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Created April 8, 2009 01:12
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- [F] aws-s3 = 0.5.1
- [F] xml-simple
- [I] builder
- [F] mime-types
- [F] xml-simple = 1.0.11
- [F] choice = 0.1.2
- [F] cssmin = 1.0.0
- [F] daemons = 1.0.10
- [F] Linguistics = 1.0.5
- [F] mechanize = 0.7.6
- [I] hpricot >= 0.5.0
- [ ] hoe >= 1.5.1
- [F] progressbar = 0.0.3
- [F] rubyist-aasm = 2.0.5
- [F] mislav-will_paginate = 2.3.7
- [F] highline = 1.4.0
- [F] uuidtools = 1.0.7
- [F] newrelic_rpm = 2.8.8
- [F] polyglot = 0.2.5
- [F] treetop = 1.2.5
- [F] polyglot
- [F] protopuffs = 0.2.1
- [F] treetop
- [F] polyglot
- [F] rupture = 0.1.0
- [F] right_http_connection = 1.2.4
- [F] right_aws = 1.10.0
- [F] right_http_connection >= 1.2.4
- [F] thoughtbot-paperclip = 2.2.8
- [F] right_aws
- [F] right_http_connection >= 1.2.4
- [I] rmagick = 2.9.1
- [I] libxml-ruby = 0.9.5
- [I] hpricot = 0.6.164
- [I] nokogiri = 1.2.2
- [F] rspec-rails = 1.2.2
- [F] rspec = 1.2.2
- [ ] rack >= 0.4.0
- [F] rspec = 1.2.2
- [F] cucumber = 0.2.3
- [I] term-ansicolor >= 1.0.3
- [F] treetop >= 1.2.5
- [F] polyglot
- [F] polyglot >= 0.2.5
- [I] diff-lcs >= 1.1.2
- [I] builder >= 2.1.2
- [F] webrat = 0.4.3
- [I] nokogiri >= 1.2.0
- [F] thoughtbot-factory_girl = 1.2.0
- [F] thoughtbot-shoulda = 2.10.1
- [F] fakeweb = 1.2.0
- [F] bmabey-email_spec = 0.1.0
I = Installed
F = Frozen
R = Framework (loaded before rails starts)
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