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Created November 21, 2020 14:20
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Convert F# quotation to C# expression including nested lambdas for a subset of closure types
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Linq
open System.Linq.Expressions
open System.Reflection
open LinqToDB
module AST_Conversion =
type private StubContext() =
interface IDataContext with
member val ContextID = null
member val CreateSqlProvider = null
member val GetSqlOptimizer = null
member val SqlProviderFlags = null
member val DataReaderType = null
member val MappingSchema = null
member val InlineParameters = false with get, set
member val QueryHints = null
member val NextQueryHints = null
member val CloseAfterUse = false with get, set
member _.GetReaderExpression (_, _, _, _) = null
member _.IsDBNullAllowed (_, _) = Nullable true
member _.Clone (_) = null
member _.Close () = ()
member _.GetQueryRunner(_, _, _, _, _) = null
member _.add_OnClosing _ = ()
member _.remove_OnClosing _ = ()
member val OnEntityCreated = null with get, set
member _.Dispose () = ()
type private StubGrouping<'a,'b>(a) =
interface IGrouping<'a,'b> with
member val Key = a with get
member _.GetEnumerator(): IEnumerator<_> = Seq.empty<'b>.GetEnumerator()
member this.GetEnumerator() = Array.empty<'b>.GetEnumerator()
let private acceptableTypes =
let private getWritePropertyOfSubstitutableType (x: Type) =
let pub = x.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Instance)
let pri = x.GetProperties(BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Instance)
let ctor =
|> (fun ctor -> ctor, ctor.GetParameters())
|> Seq.sortBy (snd >> Array.length)
|> Seq.filter (fun (_, parameters) ->
parameters.Length = 0 || acceptableTypes.Contains(parameters.[0].ParameterType)
|> Seq.tryHead
|> fst
if ctor = None then
let ctor = ctor.Value
if ctor.GetParameters().Length > 0 then
Some(None, ctor)
let mutable res = None
for v in Seq.append pub pri do
if res = None && v.CanRead && v.CanWrite && acceptableTypes.Contains v.PropertyType then
res <- Some v
res |> (fun res -> Some res, ctor)
let private getReadPropertyOfSubstitutableType (x: Type) =
let pub = x.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Instance)
let pri = x.GetProperties(BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Instance)
let mutable prop = None
let props = Seq.append pub pri |> Seq.sortByDescending (fun x -> x.Name = "Item1")
for v in props do
if prop = None && v.CanRead && acceptableTypes.Contains v.PropertyType then
prop <- Some v
let private toConstExpr x = Expression.Constant(box x) :> Expression
type private SubstitutionKey =
| S_Int of int
| S_Guid of Guid
| S_String of string
| S_DataContext
static member NewFromType (x: Type, counter: int) =
match x with
| x when x = typeof<int> ->
toConstExpr counter, S_Int counter
| x when x = typeof<Guid> ->
let guid = Guid.NewGuid()
toConstExpr guid, S_Guid guid
| x when x = typeof<string> ->
let guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
toConstExpr guid, S_String guid
| x when x = typeof<IDataContext> ->
let ctor = typeof<StubContext>.GetConstructor([||])
let expr = Expression.New(ctor)
upcast expr, S_DataContext
| x when x.IsGenericType && x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<IGrouping<_,_>> ->
SubstitutionKey.NewFromType(typedefof<StubGrouping<_,_>>.MakeGenericType(x.GetGenericArguments()), counter)
| x ->
let constructing = getWritePropertyOfSubstitutableType x
if constructing.IsNone || x.IsValueType then
failwithf "unexpected compiling query lambda parameter type (%s)" x.Name
let prop, ctor = constructing.Value
let ctorParams = ctor.GetParameters()
let usingCtor = prop = None
let expr, key =
let targetType = if usingCtor then ctorParams.[0].ParameterType else prop.Value.PropertyType
SubstitutionKey.NewFromType(targetType, counter)
if key = S_DataContext then
failwith "impossibru"
if usingCtor then
let newParams =
// may become a leg-shooting if this won't provide
// an instance with readable property
// which would be chosen by `getReadPropertyOfSubstitutableType`
for p in ctorParams.Skip(1) do
Expression.Default p.ParameterType
let create = Expression.New(ctor, newParams)
upcast create, key
let assign = Expression.Bind(prop.Value, expr)
let create = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New ctor, [|assign :> MemberBinding|])
upcast create, key
static member ExtractFromInstance (instance: obj) =
match instance with
| null -> None
| :? int as x -> S_Int x |> Some
| :? Guid as x -> S_Guid x |> Some
| :? string as x -> S_String x |> Some
| :? IDataContext -> S_DataContext |> Some
| x ->
let x = x.GetType()
let readProp = getReadPropertyOfSubstitutableType x
if readProp.IsNone || x.IsValueType then
let prop = readProp.Value
SubstitutionKey.ExtractFromInstance(prop.GetValue instance)
let private getParameterSubstitution (count: int) (p: ParameterExpression) =
SubstitutionKey.NewFromType(p.Type, count)
type private BackwardSubstitutingVisitor(substitutions: Dictionary<SubstitutionKey, ParameterExpression>) =
inherit ExpressionVisitor()
override _.VisitConstant(expr) =
let key = SubstitutionKey.ExtractFromInstance expr.Value
if key.IsSome then
let hasKey, value = substitutions.TryGetValue key.Value
if hasKey then
upcast value
else base.VisitConstant(expr)
else base.VisitConstant(expr)
type private ForwardSubstitutingVisitor(forward: Dictionary<ParameterExpression, Expression>, backward: Dictionary<SubstitutionKey, ParameterExpression>) =
inherit ExpressionVisitor()
override _.VisitParameter(param) =
let hasKey, value = forward.TryGetValue(param)
if hasKey then value
let expr, key = SubstitutionKey.NewFromType(param.Type, backward.Count)
do forward.Add(param, expr)
do backward.Add(key, param)
type FSharpLambdaVisitor private(forward: Dictionary<ParameterExpression, Expression>, backward: Dictionary<SubstitutionKey, ParameterExpression>) =
inherit ExpressionVisitor()
new() = FSharpLambdaVisitor(Dictionary(), Dictionary())
override _.VisitMethodCall(call) =
if call.Method.Name = "QuotationToLambdaExpression" && call.Arguments.Any() then
match call.Arguments.[0] with
| :? MethodCallExpression as innerCall ->
if innerCall.Method.Name = "SubstHelper" && innerCall.Arguments.Any() && innerCall.Arguments.[0].NodeType = ExpressionType.Constant then
let forwardSubstituter = ForwardSubstitutingVisitor(forward, backward)
let innerCall =
forwardSubstituter.VisitAndConvert(innerCall.Arguments.[2], "FSharpLambdaVisitor.VisitMethodCall")
let call = call.Update(call.Object, [|innerCall|])
let lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Expression>>(call, [||])
let compiled = lambda.Compile().Invoke()
let converted = compiled |> Expression.Quote
let backSubstituter = BackwardSubstitutingVisitor backward
let backSubstituted = backSubstituter.VisitAndConvert(converted, "FSharpLambdaVisitor.VisitMethodCall")
FSharpLambdaVisitor(Dictionary(forward), Dictionary(backward)).Visit backSubstituted
base.VisitMethodCall innerCall
| _ -> base.VisitMethodCall call
else base.VisitMethodCall call
override _.VisitLambda(lambda) =
let forward = Dictionary(forward)
let backward = Dictionary(backward)
let forwardSubstituter = ForwardSubstitutingVisitor(forward, backward)
for p in lambda.Parameters do
forwardSubstituter.Visit(p) |> ignore // just fill the dicts
let lambdaScopeVisitor = FSharpLambdaVisitor(forward, backward)
upcast lambda.Update(lambdaScopeVisitor.Visit(lambda.Body), lambda.Parameters)
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bessgeor commented Dec 1, 2020

I think this visitor replaces all you visitors and does the same, doesn't it?

type FSharpLambdaVisitor() =
    inherit ExpressionVisitor()

    override _.VisitMethodCall(call) =
        if call.Method.Name <> "QuotationToLambdaExpression" then base.VisitMethodCall(call) else

        let lambda = Expression.Lambda(call, Array.empty)
        let newNode = lambda.Compile().DynamicInvoke() :?> Expression


Thank you for your feedback.
The code you provided seems like working (I haven't tried to run it, though), but I believe it would work only for lambdas without closures. FSharp-generated conversion accepts all the closure values (and substitutes closure references for closure values during conversion) which would fail the compilation of expression tree because the referenced closures won't be in scope for the LambdaExpression generated. That's why I use forward/backward substituting visitors: they allow conversion lamba to compile and also allow to find substitution values in converted from FSharp expression tree and substitute them back to original expressions which is the way C# closures are shown in expression trees.
But there seems to be no way to create such a temporary substitution for an arbitrary type, so I generate substitution values based on properties of known types, instances of which I know to be captured into closures in my special case. Generation of such special values is kinda ad-hoc, and is to be replaced/extended for each case handled, but I can't find any better solution.

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