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Created March 31, 2011 22:48
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Save berislavbabic/897421 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A backup script that backups the folder you wish into a 7z file, sort of versioning done stupid
# Author: babinho
# Name: SmartBackup
# Purpose: A friend needed a fast schedulable solution for directory backup
# and i made it worse :) The script is x-platform, haven't tryed on a mac because
# i am one short. Only prerequisite is 7zip archiver that is in system path
# Executing: ruby smart_backup.rb path(/home/username/dir_to_backup)
# it creates a dir_to_backup.7z file with current date in the name
@in_dir = ARGV[0]
separator = RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("mingw") ? "\\" : "/"
@filename = @in_dir[@in_dir.rindex(separator)+1..@in_dir.length]
@out_dir = @in_dir[0..@in_dir.rindex(separator)]
def backup
files = Dir.entries(@out_dir)
filename = "#{@filename}-#{'%Y-%m-%d')}"
fout = filename
i = 1
until files.grep(/#{fout}/).empty?
fout = filename+"_#{i.to_s}"
i += 1
if RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("mingw")
command = "7z.exe a -m0=lzma2 -mmt4"
command = "7za a -m0=lzma2 -mmt4"
system("#{command} #{@out_dir+fout}.7z #{@in_dir}")
puts "backup finished"
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