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Created September 4, 2011 08:31
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Wu's Color Quantizer
Having received many constructive comments and bug reports about my previous
C implementation of my color quantizer (Graphics Gems vol. II, p. 126-133),
I am posting the following second version of my program (hopefully 100%
healthy) as a reply to all those who are interested in the problem.
C Implementation of Wu's Color Quantizer (v. 2)
(see Graphics Gems vol. II, pp. 126-133)
Author: Xiaolin Wu
Dept. of Computer Science
Univ. of Western Ontario
London, Ontario N6A 5B7
Algorithm: Greedy orthogonal bipartition of RGB space for variance
minimization aided by inclusion-exclusion tricks.
For speed no nearest neighbor search is done. Slightly
better performance can be expected by more sophisticated
but more expensive versions.
The author thanks Tom Lane at Tom_Lane@G.GP.CS.CMU.EDU for much of
additional documentation and a cure to a previous bug.
Free to distribute, comments and suggestions are appreciated.
#define MAXCOLOR 256
#define RED 2
#define GREEN 1
#define BLUE 0
struct box {
int r0; /* min value, exclusive */
int r1; /* max value, inclusive */
int g0;
int g1;
int b0;
int b1;
int vol;
/* Histogram is in elements 1..HISTSIZE along each axis,
* element 0 is for base or marginal value
* NB: these must start out 0!
float m2[33][33][33];
long int wt[33][33][33], mr[33][33][33], mg[33][33][33], mb[33][33][33];
unsigned char *Ir, *Ig, *Ib;
int size; /*image size*/
int K; /*color look-up table size*/
unsigned short int *Qadd;
Hist3d(vwt, vmr, vmg, vmb, m2)
/* build 3-D color histogram of counts, r/g/b, c^2 */
long int *vwt, *vmr, *vmg, *vmb;
float *m2;
register int ind, r, g, b;
int inr, ing, inb, table[256];
register long int i;
for(i=0; i<256; ++i) table[i]=i*i;
Qadd = (unsigned short int *)malloc(sizeof(short int)*size);
if (Qadd==NULL) {printf("Not enough space\n"); exit(1);}
for(i=0; i<size; ++i){
r = Ir[i]; g = Ig[i]; b = Ib[i];
vmr[ind] += r;
vmg[ind] += g;
vmb[ind] += b;
m2[ind] += (float)(table[r]+table[g]+table[b]);
/* At conclusion of the histogram step, we can interpret
* wt[r][g][b] = sum over voxel of P(c)
* mr[r][g][b] = sum over voxel of r*P(c) , similarly for mg, mb
* m2[r][g][b] = sum over voxel of c^2*P(c)
* Actually each of these should be divided by 'size' to give the usual
* interpretation of P() as ranging from 0 to 1, but we needn't do that here.
/* We now convert histogram into moments so that we can rapidly calculate
* the sums of the above quantities over any desired box.
M3d(vwt, vmr, vmg, vmb, m2) /* compute cumulative moments. */
long int *vwt, *vmr, *vmg, *vmb;
float *m2;
register unsigned short int ind1, ind2;
register unsigned char i, r, g, b;
long int line, line_r, line_g, line_b,
area[33], area_r[33], area_g[33], area_b[33];
float line2, area2[33];
for(r=1; r<=32; ++r){
for(i=0; i<=32; ++i)
for(g=1; g<=32; ++g){
line2 = line = line_r = line_g = line_b = 0;
for(b=1; b<=32; ++b){
ind1 = (r<<10) + (r<<6) + r + (g<<5) + g + b; /* [r][g][b] */
line += vwt[ind1];
line_r += vmr[ind1];
line_g += vmg[ind1];
line_b += vmb[ind1];
line2 += m2[ind1];
area[b] += line;
area_r[b] += line_r;
area_g[b] += line_g;
area_b[b] += line_b;
area2[b] += line2;
ind2 = ind1 - 1089; /* [r-1][g][b] */
vwt[ind1] = vwt[ind2] + area[b];
vmr[ind1] = vmr[ind2] + area_r[b];
vmg[ind1] = vmg[ind2] + area_g[b];
vmb[ind1] = vmb[ind2] + area_b[b];
m2[ind1] = m2[ind2] + area2[b];
long int Vol(cube, mmt)
/* Compute sum over a box of any given statistic */
struct box *cube;
long int mmt[33][33][33];
return( mmt[cube->r1][cube->g1][cube->b1]
-mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b0] );
/* The next two routines allow a slightly more efficient calculation
* of Vol() for a proposed subbox of a given box. The sum of Top()
* and Bottom() is the Vol() of a subbox split in the given direction
* and with the specified new upper bound.
long int Bottom(cube, dir, mmt)
/* Compute part of Vol(cube, mmt) that doesn't depend on r1, g1, or b1 */
/* (depending on dir) */
struct box *cube;
unsigned char dir;
long int mmt[33][33][33];
case RED:
return( -mmt[cube->r0][cube->g1][cube->b1]
-mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b0] );
case GREEN:
return( -mmt[cube->r1][cube->g0][cube->b1]
-mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b0] );
case BLUE:
return( -mmt[cube->r1][cube->g1][cube->b0]
-mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b0] );
long int Top(cube, dir, pos, mmt)
/* Compute remainder of Vol(cube, mmt), substituting pos for */
/* r1, g1, or b1 (depending on dir) */
struct box *cube;
unsigned char dir;
int pos;
long int mmt[33][33][33];
case RED:
return( mmt[pos][cube->g1][cube->b1]
+mmt[pos][cube->g0][cube->b0] );
case GREEN:
return( mmt[cube->r1][pos][cube->b1]
+mmt[cube->r0][pos][cube->b0] );
case BLUE:
return( mmt[cube->r1][cube->g1][pos]
+mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][pos] );
float Var(cube)
/* Compute the weighted variance of a box */
/* NB: as with the raw statistics, this is really the variance * size */
struct box *cube;
float dr, dg, db, xx;
dr = Vol(cube, mr);
dg = Vol(cube, mg);
db = Vol(cube, mb);
xx = m2[cube->r1][cube->g1][cube->b1]
return( xx - (dr*dr+dg*dg+db*db)/(float)Vol(cube,wt) );
/* We want to minimize the sum of the variances of two subboxes.
* The sum(c^2) terms can be ignored since their sum over both subboxes
* is the same (the sum for the whole box) no matter where we split.
* The remaining terms have a minus sign in the variance formula,
* so we drop the minus sign and MAXIMIZE the sum of the two terms.
float Maximize(cube, dir, first, last, cut,
whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w)
struct box *cube;
unsigned char dir;
int first, last, *cut;
long int whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w;
register long int half_r, half_g, half_b, half_w;
long int base_r, base_g, base_b, base_w;
register int i;
register float temp, max;
base_r = Bottom(cube, dir, mr);
base_g = Bottom(cube, dir, mg);
base_b = Bottom(cube, dir, mb);
base_w = Bottom(cube, dir, wt);
max = 0.0;
*cut = -1;
for(i=first; i<last; ++i){
half_r = base_r + Top(cube, dir, i, mr);
half_g = base_g + Top(cube, dir, i, mg);
half_b = base_b + Top(cube, dir, i, mb);
half_w = base_w + Top(cube, dir, i, wt);
/* now half_x is sum over lower half of box, if split at i */
if (half_w == 0) { /* subbox could be empty of pixels! */
continue; /* never split into an empty box */
} else
temp = ((float)half_r*half_r + (float)half_g*half_g +
half_r = whole_r - half_r;
half_g = whole_g - half_g;
half_b = whole_b - half_b;
half_w = whole_w - half_w;
if (half_w == 0) { /* subbox could be empty of pixels! */
continue; /* never split into an empty box */
} else
temp += ((float)half_r*half_r + (float)half_g*half_g +
if (temp > max) {max=temp; *cut=i;}
Cut(set1, set2)
struct box *set1, *set2;
unsigned char dir;
int cutr, cutg, cutb;
float maxr, maxg, maxb;
long int whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w;
whole_r = Vol(set1, mr);
whole_g = Vol(set1, mg);
whole_b = Vol(set1, mb);
whole_w = Vol(set1, wt);
maxr = Maximize(set1, RED, set1->r0+1, set1->r1, &cutr,
whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w);
maxg = Maximize(set1, GREEN, set1->g0+1, set1->g1, &cutg,
whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w);
maxb = Maximize(set1, BLUE, set1->b0+1, set1->b1, &cutb,
whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w);
if( (maxr>=maxg)&&(maxr>=maxb) ) {
dir = RED;
if (cutr < 0) return 0; /* can't split the box */
if( (maxg>=maxr)&&(maxg>=maxb) )
dir = GREEN;
dir = BLUE;
set2->r1 = set1->r1;
set2->g1 = set1->g1;
set2->b1 = set1->b1;
switch (dir){
case RED:
set2->r0 = set1->r1 = cutr;
set2->g0 = set1->g0;
set2->b0 = set1->b0;
case GREEN:
set2->g0 = set1->g1 = cutg;
set2->r0 = set1->r0;
set2->b0 = set1->b0;
case BLUE:
set2->b0 = set1->b1 = cutb;
set2->r0 = set1->r0;
set2->g0 = set1->g0;
return 1;
Mark(cube, label, tag)
struct box *cube;
int label;
unsigned char *tag;
register int r, g, b;
for(r=cube->r0+1; r<=cube->r1; ++r)
for(g=cube->g0+1; g<=cube->g1; ++g)
for(b=cube->b0+1; b<=cube->b1; ++b)
tag[(r<<10) + (r<<6) + r + (g<<5) + g + b] = label;
main ()
struct box cube[MAXCOLOR];
unsigned char *tag;
unsigned char lut_r[MAXCOLOR], lut_g[MAXCOLOR], lut_b[MAXCOLOR];
int next;
register long int i, weight;
register int k;
float vv[MAXCOLOR], temp;
/* input R,G,B components into Ir, Ig, Ib;
set size to width*height */
printf("no. of colors:\n");
scanf("%d", &K);
Hist3d(wt, mr, mg, mb, m2); printf("Histogram done\n");
free(Ig); free(Ib); free(Ir);
M3d(wt, mr, mg, mb, m2); printf("Moments done\n");
cube[0].r0 = cube[0].g0 = cube[0].b0 = 0;
cube[0].r1 = cube[0].g1 = cube[0].b1 = 32;
next = 0;
for(i=1; i<K; ++i){
if (Cut(&cube[next], &cube[i])) {
/* volume test ensures we won't try to cut one-cell box */
vv[next] = (cube[next].vol>1) ? Var(&cube[next]) : 0.0;
vv[i] = (cube[i].vol>1) ? Var(&cube[i]) : 0.0;
} else {
vv[next] = 0.0; /* don't try to split this box again */
i--; /* didn't create box i */
next = 0; temp = vv[0];
for(k=1; k<=i; ++k)
if (vv[k] > temp) {
temp = vv[k]; next = k;
if (temp <= 0.0) {
K = i+1;
fprintf(stderr, "Only got %d boxes\n", K);
printf("Partition done\n");
/* the space for array m2 can be freed now */
tag = (unsigned char *)malloc(33*33*33);
if (tag==NULL) {printf("Not enough space\n"); exit(1);}
for(k=0; k<K; ++k){
Mark(&cube[k], k, tag);
weight = Vol(&cube[k], wt);
if (weight) {
lut_r[k] = Vol(&cube[k], mr) / weight;
lut_g[k] = Vol(&cube[k], mg) / weight;
lut_b[k] = Vol(&cube[k], mb) / weight;
fprintf(stderr, "bogus box %d\n", k);
lut_r[k] = lut_g[k] = lut_b[k] = 0;
for(i=0; i<size; ++i) Qadd[i] = tag[Qadd[i]];
/* output lut_r, lut_g, lut_b as color look-up table contents,
Qadd as the quantized image (array of table addresses). */
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Hoek67 commented Sep 6, 2016

Code works well... got it working in .Net with visual studio 2015 in ~ hour.

Had to change a few things (ie K & R style header)... and made main a function.

ifndef DWORD

#define BYTE unsigned char
#define DWORD unsigned int
#define USHORT unsigned short
#define TRUE true
#define FALSE false


DWORD x_wu_main(DWORD update, DWORD *p_Idata, DWORD *p_IDest, DWORD p_size, DWORD pal_colors, DWORD *pal);

include "stdafx.h"

include "LCD Maker Support.h"

include <memory.h>

include <malloc.h>

C Implementation of Wu's Color Quantizer (v. 2)
(see Graphics Gems vol. II, pp. 126-133)
Author: Xiaolin Wu
Dept. of Computer Science
Univ. of Western Ontario
London, Ontario N6A 5B7
Algorithm: Greedy orthogonal bipartition of RGB space for variance
minimization aided by inclusion-exclusion tricks.
For speed no nearest neighbor search is done. Slightly
better performance can be expected by more sophisticated
but more expensive versions.
The author thanks Tom Lane at Tom_Lane@G.GP.CS.CMU.EDU for much of
additional documentation and a cure to a previous bug.
Free to distribute, comments and suggestions are appreciated.

include <stdio.h>

define MAXCOLOR 256

define RED 2

define GREEN 1

define BLUE 0

struct box
int r0;
int r1;
int g0;
int g1;
int b0;
int b1;
int vol;

typedef struct box _BOX;

/* Histogram is in elements 1..HISTSIZE along each axis,

  • element 0 is for base or marginal value
  • NB: these must start out 0!

float m2[33][33][33];
int wt[33][33][33];
int mr[33][33][33];
int mg[33][33][33];
int mb[33][33][33];

// These items set from main

DWORD _Idata; // 32 bit pointer to ARGB
int size; // how many ARGB items
int K; /_color look-up table size*/

bool Hist3d(int *vwt, int *vmr, int *vmg, int *vmb, float *m2)
int ind, r, g, b;
int inr, ing, inb, table[256];
int i;

// zero out elements

for (int i = 0; i < 33 * 33 * 33; i++)
    vwt[i] = vmr[i] = vmg[i] = vmb[i] = 0;
    m2[i] = 0.0f;

for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
    table[i] = i * i;

Qadd = (USHORT *)malloc(sizeof(USHORT) * size);

if (Qadd == NULL) {return false; }

for (i = 0; i < size; i++) 
    r = (Idata[i] >> 16) & 0xFF;
    g = (Idata[i] >> 8) & 0xFF;
    b = (Idata[i]) & 0xFF;

    inr = (r >> 3) + 1;
    ing = (g >> 3) + 1;
    inb = (b >> 3) + 1;

    Qadd[i] = ind = (inr << 10) + (inr << 6) + inr + (ing << 5) + ing + inb;

    vmr[ind] += r;
    vmg[ind] += g;
    vmb[ind] += b;
    m2[ind] += (float)(table[r] + table[g] + table[b]);

return true;


/* At conclusion of the histogram step, we can interpret

  • wt[r][g][b] = sum over voxel of P(c)
  • mr[r][g][b] = sum over voxel of r*P(c) , similarly for mg, mb
  • m2[r][g][b] = sum over voxel of c^2*P(c)
  • Actually each of these should be divided by 'size' to give the usual
  • interpretation of P() as ranging from 0 to 1, but we needn't do that here.

/* We now convert histogram into moments so that we can rapidly calculate

  • the sums of the above quantities over any desired box.

void M3d(int vwt, int *vmr, int *vmg, int *vmb, float *m2) / compute cumulative moments. */
unsigned short int ind1, ind2;
unsigned char i, r, g, b;
int line, line_r, line_g, line_b, area[33], area_r[33], area_g[33], area_b[33];
float line2, area2[33];

for (r = 1; r <= 32; r++) 
    for (i = 0; i <= 32; i++)
        area2[i] = 0.0f;
        area[i] = area_r[i] = area_g[i] = area_b[i] = 0;

    for (g = 1; g <= 32; ++g) 
        line2 = 0.0f;
        line = line_r = line_g = line_b = 0;

        for (b = 1; b <= 32; ++b) 
            ind1 = (r << 10) + (r << 6) + r + (g << 5) + g + b; /* [r][g][b] */
            line += vwt[ind1];
            line_r += vmr[ind1];
            line_g += vmg[ind1];
            line_b += vmb[ind1];
            line2 += m2[ind1];
            area[b] += line;
            area_r[b] += line_r;
            area_g[b] += line_g;
            area_b[b] += line_b;
            area2[b] += line2;
            ind2 = ind1 - 1089; /* [r-1][g][b] */
            vwt[ind1] = vwt[ind2] + area[b];
            vmr[ind1] = vmr[ind2] + area_r[b];
            vmg[ind1] = vmg[ind2] + area_g[b];
            vmb[ind1] = vmb[ind2] + area_b[b];
            m2[ind1] = m2[ind2] + area2[b];


int Vol(_BOX cube, int mmt[33][33][33]) / Compute sum over a box of any given statistic */
return (mmt[cube->r1][cube->g1][cube->b1]
- mmt[cube->r1][cube->g1][cube->b0]
- mmt[cube->r1][cube->g0][cube->b1]
+ mmt[cube->r1][cube->g0][cube->b0]
- mmt[cube->r0][cube->g1][cube->b1]
+ mmt[cube->r0][cube->g1][cube->b0]
+ mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b1]
- mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b0]);

/* The next two routines allow a slightly more efficient calculation

  • of Vol() for a proposed subbox of a given box. The sum of Top()

  • and Bottom() is the Vol() of a subbox split in the given direction

  • and with the specified new upper bound.

    int Bottom(_BOX cube, unsigned char dir, int mmt[33][33][33]) / Compute part of Vol(cube, mmt) that doesn't depend on r1, g1, or b1 (depending on dir) */
    if (dir == RED)
    return -mmt[cube->r0][cube->g1][cube->b1] + mmt[cube->r0][cube->g1][cube->b0] + mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b1] - mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b0];
    else if (dir == GREEN)
    return -mmt[cube->r1][cube->g0][cube->b1] + mmt[cube->r1][cube->g0][cube->b0] + mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b1] - mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b0];
    return -mmt[cube->r1][cube->g1][cube->b0] + mmt[cube->r1][cube->g0][cube->b0] + mmt[cube->r0][cube->g1][cube->b0] - mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b0];

    int Top(_BOX cube, BYTE dir, int pos, int mmt[33][33][33]) / Compute remainder of Vol(cube, mmt), substituting pos for r1, g1, or b1 (depending on dir) */
    if (dir == RED)
    return mmt[pos][cube->g1][cube->b1] - mmt[pos][cube->g1][cube->b0] - mmt[pos][cube->g0][cube->b1] + mmt[pos][cube->g0][cube->b0];
    else if (dir == GREEN)
    return mmt[cube->r1][pos][cube->b1] - mmt[cube->r1][pos][cube->b0] - mmt[cube->r0][pos][cube->b1] + mmt[cube->r0][pos][cube->b0];
    return mmt[cube->r1][cube->g1][pos] - mmt[cube->r1][cube->g0][pos] - mmt[cube->r0][cube->g1][pos] + mmt[cube->r0][cube->g0][pos];

float Var(_BOX cube) / Compute the weighted variance of a box - NB: as with the raw statistics, this is really the variance * size */
int dr = Vol(cube, mr);
int dg = Vol(cube, mg);
int db = Vol(cube, mb);

float xx = m2[cube->r1][cube->g1][cube->b1] - m2[cube->r1][cube->g1][cube->b0] - m2[cube->r1][cube->g0][cube->b1] + m2[cube->r1][cube->g0][cube->b0] - m2[cube->r0][cube->g1][cube->b1]
    + m2[cube->r0][cube->g1][cube->b0] + m2[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b1] - m2[cube->r0][cube->g0][cube->b0];

return (xx - (float)(dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db) / (float)Vol(cube, wt));


/* We want to minimize the sum of the variances of two subboxes.

  • The sum(c^2) terms can be ignored since their sum over both subboxes
  • is the same (the sum for the whole box) no matter where we split.
  • The remaining terms have a minus sign in the variance formula,
  • so we drop the minus sign and MAXIMIZE the sum of the two terms.

float Maximize(_BOX *cube, unsigned char dir, int first, int last, int *cut, int whole_r, int whole_g, int whole_b, int whole_w)
int base_r = Bottom(cube, dir, mr);
int base_g = Bottom(cube, dir, mg);
int base_b = Bottom(cube, dir, mb);
int base_w = Bottom(cube, dir, wt);

float max = 0.0f;
*cut = -1;

for (int i = first; i < last; i++) 
    float temp;

    int half_r = base_r + Top(cube, dir, i, mr);
    int half_g = base_g + Top(cube, dir, i, mg);
    int half_b = base_b + Top(cube, dir, i, mb);
    int half_w = base_w + Top(cube, dir, i, wt);

    /* now half_x is sum over lower half of box, if split at i  -       /* subbox could be empty of pixels! */

    if (!half_w) 
        continue;             /* never split into an empty box */
        temp = (float)(half_r * half_r + half_g * half_g + half_b * half_b) / (float)half_w;

    half_r = whole_r - half_r;
    half_g = whole_g - half_g;
    half_b = whole_b - half_b;
    half_w = whole_w - half_w;

    if (!half_w)       /* subbox could be empty of pixels! */
        continue;             /* never split into an empty box */
        temp += (float)(half_r * half_r + half_g * half_g + half_b * half_b) / (float)half_w;

    if (temp > max) 
        max = temp; 
        *cut = i; 
return max;


int Cut(_BOX *set1, _BOX *set2)
BYTE dir;
int cutr, cutg, cutb;

int whole_r = Vol(set1, mr);
int whole_g = Vol(set1, mg);
int whole_b = Vol(set1, mb);
int whole_w = Vol(set1, wt);

float maxr = Maximize(set1, RED, set1->r0 + 1, set1->r1, &cutr, whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w);
float maxg = Maximize(set1, GREEN, set1->g0 + 1, set1->g1, &cutg, whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w);
float maxb = Maximize(set1, BLUE, set1->b0 + 1, set1->b1, &cutb, whole_r, whole_g, whole_b, whole_w);

if ((maxr >= maxg) && (maxr >= maxb)) 
    dir = RED;
    if (cutr < 0) return 0; /* can't split the box */
    if ((maxg >= maxr) && (maxg >= maxb))
        dir = GREEN;
        dir = BLUE;

set2->r1 = set1->r1;
set2->g1 = set1->g1;
set2->b1 = set1->b1;

if (dir == RED)
    set2->r0 = set1->r1 = cutr;
    set2->g0 = set1->g0;
    set2->b0 = set1->b0;
else if (dir == GREEN)
    set2->g0 = set1->g1 = cutg;
    set2->r0 = set1->r0;
    set2->b0 = set1->b0;
    set2->b0 = set1->b1 = cutb;
    set2->r0 = set1->r0;
    set2->g0 = set1->g0;

set1->vol = (set1->r1 - set1->r0) * (set1->g1 - set1->g0) * (set1->b1 - set1->b0);
set2->vol = (set2->r1 - set2->r0) * (set2->g1 - set2->g0) * (set2->b1 - set2->b0);

return 1;


void Mark(_BOX *cube, int label, BYTE *tag)
for (int r = cube->r0 + 1; r <= cube->r1; r++)
for (int g = cube->g0 + 1; g <= cube->g1; g++)
for (int b = cube->b0 + 1; b <= cube->b1; b++)
tag[(r << 10) + (r << 6) + r + (g << 5) + g + b] = label;

DWORD x_wu_main(DWORD update_bmp, DWORD *p_Idata, DWORD *p_IDest, DWORD p_size, DWORD pal_colors, DWORD *pal)
BYTE *tag;

int     next;
int i, weight;
int k;
float vv[MAXCOLOR], temp;

Idata = p_Idata;
size = p_size;

/* input R,G,B components into Ir, Ig, Ib;
set size to width*height */

K = pal_colors; // 250 color lookup

Hist3d(&wt[0][0][0], &mr[0][0][0], &mg[0][0][0], &mb[0][0][0], &m2[0][0][0]); //printf("Histogram done\n");

//free(Ig); free(Ib); free(Ir);

M3d(&wt[0][0][0], &mr[0][0][0], &mg[0][0][0], &mb[0][0][0], &m2[0][0][0]);   // printf("Moments done\n");

cube[0].r0 = cube[0].g0 = cube[0].b0 = 0;
cube[0].r1 = cube[0].g1 = cube[0].b1 = 32;

next = 0;

for (i = 1; i < K; ++i) 
    if (Cut(&cube[next], &cube[i]))  /* volume test ensures we won't try to cut one-cell box */
        vv[next] = (cube[next].vol > 1) ? Var(&cube[next]) : 0.0f;
        vv[i] = (cube[i].vol > 1) ? Var(&cube[i]) : 0.0f;
        vv[next] = 0.0f;   /* don't try to split this box again */
        i--;              /* didn't create box i */

    next = 0; 
    temp = vv[0];

    for (k = 1; k <= i; ++k)
        if (vv[k] > temp)
            temp = vv[k]; 
            next = k;

    if (temp <= 0.0f) 
        K = i + 1;
        //fprintf(stderr, "Only got %d boxes\n", K);
//printf("Partition done\n");

/* the space for array m2 can be freed now */

tag = (BYTE *)malloc(33 * 33 * 33);

if (tag == NULL) 
    free(Qadd); Qadd = NULL;
    return false; 

for (k = 0; k < K; k++) 
    Mark(&cube[k], k, tag);
    weight = Vol(&cube[k], wt);

    if (weight) 
        lut_r[k] = Vol(&cube[k], mr) / weight;
        lut_g[k] = Vol(&cube[k], mg) / weight;
        lut_b[k] = Vol(&cube[k], mb) / weight;
        //fprintf(stderr, "bogus box %d\n", k);
        lut_r[k] = lut_g[k] = lut_b[k] = 0;

    pal[k] = 0xFF000000 | (lut_r[k] << 16) | (lut_g[k] << 8) | lut_b[k]; // put pla back into calling program var ARGB

if (update_bmp)
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        Qadd[i] = tag[Qadd[i]];

        p_IDest[i] = pal[Qadd[i]];

free(tag); tag = NULL;
free(Qadd); Qadd = NULL;

/* output lut_r, lut_g, lut_b as color look-up table contents,
Qadd as the quantized image (array of table addresses). */

return K;


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