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Pascal Introduction

Pascal Cookbook


This book contains small pascal program that implement some features. They are supposed to be easy to read and to understand.

Each script starts with a brief description, followed by the code and then the output of the program, like so:

Description of the program behavior.

program example;
--- this is the code of the program

Input / Output from the console Input is in bold

Basic Programs

Hello, World!

This classic program just writes Hello, World! to the terminal.

program hello;
  writeln('Hello, World!');
Hello, World!

Hello, you!

This program asks for a name and then writes Hello, <name>! to the terminal.

program hello_you;
var name : string;
  writeln('Hello, what is your name?');
  writeln('Hello, ', name, '!');
Hello, what is your name?
Hello, Edward!

Simple Login

This is a simple login that asks for a username and password and lets the user in if his IDs match some hard-coded IDs inside the program.

program simple_login;

  username, password : string;

  chefname = 'bush';
  chefpass = 'jetfuel';
  emplname = 'john';
  emplpass = 'smith';

  writeln('Simple Login');
  write('username: ');
  write('password: ');

  if username = chefname and password = chefpass then
    writeln('Welcome, Mr. Bush.')
  else if username = emplname and password = emplpass then
    writeln('Hey, peasant.')
    writeln('Login wrong!');

Run #1

Simple Login
username: **bush**
password: **jetfuel**
Welcome, Mr. Bush.

Run #2

Simple Login
username: john
password: smith
Hey, peasant.

Run #3

Simple Login
username: putin
password: vodka
Login wrong!

Math Algorithms

Prime numbers

This writes a list of the prime numbers from 2 to 100.

program prime_list;

function isPrime(i : longint) : boolean;
var n : integer;
  for n := 2 to i div 2 do
    if (i mod n) = 0 then
      isPrime := false;
  isPrime := true;

  it : longint;


  for it := 2 to 100 do
    if isPrime(it) then



Sorting Algorithms

Selection Sort

The algorithm finds the minimum value, swaps it with the value in the first position, and repeats these steps for the remainder of the list. This algorithm has time complexity O(N^2) for comparisons and O(N) for swaps and space complexity O(1).

program selection_sort;

const SIZE = 10;

  sorted : array[1..SIZE] of double;

{ Prints the array to the console }
procedure printList(arr : array of double);
var it : integer;
  for it := 0 to length(arr)-1 do

{ Randomizes the list }
procedure randomizeList(var arr : array of double);
var it : integer;
  for it := 0 to length(arr)-1 do
    arr[it] := Random;

{ Sorts the list linearly }
procedure sortList(var arr : array of double);
  it, curr, next : integer;
  min, buffer    : double;
  for curr := 0 to length(arr)-1 do
    { initializes the min var with the most left element }
    min := arr[curr];

    { finds the minimum value of the right of the array }
    { the minimum value index is in next }
    { its value is stored on min }
    for it := curr to length(arr)-1 do
      if arr[it] <= min then
        min := arr[it];
        next := it;

    { swaps both the values }
    buffer := arr[curr];
    arr[curr] := arr[next];
    arr[next] := buffer;

0.672 0.903 0.194 0.044 0.418 0.768 0.432 0.949 0.326 0.540
0.044 0.194 0.326 0.418 0.432 0.540 0.672 0.768 0.903 0.949

Merge Sort

This is an efficient divide and conquer algorithm that sorts a list with O(N * ln(N)) time complexity.

This algorithm works by exploring the fact that joining two sorted lists into a sorted list only takes O(N) time complexity. So, the algorithm partitions the list into 2 and calls it recursively to each list. At the bottom level the algorithm is only called ether with a list of size 2 or 1, doing nothing or swapping the 2 elements. So this are the operations done by the algorithm for a 5 element array. Partitions were expressed by right brackets ([]).

  1. [5 2 4 1 3]
  2. [5 2 4] [1 3]
  3. [5 2] [4] [1 3]
  4. [2 5] [4] [1 3]
  5. [2 4 5] [1 3]
  6. [1 2 3 4 5]


Program Structure

A pascal program has the following structure:

program ProgramName;
(* all declarations of the program *)
(* like type, var, const and functions/procedures *)
  (* all program instructions *)

Basic Data

Variables or Constants

Variables and constants both store data, with the difference that with variables the data is mutable and with constants the data is immutable. They both need to be declared in the following way:

var identifier : type = value;
const identifier : type = value;

The value in variables is optional, as well as the type in constants (the compiler can deduce it). All of the following variable constant declarations are valid:

  height : Real;
    year : 1970..2015;
    money : Integer = 0;
  max_elements = 100; (* type is integer *)
    name = "Alex";      (* type is string *)
    first_letter : char = 'a';

Also, numeric variables can have a range specifier, to constrain the range of values of the variable. This can be done by the following syntax:

var ranged_int : 0..1000;
var ranged_char : 'a'..'z';

Data Types

Integer Numeric Types

Name Size (bytes) Range
Byte 1 0 .. 255
ShortInt 1 -128 .. 127
SmallInt 2 -2^15 .. 2^15-1
Word 2 0 .. 2^16-1
LongInt 4 -2^31 .. 2^31 -1
Integer 4 or 8 ?

Real (Floating-Point) Numeric Types

Name Size (bytes) Bytes S/E/M
Single 4 1/8/23
Double 8 1/11/52
Extended 10 1/15/63
Real 4 or 8 ?

Character Types

Name Size (bytes) Common Encoding
Char 1 ASCII / UTF8
WideChar 2 UTF16 / Latin1


These are the list of operators for different types of data:

Operator Family Operators
Integer Algebra +, -, *, DIV, REM
Real Algebra +, -, *, /
Boolean Algebra NOT, AND, XOR
Comparison =, >, >=, <, <=, <>

Control Flow

There are a number of constructs in pascal to change the flow of the program, for creating conditionals or loops.


This branches the execution based on a Boolean condition. If one branch condition is true, then no other branch will be checked. The syntax is if-then-else ::= if condition then block [else if condition block]+ [else block];. For example this checks if a number is positive or negative or zero:

if number > 0 then
  answer := 'pos'
else if number < 0 then
  answer := 'neg'
  answer := 'zero';


This checks a value against a number of possibilities. This is the same as writing if-then-else for each of the possibilities, but this form is more compact and more readable. However, this only runs if the case if equal to the variable checked against. So, this only checks for equality. The syntax is case-of ::= (Constant [, Constant]* : block ;)+ [else block;] end;

case number of
  0 : writeln('zero');
  1 : writeln('one');
  2 : writeln('two');
  else writeln('another');

For Loop

This loops a variable (called iterator) through a range. The syntax is for ::= FOR var := int (downto|to) int do block. For example, this prints all the numbers from 0 to 100:

for i := 0 to 100 do

While Loop

This loop repeats while a condition is met. This condition is evaluated in the beginning, so if the condition is not met in the beginning, the loop will never be executed. The syntax is while ::= while condition do block. For, example, this prints the numbers from 100 to 1:

i := 100
while i > 0 do
  i := i - 1;

Repeat-Until Loop

This loop, like while, also repeats until a condition is met. However, the condition is only evaluated at the end of each loop. This ensures that the loop is run at least once. The syntax is repeat-until ::= repeat block until condition;. For example, this prints what the user types, until he types exit.

until compareStr(input, 'exit') = 0;

Procedures and Functions

Procedures and Functions are ways to group blocks of code. This increases abstraction, cleaner code and fewer errors. Both procedures and functions have input variables, but only functions can have output.


A procedure groups blocks of code without any output. The syntax is:

procedure name (arg1 : type1, arg2 : type2);
(* declaration of vars and consts *)
  (* code instructions *)


Functions groups code and has an output. The syntax is very similar to a procedure:

function name (arg1 : type1, arg2 : type2) : return-type;
(* declaration of vars and consts *)
  (* code instructions *)


Return is the output of a function. To set the output, a variable is created inside the function body with the same name of the function. To change the output is just to change this variable. For example, take a loop at this identity function (returns the input unchanged):

function identity(input : Integer) : Integer;
  identity := input;

How to call the procedures and functions

To call a function or procedure just pass the input arguments inside round brackets (()) after the function/procedure name, for example, num := identity(123);.


Each procedure or function have a local scope. This means that each variable that is declared inside the function/procedure body is only available to the function itself. This is called local variables. Also, the variables are initialized each time a function is called, and are destructed in the end of execution. There are on persistent of this values. For example:

function i_have_scope() : integer;
  i_am_inside : integer = 10;
  i_have_scope := i_am_inside;
(* ... *)
(* program code *)
  (* this will not compile, as i_am_inside does not exists in this scope *)
  number1 := i_am_inside;

  number2 := i_have_scope(); (* number1 is now 10 *)
  number2 := number2 + 1;
  number3 := i_have_scope(); (* number2 will still be 11 *)

However, functions can change variables outside its scope, if they are defined in a higher scope. This is called side-effects. For example:

(* declaration of a global variable *)
var global_var : Integer;

(* procedure that changes global_var *)
procedure changes_var();
  global_var += 1;

(* program code *)
  global_var := 0; (* global_var is now 0 *)
  changes_var();   (* global_var is now 1 *)

This side effects can be bad because there are no explicit change of the outside variables, with can lead to unpredictable behavior. To avoid this bugs caused by this side-effects, it is recommended to write functions that do not change any global variables. This functions are called pure-functions and its output is only dependent on its input, and not on external variables.

Arguments by value or reference

Lets look at the following procedure add_one:

procedure add_one(n : integer);
  n := n + 1;

Now, if we call the procedure in the variable n, add_one(n), we verify that the variable did not change. Why? This is because the variable was passed to the function by value. When the function is called, the arguments are copied inside the scope of the function. So, when the variable n was changed, only the local copy it was changed, which then was destroyed when the function was ended. In the end, the variable n was not changed.

To actually change the variable n inside the scope of the procedure, we need to pass the argument by reference. This means that the real variable is passed, and not a copy of it. To do that in pascal, just write var before the variable name of the argument. The new procedure add_one will the be:

procedure add_one(var n : integer);
  n := n + 1;

Now, if we call add_one(n), we can then see that n was incremented.

Another example of the power of this feature is the procedure swap:

procedure swap(var a, b : integer);
var c : integer;
  c := a;
  a := b;
  b := c;

However, because we are changing the state of outside variables, passing the variables by reference is a method only used if we really want to change the input variables. So, a pure function do not need to have its arguments passed by reference.

Recursive Functions

A recursive function is such a function that calls itself, unless a exit condition is met (tail-call). For example, factorial is a function that can be defined recursively: 0! = 1 and n! = n * (n-1)!

function factorial(n : longint) : longint;
  if n = 0 then
    factorial := 1
    factorial := n * factorial(n-1);

A lot of algorithm can be more easily defined with recursively, however, if the function never reaches the end condition, the program will crash, due to a stack overflow. So, the definition of exit conditions is critical for the stability of the program. Also, each time the function is called, more space needs to be used to store the local variables. So, deep recursion can be memory intensive.

Function Overloading

Overloading is the ability in a programming language to create multiple function with the same name, but with a different argument arity (number and order) and/or type. At compile time, the compiler will call the right function based on the arguments.

For example, suppose we wanted to create a function that returns the volume of solids (cube, cylinder and a cuboid in this example). We can create a overloaded function called volume with 3 implementations, one for each solid. Then, base on the arguments, the correct function will be called.

--- volume of a cube
function volume(side : real);
  volume := side * side * side;
--- volume of a cylinder
function volume(radius * height : real);
  volume := 2 * PI * radius * radius * height;
--- volume of a cuboid
function volume(height, width, length : real);
  volume := height * width * length;


volume(2.0); --- returns the volume of the cube
volume(2.0, 3.0); --- returns the volume of a cylinder
volume(2.0, 3.0, 4.0); --- returns the volume of a cuboid

Sometimes the compiler will implicitly convert the types of the arguments to match the right function to be called. For example, if we called the function volume like volume(3); the compiler will convert the integer 3 to the float 3.0 and call volume(3.0).


Arrays is a data structure capable of storing a fixed number of homogeneous data (same data type). To declare a array we use the following syntax:

var array_name : array [range] of el_type;

For example:

var numbers : array[0..5] of double;

Array elements can be accessed with right brackets with the index of the element, like array[4] := 10;

Initialization is also possible, by using literal arrays like (1, 2, 3, ..). For example:

var first_numbers : array[1..5] of integer = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

Multidimensional arrays, like matrices, can be defined by defining multiple index ranges or by defining multiple level arrays. To access the elements use multiple indexes, one for each dimension, comma separated.

var agenda : array[1..31] of array[0..23] of OccupationType;
agenda[1][8] := Job; (* At day 1 at 8 hours the Occupation is Job*)

var matrix : array[1..5, 1..5] of double;
matrix[1, 1] := 0.0;

Type Declaration

It is possible to define new types inside the program. This helps create less alias of the same type. For example, if using always a 3x3 matrix, we can just define a new type called Matrix3, like so:

type Matrix3 = array[1..3, 1..3] of double;

Now we can use this type concisely in our entire code, without the need to write its definition all the times. For example, we can now define functions that uses this type, as well as variables, like always.

var mtx : Matrix3;
function det(m : Matrix3) : double;
function rot90(m : Matrix3) : Matrix3;

Enumerated Types

We can also use the type keyword to declare enumerated types. This creates new identifiers that have an unique values (usually numeric). This can be declared as following:

  Name = (identifier1 [= value], identifier2, ...);

For example:

type MonthType = (January = 0, February, March, ..., December);
var Month : MonthType = January;

This provides a safe abstraction instead of using numeric types. This is usually used with the case-of.

case month of
  January : writeln('New year!');
  December : writeln('Prepare for Christmas!');


Record is a structured data type, which can contain heterogeneous data types together, unlike arrays, which can only contain homogeneous data. Each element of the record is called a field and have an unique identifier inside the record. Records are defined like

  field1 : type1;
  field2 : type2;

For example, look at this record representing the type Person:

type Person = record
    name : record first, last : string;
    sex  : (Male, Female);
    age  : integer;

Each field can be accessed using the dot operator (.) like

var anna : Person;
... = 'Anna'; = 'Mathias'; = Female;
anna.age = 25;

Literal record are build like:

var petro : Person = (
  name : (first : 'Petro'; last : 'Diaz');
  sex : Male;
  age : 32;

As records are compacted data types, we can pass record variables directly to functions and procedures:

function fullname(p : Person) : string;
  fullname := +;

Input and Output

Writing and reading streams are a must for every program. In pascal, there is possible to write and read from the stdout and stdin (console), as well as from files. It's possible to use binary data or text data, usually encoded in ASCII.

IO to the standard buffers

Each program has a stdout and stdin. These are streams that interface with the terminal. To write to the stdout, we use the procedures write and writeln. The later just writes a newline (\n) at the end of each write. read and readln are the procedures to read from the stdin. Those functions are overloaded for each data type.

writeln(123);        (* writes "123"  *)
writeln('str');      (* writes "str"  *)
writeln(1, 2, 3, 4); (* writes "1234" *)

readln(var1); (* reads input and saves to var1 *)

IO with files

Files are a way to store data permanently in the disk. There are 1 types of files in pascal, Untyped Files, Typed Files and Text Files. The first ones are binary files and the last one is a text file (human-readable). In Untyped Files, data is read in byte chunks and very low level. In Typed Files, the data type is known but is stored in binary form (raw). In Text Files data is stored as a character stream. This is much more expensive to read and write and takes much more disk space compared to binary files, but it's human-readable, which makes it very convenient for storing information.

To create a file variable, just use the types file (untyped), file of something (typed) or text (text).

var binary_file : file;
var integer_file : file of integer;
var text_file : text;

Open files

To open a file, we must first assign the file variable to the filename. This is done with the function assign. Then, we must choose if we want to create a new file, append to a already created file or read from a file. There are 3 functions for this: rewrite (create new file), append (append to file) and reset (read from file). Then, to close the file, we must call the close function.

Writing and reading data

Reading and writing to a file is done in the same as with the standard buffers, but the file variable needs to be specified as the first parameter. Also, only in text file we can call the writeln and readln procedures. Writing is done with write(file, ...) and reading is done with read(file, ...).

Position in the file

File io operations are done in a certain position of the file. To keep track of this position, as with indexes in arrays, there is a cursor that stores the current position in the file. This cursor is not available directly but some there are functions to interface with it. Eof, for example, checks if we reached the end of the file (for reading operations).

File handling function

Here are all the functions to handle with files

Name Description
assign Assign a filename to a file
close Closes an open file
rewrite Open a file for writing
append Open a file for appending
reset Open a file for reading
eof Checks for the end of file
filePos Gets the current position
seek Sets the current position
seekEOF Sets the position to the EOF
seekEOLN Set the position to the end of line
write Writes to the file
writeln Writes to the file and writes a NL character
read Reads from the file
readln Reads from the file until it find a NL character
blockRead Reads a block of data from an untyped file
blockWrite Writes a block of data from an untyped file
erase Erases the file from the disk
truncate Truncates the file at position

Example of a typed file

Program that writes the first 100 squares to the file squares.dat:

program squares;
var file : type of integer;
var it   : integer;
const filename = 'squares.dat';

  assign(file, filename);
  for it := 1 to 100 do
    write(file, it*it);

This program reads the file squares.dat and sums all the numbers in that file:

program sum;
var file : type of integer;
var num  : integer;
var sum  : integer = 0;
const filename = 'squares.dat';

  assign(file, filename);
  while not eof(file) do
    read(file, num);
    sum := sum + num;
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