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Last active January 14, 2022 23:28
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Object to HTML
function getAttributes (o) {
const ignore = ['tag', 'innerText', 'children']
return Object.keys(o).reduce(function (r, k) {
if (ignore.includes(k)) return r
r += o[k] ? ` ${k}="${o[k] instanceof Array ? o[k].join(' ') : o[k]}"` : ` ${k}`
return r
}, '')
function getChildren (o) {
return o.children.reduce(function (r, c) {
r += toHtml(c)
return r
}, '')
const toHtml = (o) => `<${o.tag}${getAttributes(o)}>${o.innerText || getChildren(o)}</${o.tag}>`
/* less performant
function appendTo (node, content) {
const range = document.createRange()
const documentFragment = range.createContextualFragment(content)
const append = (node, content, position) => node.insertAdjacentHTML(position, content)
const appendBefore = (node, content) => append(node, content, 'beforebegin')
const appendAfter = (node, content) => append(node, content, 'afterend')
const appendBeforeChildren = (node, content) => append(node, content, 'afterbegin')
const appendTo = (node, content) => append(node, content, 'beforeend')
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