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Created March 10, 2014 19:51
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bessarabov@lol:~/Dropbox/git/App-Comparator$ time perl -Ilib bin/comparator
Name Releaser ▼ Latest Latest # pass fail na unkn-
Maypole TEEJAY 2008-04-18 2.13 33 350 25 1 128
Gantry TKEEFER 2010-01-13 3.64 23 411 29 1 2
Jifty SARTAK 2011-05-18 1.10518 30 67 72 3 14
CGI::Application MARKSTOS 2011-06-16 4.50 44 3536 2 0 4
CGI::Prototype MERLYN 2011-07-30 0.9054 6 571 0 0 1
OX DOY 2013-08-15 0.13 13 231 0 5 0
CGI::Snapp RSAVAGE 2013-08-29 1.08 9 520 1 2 0
Cot YSHIBATA 2013-09-26 0.11 11 237 0 0 0
Web::Machine STEVAN 2013-11-17 0.13 13 308 0 0 0
Dancer2 XSAWYERX 2013-12-15 0.11 11 616 12 0 0
Drogo MJFLICK 2014-01-07 0.23 17 346 0 0 0
Labyrinth BARBIE 2014-02-02 5.20 20 602 0 0 0
Dancer YANICK 2014-02-02 1.3121 134 691 18 0 0
Amon2 TOKUHIROM 2014-02-14 6.02 148 317 0 0 0
Kossy KAZEBURO 2014-02-19 0.34 29 260 0 0 0
Poet JSWARTZ 2014-02-26 0.15 15 37 171 0 0
Kelp MINIMAL 2014-03-02 0.457 22 231 0 20 0
Mojolicious SRI 2014-03-09 4.88 388 0 0 0 0
Catalyst::Runtime JJNAPIORK 2014-03-10 5.90061 115 0 0 0 0
real 0m8.148s
user 0m0.456s
sys 0m0.196s
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