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Created May 1, 2011 03:00
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Convert this from haskell to Java (see the top blurb)
* See the comment.
* I was trying to convert haskell to Java but I am still not
* getting the insertion sort to work.
* This is purely, throw-away code.
* Java Insertion Sort based on Haskell impl.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
* Insertion Sort with simple cost and time statistics.
* Based on logic from "Introduction to algorithms", coreman, stein.
* Using recursion for later use with Haskell.
public class InsertionSortRecursionLists {
* Based on Haskell version:
insert e [] = [e]
insert e lst@(x:xs)
| e < x = e : lst
| otherwise = x : (insert e xs)
insertionSort lst = insertionSort' lst [] where
insertionSort' [] lst = lst
insertionSort' (x:xs) lst = insertionSort' xs (insert x lst)
private final CalledTimesCount times = new CalledTimesCount();
private class CalledTimesCount {
private int c1N = 0;
private int c2N = 0;
private int c4N = 0;
private int c5N = 0;
private int c6N = 0;
private int c7N = 0;
private int c8N = 0;
public String toString() {
return "{Cost and Times T(n): N-for-C2=" + c2N + ", N-for-C6=" + c6N + ", N-for-C8=" + c8N + "}";
public InsertionSortRecursionLists insertionSort(final Integer [] A) {
final List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(A);
final List<Integer> res = insertionSort(list);
int i = 0;
for (final Integer x : res) {
A[i] = x;
return this;
public List<Integer> insertionSort(final List<Integer> A) {
if ((A == null) || (A.size() == 0)) {
return $();
if (A.size() == 1) {
return A;
final Pair<Integer, List<Integer>> xxs = toXs(A);
return insertionSort(xxs, $());
public List<Integer> insertionSort(final Pair<Integer, List<Integer>> xxs, final List<Integer> addToLst) {
if (xxs.x() == null) {
// insertionSort' [] lst = lst
return addToLst;
} else {
// Haskell: insertionSort' (x:xs) lst = insertionSort' xs (insert x lst)
return insertionSort(toXs(xxs.xs()), insert(xxs.x(), xxs, addToLst));
public List<Integer> insert(final Integer e, Pair<Integer, List<Integer>> xxs, final List<Integer> lst) {
final Integer x = xxs.x();
final List<Integer> xs = xxs.xs();
if (x == null && ((lst == null) || (lst.size() == 0))) {
final List<Integer> l = $();
return l;
} else {
// Haskell:
// insert e lst@(x:xs)
// | e < x = e : lst
// | otherwise = x : (insert e xs)
if (e < x) {
final List<Integer> addEtoList = $();
for (final Integer z:lst) { addEtoList.add(z);}
return addEtoList;
} else {
final Pair<Integer, List<Integer>> xxsBasedOnXs = toXs(xs);
final List<Integer> recursiveResultCallInsert = insert(e, xxsBasedOnXs, xs);
final List<Integer> addXtoRecursiveList = $();
for (final Integer z:recursiveResultCallInsert) {
return addXtoRecursiveList;
* Return x:xs
* @param lst
* @return
public Pair<Integer, List<Integer>> toXs(final List<Integer> lst) {
if ((lst == null) || (lst.size() == 0)) {
return new Pair<Integer, List<Integer>>(null, $());
} else if (lst.size() == 1) {
return new Pair<Integer, List<Integer>>(lst.get(0), $());
final Integer x = lst.get(0);
final List<Integer> xs = $();
for (int i = 1; i < lst.size(); i++) { xs.add(lst.get(i)); }
return new Pair<Integer, List<Integer>>(x, xs);
public List<Integer> pairToList(final Pair<Integer, List<Integer>> xxs) {
final List<Integer> addToList = $();
for (final Integer z:xxs.xs()) { addToList.add(z);}
return addToList;
public final List<Integer> $() {
return new ArrayList<Integer>();
public static class Pair <T, S> implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2202117371650541073L;
private final T first;
private final S second;
public Pair(final T f, final S s) {
first = f;
second = s;
public T x() {
return getFirst();
public S xs() {
return getSecond();
public T getFirst() {
return first;
public S getSecond() {
return second;
* Return String string representation of object.
* @return String
public String toString() {
return "("
+ ((first == null) ? "" : first.toString()) + ", "
+ ((second == null) ? "" : second.toString()) + ")";
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(times);
public static void logBefore(final Integer [] A) {
System.out.print("A {N=" + A.length + "}= [");
for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
System.out.print(A[i] + ", " );
public static void logAfter(final Integer [] A, final InsertionSortRecursionLists insertionSort) {
System.out.print("A(after sort) = [");
for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
System.out.print(A[i] + ", " );
public static void main(final String [] args) {
System.out.println("Running main - insertion sort - with recursion");
final Integer A [] = {
5, 2
// Run the insertion sort and update the entries for the array A
final InsertionSortRecursionLists insertionSort = new InsertionSortRecursionLists().insertionSort(A);
logAfter(A, insertionSort);
// With random N
final Integer A2 [] = new Integer [30];
final Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
for (int i = 0; i < A2.length; i++) {
A2[i] = rand.nextInt(1000);
final InsertionSortRecursionLists insertionSort2 = new InsertionSortRecursionLists().insertionSort(A2);
logAfter(A2, insertionSort2);
// Best case with sorted values.
final Integer A3 [] = {
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
// Run the insertion sort and update the entries for the array A
final InsertionSortRecursionLists insertionSort = new InsertionSortRecursionLists().insertionSort(A3);
logAfter(A3, insertionSort);
} // End of the Class //
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