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Created January 10, 2021 16:10
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Custom YNAV4 to Firefly III import
import csv
import re
from operator import itemgetter, methodcaller
from api import FireflyAPI
token = 'TOKEN'
account_map = {}
investment_change_opposite = 'OPPOSING ACCOUNT'
investment_change_payees = []
def parse_transaction(t):
def map_account(acc):
return account_map.get(acc, acc)
transaction = {
'type': None,
'date': '{y}-{m}-{d}'.format(**re.match(r'(?P<d>\d+)\.(?P<m>\d+)\.(?P<y>\d+)', t['Date']).groupdict()),
'amount': max(map(lambda x: abs(float(x[:-1].replace(',', '.'))), [t['Outflow'], t['Inflow']])),
'description': t['Payee'],
'notes': t['Memo'],
'tags': ['YNAB import'],
'reconciled': t['Cleared'] == 'R'
if t['Payee'].startswith('Transfer : '):
transaction['type'] = 'transfer'
transaction['source_name'] = map_account(t['Account'])
transaction['destination_name'] = map_account(t['Payee'][11:])
transaction['description'] = t['Memo'] if t['Memo'] != "" else "Transfer"
elif t['Payee'] in investment_change_payees:
transaction['type'] = 'transfer'
transaction['description'] = 'Kursgewinn/verlust'
if t['Outflow'] != '0,00€':
transaction['source_name'] = map_account(t['Account'])
transaction['destination_name'] = investment_change_opposite
elif t['Inflow'] != '0,00€':
transaction['destination_name'] = map_account(t['Account'])
transaction['source_name'] = investment_change_opposite
transaction['type'] = None
elif t['Outflow'] != '0,00€':
transaction['type'] = 'withdrawal'
transaction['source_name'] = map_account(t['Account'])
transaction['destination_name'] = t['Payee']
transaction['category_name'] = t['Category']
elif t['Inflow'] != '0,00€':
transaction['type'] = 'deposit'
transaction['destination_name'] = map_account(t['Account'])
transaction['source_name'] = t['Payee']
return transaction
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Load Data
with open('input.csv', encoding='utf-8-sig') as csvfile:
transactions = list(csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter='\t'))
accounts = list(set(map(itemgetter('Account'), transactions)))
for t in transactions:
# Rename Payees that have same name as account so that the automapper doesnt get confused
if t['Payee'].lower() in map(methodcaller('lower'), accounts):
t['Payee'] += " Bank"
# Remove Payee from split Payee/Transfer Transactions
if '/ Transfer :' in t['Payee']:
t['Payee'] = 'Transfer :' + t['Payee'].split('/ Transfer :')[1]
# Remove one side of every Transfer (Only keep those with Outflow)
transactions = list(filter(lambda t: not t['Payee'].startswith('Transfer : ') or t['Outflow'] != '0,00€',
# Parse Transactions into dict for API
transactions = list(map(parse_transaction, transactions))
# filter out invalid transactions (e.g. In=Out=0,00€)
transactions = list(filter(lambda x: x['type'] is not None, transactions))
# map accounts
for t in transactions:
t['source_name'] = account_map.get(t['source_name'], t['source_name'])
if 'destination_name' in t:
t['destination_name'] = account_map.get(t['destination_name'], t['destination_name'])
# check if asset accounts exist
api = FireflyAPI('FIREFLYURL', token)
accounts = api.request('/api/v1/accounts?type=asset')
accounts = list(map(itemgetter('name'), map(itemgetter('attributes'), accounts)))
for t in transactions:
if t['type'] in ['withdrawal', 'transfer'] and t['source_name'] not in accounts:
raise Exception('Account {} does not exist'.format(t['source_name']))
if t['type'] in ['deposit', 'transfer'] and t['destination_name'] not in accounts:
raise Exception('Account {} does not exist'.format(t['destination_name']))
l = len(transactions)
for i, t in enumerate(transactions):
data = {
'transactions': [t]
print('{}% {}/{}'.format((i + 1) * 100 // l, i + 1, l))
api.request('/api/v1/transactions', method='POST', data=data)
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