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Created March 16, 2012 23:57
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Vagrant, Chef-Solo and Data_Bags
#!/usr/bin/env ruby do |config|
# Web App Servers
config.vm.define :app do |app_config| = "centos-6" :hostonly, ""
app_config.vm.share_folder("tomcat-gz-path", "/tmp/archive/tomcat", "../../archives/tomcat")
config.vm.provision :chef_solo do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = ["../../cookbooks", "cookbooks"]
chef.roles_path = "roles"
chef.data_bags_path = "data_bags"
chef.add_recipe 'ign-tomcat'
:java => {
:install_flavor => "sun",
:version => "6u25"
:tomcat => {
:java => {
:xopt => {
:min_heap => "64m",
:max_heap => "128m"
:run_mode => "Staging"
:users => {
:group => "tomcat",
:user => "tomcat-app",
:group_data_bag => "tomcat",
:users_data_bag => "tomcat-users"
:group_dBag => "tomcat",
:user_dBag => "tomcat-users"
:apps => {
:profiles => [
:name => "demo-app",
:group_id => "demo-group",
:version => "1.0",
:context => "demo",
:enabled => true
:name => "orinoco",
:group_id => "com.ign",
:version => "3.0.3",
:remote_base => "",
:context => "orinoco#v3",
:enabled => true

The important thing about the Vagrant file is the line that reads chef.data_bags_path = "data_bags". The ign-tomcat recipe uses some Data Bags e.g. tomcat_group_details = data_bag_item('groups', 'tomcat') If we look at the working Dir..

$ ls -l
total 8
-rw-rw-r--  1 bpalacio  staff  2807 Mar 16 16:29 Vagrantfile
drwxrwxr-x  2 bpalacio  staff    68 Mar 15 17:31 cookbooks
drwxrwxr-x  7 bpalacio  staff   238 Mar 14 23:01 data_bags
drwxr-xr-x  2 bpalacio  staff    68 Mar 15 17:18 roles

and we cat data_bags/groups/tomcat.json we get:

	"id": "tomcat",
	"gid": 270

I had trouble with "id":"tomcat-server" for some strange reason.

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