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Created January 21, 2014 22:18
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Simple example to package a Rails app with fpm-cookery. (missing some setup for permissions, etc)
class RailsApp < FPM::Cookery::Recipe
description 'A rails app'
name 'my-rails-app'
version '1.0'
source '/tmp/foo', :with => :git
def build
gemhome = Pathname.pwd.join('.gemhome').to_s
ENV['GEM_HOME'] = gemhome
safesystem('gem install bundler')
safesystem("#{gemhome}/bin/bundle install --deployment --without development:test")
def install
share('my-rails-app').install Dir['*']
share('my-rails-app').install %w(.bundle .gitignore .gemhome)
fpm-cook fpm-cookery-rails-app.rb
sudo dpkg -i pkg/my-rails-app_1.0+fpm0_amd64.deb
cd /usr/share/my-rails-app
export GEM_DIR=$PWD/.gemhome GEM_PATH=
.gemhome/bin/bundle exec rails s
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