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Forked from aras-p/DebugNode.hlsl
Last active June 26, 2024 19:55
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"Print a value" custom function node code for Unity ShaderGraph, aware of +Inf/-Inf and nan
// This gist can be found at
// I modified Aras Pranckevičius's awesome shader code to be able to handle Infinite and Not A Number numbers
// Tested on Unity 2023.1.0a15 with ShaderGraph 15.0.1.
// Quick try at doing a "print value" node for Unity ShaderGraph.
// Use with CustomFunction node, with two inputs:
// - Vector1 Value, the value to display,
// - Vector2 UV, the UVs of area to display at.
// And one output:
// - Vector4 Color, the color.
// Function name is DoDebug.
// "print in shader" based on this excellent ShaderToy by @P_Malin:
float DigitBin(const int x)
return x==0?480599.0:x==1?139810.0:x==2?476951.0:x==3?476999.0:x==4?350020.0:x==5?464711.0:x==6?464727.0:x==7?476228.0:x==8?481111.0:x==9?481095.0:0.0;
float DigitLet(const int x)
// 1=I, 2=n, 3=F, 4=a
return x==1?467495.0:x==2?1877.0:x==3?463633.0:x==4?30069.0:0.0;
bool isnan_NonOptimizableAway(const float fValue) {
return ((asuint(fValue) & 0x7FFFFFFF) > 0x7F800000);
bool isinf_NonOptimizableAway(const float fValue) {
return ((asuint(fValue) & 0x7FFFFFFF) == 0x7F800000);
float GetDigit(const float fValue, const float fDigitIndex) {
float res = fValue;
for (int i = 0; i < fDigitIndex; i++) {
res = res / 10;
for (int i = 0; i > fDigitIndex; i--) {
res = res * 10;
return trunc(res % 10);
float PrintValue(float2 vStringCoords, float fValue, float fMaxDigits, float fDecimalPlaces)
if ((vStringCoords.y < 0.0) || (vStringCoords.y >= 1.0))
return 0.0;
bool bNeg = (fValue < 0.0);
bool bNan = isnan_NonOptimizableAway(fValue);
bool bInf = isinf_NonOptimizableAway(fValue);
if(bInf) fValue = 123.0;
else if(bNan) fValue = 242.0;
fValue = abs(fValue);
float fLog10Value = log2(fValue) / log2(10.0);
float fBiggestIndex = max(floor(fLog10Value), 0.0);
float fDigitIndex = fMaxDigits - floor(vStringCoords.x);
if (bInf || bNan) fDigitIndex += 2.0f; // Offset so Inf and nan are centralized
float fCharBin = 0.0;
if (fDigitIndex > (-fDecimalPlaces - 1.01))
if(fDigitIndex > fBiggestIndex)
if(fDigitIndex < (fBiggestIndex+1.5)) {
if (bNeg) fCharBin = 1792.0; // Minus sign
else if(bInf) fCharBin = 10016.0; // Plus sign
if(fDigitIndex == -1.0)
if(fDecimalPlaces > 0.0 && !(bInf || bNan)) fCharBin = 2.0;
float fReducedRangeValue = fValue;
if(fDigitIndex < 0.0) { fReducedRangeValue = frac( fValue ); fDigitIndex += 1.0; }
//float fDigitValue = (abs(fReducedRangeValue / (pow(10.0, fDigitIndex)))); // Without workaround
float fDigitValue = GetDigit(abs(fReducedRangeValue), fDigitIndex); // Workaround for precision issues found on more recent versions of Unity
int arg = int(floor(fmod(fDigitValue, 10.0)));
fCharBin = (bNan || bInf) ? DigitLet(arg) : DigitBin(arg);
return floor(fmod((fCharBin / pow(2.0, floor(frac(vStringCoords.x) * 4.0) + (floor(vStringCoords.y * 5.0) * 4.0))), 2.0));
float PrintValue(const in float2 fragCoord, const in float2 vPixelCoords, const in float2 vFontSize, const in float fValue, const in float fMaxDigits, const in float fDecimalPlaces)
float2 vStringCharCoords = (fragCoord.xy - vPixelCoords) / vFontSize;
return PrintValue( vStringCharCoords, fValue, fMaxDigits, fDecimalPlaces );
void DoDebug_float(float val, float2 uv, int decimalDigits, out float4 res)
res = float4(0.3,0.2,0.1,1);
res = PrintValue(uv*200, float2(10,100), float2(8,15), val, 10, decimalDigits);
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There has been found a precision error with some HLSL functions. You can change which line is commented in the code to see if your version is affected. I updated to add a workaround. It is NOT perfect (it also is a victim of said precision bug) but it works better than without the workaround. If you are experiencing such issue, that is.

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