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Created July 2, 2015 22:57
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Wrapping around Python PyStruct: structured SVM in Julia
from pystruct.models.base import StructuredModel
import numpy as np
import types
class ExternalModel(StructuredModel):
"""Interface definition for Structured Learners.
This class defines what is necessary to use the structured svm.
You have to implement at least joint_feature and inference.
def __init__(self, size_joint_feature=None, joint_feature=None,
inference=None, loss=None,
loss_augmented_inference=None, initialize=None):
"""Initialize the model.
Needs to set self.size_joint_feature, the dimensionalty of the joint features for
an instance with labeling (x, y).
self.size_joint_feature = size_joint_feature
if joint_feature is not None:
self.joint_feature = types.MethodType(joint_feature, self)
if inference is not None:
self.inference = types.MethodType(inference, self)
if loss is not None:
self.loss = types.MethodType(loss, self)
if loss_augmented_inference is not None:
self.loss_augmented_inference = types.MethodType(loss_augmented_inference, self)
if initialize is not None:
self.initialize = types.MethodType(initialize, self)
def initialize(self, X, Y):
def joint_feature(self, x, y):
raise NotImplementedError()
def inference(self, x, w, relaxed=None):
raise NotImplementedError()
def loss(self, y, y_hat):
# hamming loss:
return np.sum(y != y_hat)
def loss_augmented_inference(self, x, y, w, relaxed=None):
print("FALLBACK no loss augmented inference found")
return self.inference(x, w)
# Reproducing Andrea Vedaldi's example on SSVM: regressing a real function
# example from
# Original description from Andrea Vedaldi:
# Demonstrates using SSVM-STRUCT-MALTAB to learn a structured SVM
# regressing a real function. The joint feature map is:
# Psi(x,y) = [y yx yx^2 yx^3 -0.5y^2]'
# which corresponds to learning a polynomial of the third order:
# y(x;w) = argmax_y <Psi(x,y),w>
# = w1/w5 + w2/w5 x + w4/w5 x^2 + w4/w5 x^3.
# To avoid pathologies, y is constrained in the range [-1,1].
# The loss is the absolute difference of the ground truth output
# yi and the regressed output y(xi;w):
# Delta(yi,y) = |y - yi|.
# The marging rescaling formulation is used to construct the
# surrogate loss:
# L(w) = sup_y |y - yi| + <Psi(xi,y),w> - <Psi(xi,yi),w>
using PyCall; unshift!(PyVector(pyimport("sys")["path"]), "");
OneSlackSSVM = pyimport("pystruct.learners")["OneSlackSSVM"] # learner
ExternalModel = pyimport("external_model")["ExternalModel"] # model
println("Defining model functions...")
size_joint_feature = 5
function joint_feature(self, x, y)
[y, y*x, y*x^2, y*x^3, -.5*y^2]
function inference(self, x, w; relaxed=None)
z = (w[1] + w[2]*x + w[3]*x^2 + w[4]*x^3)
if w[5] == 0.
y_hat = sign(z)
y_all = [-1., 1., z/w[5]]
y_hat = 0.
loss = -Inf
for c in y_all
if -1. <= c <= 1.
E = z*c - .5*c^2*w[5]
if E > loss
loss = E
y_hat = c
function loss(self, y, y_hat)
abs(y_hat - y)
function loss_augmented_inference(self, x, y, w; relaxed=None)
z = (w[1] + w[2]*x + w[3]*x^2 + w[4]*x^3)
if w[5] > 0
y_all = [-1., 1., (z-1.)/w[5], (z+1.)/w[5]]
y_all = [-1., 1.]
y_hat = 0.
augmentedloss = -Inf
for c in y_all
if -1. <= c <= 1.
L = abs(c - y) + z*c - .5*c^2*w[5]
if L > augmentedloss
augmentedloss = L
y_hat = c
println("Creating model...")
juliamodel = pycall(ExternalModel, PyObject,
x = collect(linspace(-pi,pi,21));
y = 0.5*sin(x);
y = y + 0.1*randn(size(y));
ssvm = pycall(OneSlackSSVM, PyObject, juliamodel)
println("Learning parameters...")
ssvm[:fit](x, y)
println("Evaluating results...")
w = ssvm[:w] # learned weights
minx, maxx = minimum(x), maximum(x)
xr = linspace(minx, maxx, 1024);
yr = linspace(-1,1,1024) ;
y_fit = ssvm[:predict](xr)
z = w[1] + w[2] * xr + w[3] * xr.^2 + w[4] * xr.^3;
F = yr*z' - 0.5 * yr.^2 * ones(size(z))' * w[5]; # scoring function
F_ = F .- maximum(F, 1); # column rescaled
println("Plotting results...")
using PyPlot
imshow(F_, extent=[minimum(x), maximum(x), -1, 1], origin="lower")
# plot(xr, y_fit)
plot(x, y, "o")
xlim([minimum(x), maximum(x)]);
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Strange segmentation errors appear after the weight learning... Learning w should be enough for most use cases though. Strange.

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