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Created September 6, 2019 00:40
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The bet function using ProvableAPI 0.5.
function bet(uint stake, uint spinUnder)external notOwner returns (uint spinUnderInput, uint stakeInput, uint prize, uint payout, uint previousBalance){
require(stake >= minBet && maxBet >= stake , 'stake is outside allowed limits');
require(spinUnder >= MIN_ROLL_UNDER && spinUnder <= MAX_ROLL_UNDER, 'spinUnder must be between or equal to 11 and 91');
require(balances[msg.sender] >= stake, 'insufficient balance to cover stake');
(payout, prize) = getPrizeAndPayout(stake, spinUnder);
require(balances[owner] >= (prize.sub(stake)), 'insufficient contract balance to cover the prize');
previousBalance = balances[msg.sender];
uint GAS_FOR_CALLBACK = 200000;
bytes32 queryId = provable_newRandomDSQuery(
ongoingBets[queryId] = Bet(spinUnder, stake, prize, payout, msg.sender);
emit logBetStarted(msg.sender, spinUnder, stake, prize, payout, previousBalance);
return (spinUnder, stake, prize, payout, previousBalance);
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