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Last active December 19, 2023 19:26
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  • Save bernardoduarte/5ef86f43b17e065b3af0901ade011bda to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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adog = log --all --graph --oneline --decorate --author-date-order
pushup = "!git push -u origin $(git branch --show-current)"
lcm = log -1 --no-merges --pretty=%s
lcmt = ! git lcm | grep -o -e "\"#[0-9a-zA-Z]\\+\""
branch-prune = "!git fetch -p && for b in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(if:equals=[gone])%(upstream:track)%(then)%(refname:short)%(end)' refs/heads); do git branch -d $b; done"
merge-request = "!git remote get-url origin | sed 's|:|/|g' | sed 's|.*@|https://|g' | sed \"s|\\.git|/-/merge_requests/new\\?change_branches=true\\&merge_request%5Bsource_branch%5D=$(git branch --show-current | sed 's|/|%2F|g')\\&merge_request%5Btarget_branch%5D=$1|g\" #"
mr = merge-request
diff-commit-message-tag = "!git cherry -v \"$1\" \"$2\" | grep -e '^+*' | grep -o '#[0-9a-z]\\+' | sort | uniq #"
dcmt = diff-commit-message-tag
conventional-commit = "!git commit -m \"$1($2): $3\" #"
feat = "!git conventional-commit feat \"$1\" \"$2\" #"
fix = "!git conventional-commit fix \"$1\" \"$2\" #"
chore = "!git conventional-commit chore \"$1\" \"$2\" #"
refactor = "!git conventional-commit refactor \"$1\" \"$2\" #"
ci = "!git conventional-commit ci \"$1\" \"$2\" #"
style = "!git conventional-commit style \"$1\" \"$2\" #"
test = "!git conventional-commit test \"$1\" \"$2\" #"
tfeat = "!git feat $(git lcmt) \"$1\" #"
tfix = "!git fix $(git lcmt) \"$1\" #"
tchore = "!git chore $(git lcmt) \"$1\" #"
trefactor = "!git refactor $(git lcmt) \"$1\" #"
tci = "!git ci $(git lcmt) \"$1\" #"
tstyle = "!git style $(git lcmt) \"$1\" #"
ttest = "!git test $(git lcmt) \"$1\" #"
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