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Created June 10, 2018 20:40
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<?php namespace spec {
abstract class spec {
abstract function desc () : string;
abstract function derive ($c) : spec;
abstract function sigma () : spec;
class spec_ok extends spec {
function desc () : string { return "ok"; }
function derive ($_) : spec { return $this; }
function sigma () : spec { return $this; }
function spec_ok () : spec {
static $instance;
if (!$instance) { $instance = new spec_ok; }
return $instance;
class spec_null extends spec {
function desc () : string { return "null"; }
function derive ($_) : spec { return $this; }
function sigma () : spec { return $this; }
function spec_null () : spec {
static $instance;
if (!$instance) { $instance = new spec_null; }
return $instance;
class spec_or extends spec {
public $left, $right;
function __construct (spec $left, spec $right) { $this->left = $left; $this->right = $right; }
function derive ($c) : spec {
return spec_or(
function sigma () : spec {
return spec_or(
function desc () : string { return "(or ".$this->left->desc()." ".$this->right->desc().")"; }
function spec_or (spec ...$specs) : spec {
if (empty($specs)) return spec_null();
if (count($specs) == 1) return $specs[0];
if (count($specs) > 2) return spec_or($specs[0], spec_or(...array_slice($specs, 1)));
list($left, $right) = $specs;
if ($left instanceof spec_null) return $right;
if ($right instanceof spec_null) return $left;
return new spec_or($left, $right);
class spec_and extends spec {
public $left, $right;
function __construct (spec $left, spec $right) { $this->left = $left; $this->right = $right; }
function derive ($c) : spec {
return spec_and(
function sigma () : spec {
return spec_and(
function desc () : string { return "(and ".$this->left->desc()." ".$this->right->desc().")"; }
function spec_and (spec ...$specs) : spec {
if (empty($specs)) return spec_null();
if (count($specs) == 1) return $specs[0];
if (count($specs) > 2) return spec_and($specs[0], spec_and(...array_slice($specs, 1)));
list($left, $right) = $specs;
if (
$left instanceof spec_null
$right instanceof spec_null
) return spec_null();
if (
$left instanceof spec_ok
$right instanceof spec_ok
) return spec_ok();
return new spec_and($left, $right);
class spec_seq extends spec {
public $first, $second;
function __construct (spec $first, spec $second) { $this->first = $first; $this->second = $second; }
function derive ($c) : spec {
return spec_or(
spec_seq($this->first->derive($c), $this->second),
spec_seq($this->first->sigma(), $this->second->derive($c)));
function sigma () : spec {
return spec_seq(
function desc () : string { return "(seq ".$this->first->desc()." ".$this->second->desc().")"; }
function spec_seq (spec ...$specs) : spec {
if (empty($specs)) return spec_null();
if (count($specs) == 1) return $specs[0];
if (count($specs) > 2) return spec_seq($specs[0], spec_seq(...array_slice($specs, 1)));
list ($first, $second) = $specs;
if (
$first instanceof spec_null
$second instanceof spec_null
) return spec_null();
if ($first instanceof spec_ok) return $second;
if ($second instanceof spec_ok) return $first;
return new spec_seq($first, $second);
class spec_rep extends spec {
public $spec;
function __construct (spec $spec) { $this->spec = $spec; }
function derive ($c) : spec { return spec_seq($this->spec->derive($c), $this); }
function sigma () : spec { return spec_ok(); }
function desc () : string { return "(rep ".$this->spec->desc().")"; }
function spec_rep (spec $spec) : spec {
if (
$spec instanceof spec_null
$spec instanceof spec_ok
) return spec_ok();
return new spec_rep($spec);
class id extends spec {
public $value;
function __construct ($value) { $this->value = $value; }
function derive ($c) : spec {
return $this->value == $c?
function sigma () : spec { return spec_null(); }
function desc () : string { return \var_export($this->value, true); }
function id ($value) : spec { return new id($value); }
class spec_pred extends spec {
public $predicate, $name;
function __construct (callable $predicate, string $name) { $this->predicate = $predicate; $this->name = $name; }
function derive ($c) : spec {
return \call_user_func($this->predicate, $c)?
function sigma () : spec { return spec_null(); }
function desc () : string { return $this->name; }
function spec_pred (callable $pred, string $name) : spec { return new spec_pred($pred, $name); }
function array_match (array $arr, spec $spec, bool $verbose = false) : bool {
if ($verbose) {
"in: ".\var_export($arr, true)."\n".
"spec: ".$spec->desc()."\n";
if (empty($arr)) {
return $spec->sigma() instanceof spec_ok;
$first = $arr[0];
$rest = array_slice($arr, 1);
return array_match($rest, $spec->derive($first), $verbose);
namespace sandbox {
use \spec as s;
use function spec\array_match;
$posInt = function ($n) : bool {
if (!is_numeric($n)) return false;
return $n > 0; };
$even = function ($n) : bool {
if (!is_numeric($n)) return false;
return $n % 2 == 0; };
$odd = function ($n) : bool {
if (!is_numeric($n)) return false;
return $n % 2 == 1; };
$spec = s\spec_seq(
s\spec_pred($posInt, 'posInt?'),
s\spec_pred($even, "even?")
s\spec_rep(s\spec_pred($odd, 'odd?'))
// \var_dump(s\spec_or( s\id("foo"), s\spec_pred($even))->derive("foo"));
array_match( ["foo", 12], $spec)
, array_match( ["foo", 12, 1, 3, 5], $spec, true)
, array_match( ["bar", 12, 1, 3, 5], $spec)
, array_match( ["bar", -1, 1], $spec)
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