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enum RocketError: Error {
case insufficientFuel
case insufficientAstronauts(needed: Int)
case noAstronauts(message: String)
case outOfFuel(message: String)
case unknownError(message: String)
func igniteRockets(fuel: Int, astronauts: Int) throws {
guard astronauts > 0 else {
throw RocketError.noAstronauts(message: "astronauts can not be in -ve!")
guard fuel > 0 else {
throw RocketError.outOfFuel(message: "Rocket is out of fuel!!")
if fuel < 1000 {
throw RocketError.insufficientFuel
} else if astronauts < 3 {
throw RocketError.insufficientAstronauts(needed: 3)
} else {
// Ignite rockets
print("3... 2... 1... IGNITION!!! LIFTOFF!!!")
do {
try igniteRockets(fuel: 5000, astronauts: -1)
} catch RocketError.insufficientFuel { //OK, earlier as well
print("The rocket needs more fuel to take off!")
} catch RocketError.insufficientAstronauts(let needed) { //OK, earlier as well
print("You need at least \(needed) astronauts...")
} catch RocketError.noAstronauts(let message), RocketError.outOfFuel(let message), RocketError.unknownError(let message) { // Also Allowed, Now
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