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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Auto register jpg methods in middleman in middleman
# place me inside the helpers folder on the root of the middleman project
# ex.:
# (given that you have an image name slider.jpg inside the images folder)
# slider_image()
# => "<img src=\"slider.jpg\" />"
# slider_image( class: 'foo', 'data-attribute': 'bar')
# => "<img class=\"foo\" data-attribute=\"bar\" src=\"slider.jpg\" />"
module ImageHelper
Dir.glob('source/images/*.jpg').each do |file_name|
define_method( ( File.basename( file_name,".*") + "_image" ).to_sym ) do |hsh={}|
hsh[:src] = file_name.gsub(/source/, '')
tag :img, hsh
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