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Created November 16, 2016 12:31
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tiagowtvision@tiagowtvision-ubu-N55SL:~/Code/Github/sticky-notes$ npm run lint
> sticky-notes@0.0.1 lint /home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes
> tslint --project '.'
app/app.component.ts[1, 27]: ' should be "
app/app.component.ts[4, 15]: ' should be "
app/app.component.ts[5, 15]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/notes.service.ts[1, 28]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/notes.service.ts[2, 22]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/notes.service.ts[5, 14]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/notes.service.ts[5, 41]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/notes.service.ts[6, 14]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/notes.service.ts[6, 38]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/notes.service.ts[7, 14]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/notes.service.ts[7, 37]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/notes.service.ts[8, 14]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/notes.service.ts[8, 39]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/notes.service.ts[9, 14]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/notes.service.ts[9, 33]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/sticky-list.component.ts[1, 27]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/sticky-list.component.ts[2, 22]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/sticky-list.component.ts[3, 30]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/sticky-list.component.ts[6, 15]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/sticky-note.component.ts[1, 56]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/sticky-note.component.ts[2, 22]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/sticky-note.component.ts[5, 15]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/sticky-note.component.ts[47, 28]: ' should be "
/home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/app/sticky-note.component.ts[47, 49]: ' should be "
app/app.module.ts[1, 26]: ' should be "
app/app.module.ts[2, 31]: ' should be "
app/app.module.ts[3, 30]: ' should be "
app/app.module.ts[4, 28]: ' should be "
app/app.module.ts[5, 28]: ' should be "
app/app.module.ts[6, 30]: ' should be "
app/main.ts[1, 40]: ' should be "
app/main.ts[2, 27]: ' should be "
npm ERR! Linux 4.8.0-27-generic
npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "run" "lint"
npm ERR! node v6.9.1
npm ERR! npm v3.10.8
npm ERR! sticky-notes@0.0.1 lint: `tslint --project '.'`
npm ERR! Exit status 2
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the sticky-notes@0.0.1 lint script 'tslint --project '.''.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the sticky-notes package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR! tslint --project '.'
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR! npm bugs sticky-notes
npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR! npm owner ls sticky-notes
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /home/tiagowtvision/Code/Github/sticky-notes/npm-debug.log
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