s

if the pods are all running, you are good. If you hit docker rate limit issues, you will need to relocate the openpolicyagent/gatekeeper to your local harbor registry and run the following to reference your copy (instead of dockerhub's copy)

# ensure you edit kustomization.yaml to point to your own image
❯ kubectl apply -f kustomization.yaml

apply the mutating psa

❯ kubectl apply -f mutation-psa-policy.yaml

label all existing namespaces (as gatekeeper will only apply to newly created namespaces)

kubectl label --overwrite ns --all


## create a new namespace
$ kubectl create ns demo
$ kubectl get ns demo -oyaml (you should see ` privileged` as part of the namespace labels)
$ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx:1.25.1 -n demo
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