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Forked from cgudea/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Authors: Chris Gudea
# Dustin Lambright
# Contact:
# Version: 1
# Info: This program uses regular expressions to test single lines of text
# to test for compliance of the expression against coordinate system
# standards.
# Standards:
# DDMS (Degrees Minutes Seconds)
# UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system)
# Decimal (-180.0 to 180.0)
# MGRS (Military Grid Reference System)
import re
# DMS test data
dmsLatFails = ['20/60/0', '80/60/1.11', '80/59/70', '90/59/0', '86/60/1']
dmsLatMatches = ['-12/23/59.999999999999999', '-1/2/1.000234','-1:2:12.000234',
'0 59 0.22', '60/34/34']
dmsLonFails = ['123:60:59.99999999', '-180:12:0', '180:60:0',
'700 50 50.11', '23/79/22.22',
'0 60 2.2', '0 60 0']
dmsLonMatches = ['-179/59/0.23', '127/12/12.223', '-180/0/0',
'179:59:59.99999999', '-59:13:58.22212345',
'0:0:2.3', '127 12 12.333', '180 0 0', '-0 0 0.00001']
# decimal test data
decimalFails = ["323.312.0", "ABC", "abc", "2.a23", "e2.31", "123-213", "-123e", "180.1", "-190", "-200.1"]
decimalMatches = ["-22.311", "-12", "-170", "28.324125", "179.0111111111111", "13", "-100.0"]
# mgrs test data
mgrsMatches = ["4QFJ1093763778", "2QFK3093763778", "2QaK3093763778", "1fgh23456789"]
mgrsFails = ["QFJ1093763778", "4QFJ109373778", "123a", "12.4.41"]
# utm test data
utmMatches = ['4Q6109372363778', '1f21', '2e01928391087509127405123521353526798',
'4:Q6109372363778', '4/Q/6109372363778', '4 Q 6109372363778', '1 e 231']
utmFails = ['4a6109372363778', 'asljkd', '123f', '1a21', '1234', '1/2:123', '1:./21', '1 a 1234']
# regular expressions (all the magic)
dmsLatRegEx = '^-?((90\/[0]{0,}\/[0]{0,}$)|([1-8]?\d))(\/|\:|\ )(([1-5]?\d))(\/|\:|\ )[1-5]?\d(\.\d{0,})?$'
dmsLonRegEx = '^-?((180(\/|\:| )0(\/|\:| )0((\.0{0,})?))|(([1]?[1-7]\d)|\d?\d)(\/|\:| )([1-5]?\d)(\/|\:| )[1-5]?\d(\.\d{0,})?$)'
decimalRegEx = "^-?(180((\.0{0,})?)|([1]?[0-7]?\d(\.\d{0,})?))$"
mgrsRegEx = "^\d{1,2}[^ABIOYZabioyz][A-Za-z]{2}([0-9][0-9])+$"
utmRegEx = "^\d(\/|\:| |)[^aboiyzABOIYZ\d\[-\` -@](\/|\:| |)\d{2,}$"
# used to evaluate if the test is successful
def unitTester(item, expected, actual):
if (not expected) and actual == None:
print "NO MATCH:",item
elif expected and actual:
print "MATCH:",item
print "expected:",expected, " | actual:",actual
print "FAILED:",item
# check 'item' string using 'regex' string
def regexCheck(regex, item):
expr = re.compile(regex)
m = expr.match(item)
return m
# Everyone needs a main squeeze
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "----Degrees Minutes Seconds regular expression----"
print "Testing all examples that should show NO MATCH:"
for fail in dmsLatFails:
unitTester(fail, False, regexCheck(dmsLatRegEx, fail))
print "\nTesting all examples that should show MATCH:"
for match in dmsLatMatches:
unitTester(match, True, regexCheck(dmsLatRegEx, match))
print "\nTesting all examples that should show NO MATCH:"
for fail in dmsLonFails:
unitTester(fail, False, regexCheck(dmsLonRegEx, fail))
print "\nTesting all examples that should show MATCH:"
for match in dmsLonMatches:
unitTester(match, True, regexCheck(dmsLonRegEx, match))
print "\n----Testing Decimal coordinates----"
print "Testing all examples that should show NO MATCH:"
for fail in decimalFails:
unitTester(fail, False, regexCheck(decimalRegEx, fail))
print "\nTesting all examples that should show MATCH:"
for match in decimalMatches:
unitTester(match, True, regexCheck(decimalRegEx, match))
print "\n----Testing MGRS coordinates----"
print "Testing all examples that should show NO MATCH:"
for fail in mgrsFails:
unitTester(fail, False, regexCheck(mgrsRegEx, fail))
print "\nTesting all examples that should show MATCH:"
for match in mgrsMatches:
unitTester(match, True, regexCheck(mgrsRegEx, match))
print "\n----Testing UTM coordinates----"
print "Testing all examples that should show NO MATCH:"
for fail in utmFails:
unitTester(fail, False, regexCheck(utmRegEx, fail))
print "\nTesting all examples that should show MATCH:"
for match in utmMatches:
unitTester(match, True, regexCheck(utmRegEx, match))
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