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Last active November 5, 2021 20:46
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GSaaDB (Google Sheets as a Database)
* The following code snippet was written by
* It's freely available at
* You can copy, change and even make money with it
* as long as credit is properly given.
* You can use these functions as inside the sheet itself,
* just like other functions such as with ADD() or COUNT().
* Examples of use within any cell:
* =innerJoin(A:C; E:H; 0; 1; TRUE)
* =rightJoin(A1:D7; E2:I15; [0, 2]; [0, 1])
* QUERY() may be your friend when sanitizing the output.
* Great for removing unwanted columns and renaming the remaining ones
* from the output when finished with all calculations. And much more.
* Computes the cross join of two arrays.
* BEWARE! The resulting table will contain arr1.rows * arr2.rows rows!
* For example, a cross join of two 10-row tables will result in a 100-row table,
* this function gets exponentially slow!
* @param {Any[][]} arr1
* Left table
* @param {Any[][]} arr2
* Right table
* @param {boolean=false} hasHeader
* Boolean to represent if tables have headers or not
* @return {Any[][]} A cartesian join/cross join of table 1 with table 2.
* @customfunction
function crossJoin( arr1, arr2, hasHeader = false ) {
if( null == arr1 ) throw 'Missing left table: Argument 1 is required.';
if( null == arr2 ) throw 'Missing right table: Argument 2 is required.';
arr1 = tableTrimmer( arr1 );
arr2 = tableTrimmer( arr2 );
var output = [];
// Dealing with headers
if( hasHeader ) {
var headers = arr1[0].concat(arr2[0]);
// Cross join itself
for( let i = hasHeader?1:0; i < arr1.length; i++ ) {
for( let j = hasHeader?1:0; j < arr2.length; j++ ) {
let r = arr1[i].concat(arr2[j]);
return output;
* Returns an inner join of table 1 with table 2.
* @param {Any[][]} arr1
* Left table
* @param {Any[][]} arr2
* Right table
* @param {(number|number[])} columnToMatch1
* Column(s) from table 1 used for matching, "joining on"
* @param {(number|number[])} columnToMatch2
* Column(s) from table 2 used for matching, "joining on"
* @param {boolean=false} hasHeader
* Boolean to represent if tables have headers or not
* @return {Any[][]} An inner join of table 1 with table 2.
* @customfunction
function innerJoin( arr1, arr2, columnToMatch1, columnToMatch2, hasHeader = false ) {
if( null == arr1 ) throw 'Missing left table: Argument 1 is required.';
if( null == arr2 ) throw 'Missing right table: Argument 2 is required.';
if( null == columnToMatch1 ) throw 'Missing left table column index: Argument 3 is required.';
if( null == columnToMatch2 ) throw 'Missing right table column index: Argument 4 is required.';
if( Array.isArray(columnToMatch1) != Array.isArray(columnToMatch2) ) throw 'Type mismatch: Argument 3 and 4 must have same type. They both need to be an integer or an array of integers';
if( Array.isArray(columnToMatch1) && columnToMatch1.length != columnToMatch2.length ) throw 'Size mismatch: Argument 3 and 4 must have the same length';
arr1 = tableTrimmer( arr1 );
arr2 = tableTrimmer( arr2 );
if( !Array.isArray(columnToMatch1) ) columnToMatch1 = Array.of(columnToMatch1);
if( !Array.isArray(columnToMatch2) ) columnToMatch2 = Array.of(columnToMatch2);
var output = [];
// Dealing with headers
if( hasHeader ) {
var headers = arr1[0].concat(arr2[0]);
// Inner join itself
for( let i = hasHeader?1:0; i < arr1.length; i++ ) {
for( let j = hasHeader?1:0; j < arr2.length; j++ ) {
// First, let's check if these two rows matches according to the desired column(s)
let isMatch = true;
for( let k = 0; k < columnToMatch1.length && isMatch; k++ ) {
isMatch = isMatch && ( arr1[i][columnToMatch1[k]] === arr2[j][columnToMatch2[k]] )
// If they match, add them to the output and go for the next pair
if( isMatch ) {
let r = arr1[i].concat(arr2[j]);
return output;
* Returns an right join of table 1 (left) with table 2 (right).
* @param {Any[][]} arr1
* Left table
* @param {Any[][]} arr2
* Right table
* @param {(number|number[])} columnToMatch1
* Column(s) from table 1 used for matching, "joining on"
* @param {(number|number[])} columnToMatch2
* Column(s) from table 2 used for matching, "joining on"
* @param {boolean=false} hasHeader
* Boolean to represent if tables have headers or not
* @return {Any[][]} A left join of table 1 with table 2.
* @customfunction
function leftJoin( arr1, arr2, columnToMatch1, columnToMatch2, hasHeader = false ) {
if( null == arr1 ) throw 'Missing left table: Argument 1 is required.';
if( null == arr2 ) throw 'Missing right table: Argument 2 is required.';
if( null == columnToMatch1 ) throw 'Missing left table column index: Argument 3 is required.';
if( null == columnToMatch2 ) throw 'Missing right table column index: Argument 4 is required.';
if( Array.isArray(columnToMatch1) != Array.isArray(columnToMatch2) ) throw 'Type mismatch: Argument 3 and 4 must have same type. They both need to be an integer or an array of integers';
if( Array.isArray(columnToMatch1) && columnToMatch1.length != columnToMatch2.length ) throw 'Size mismatch: Argument 3 and 4 must have the same length';
arr1 = tableTrimmer( arr1 );
arr2 = tableTrimmer( arr2 );
if( !Array.isArray(columnToMatch1) ) columnToMatch1 = Array.of(columnToMatch1);
if( !Array.isArray(columnToMatch2) ) columnToMatch2 = Array.of(columnToMatch2);
var output = [];
// Dealing with headers
if( hasHeader ) {
var headers = arr1[0].concat(arr2[0]);
// Left join itself
var arr2RowLength = arr2[0].length;
for( let i = hasHeader?1:0; i < arr1.length; i++ ) {
let r = null;
for( let j = hasHeader?1:0; j < arr2.length; j++ ) {
// First, let's check if these two rows matches according to the desired column(s)
let isMatch = true;
for( let k = 0; k < columnToMatch1.length && isMatch; k++ ) {
isMatch = isMatch && ( arr1[i][columnToMatch1[k]] === arr2[j][columnToMatch2[k]] )
// If they match, add them to the output and go for the next pair
if( isMatch ) {
r = arr1[i].concat(arr2[j]);
// If we couldn't find any match for the row, add it but with nulls for the other entries
if( null == r ) {
r = arr1[i].concat(Array(arr2RowLength).fill(null));
return output;
* Returns an right join of table 1 (left) with table 2 (right).
* @param {Any[][]} arr1
* Left table
* @param {Any[][]} arr2
* Right table
* @param {(number|number[])} columnToMatch1
* Column(s) from table 1 used for matching, "joining on"
* @param {(number|number[])} columnToMatch2
* Column(s) from table 2 used for matching, "joining on"
* @param {boolean=false} hasHeader
* Boolean to represent if tables have headers or not
* @return {Any[][]} A right join of table 1 with table 2.
* @customfunction
function rightJoin( arr1, arr2, columnToMatch1, columnToMatch2, hasHeader = false ) {
if( null == arr1 ) throw 'Missing left table: Argument 1 is required.';
if( null == arr2 ) throw 'Missing right table: Argument 2 is required.';
if( null == columnToMatch1 ) throw 'Missing left table column index: Argument 3 is required.';
if( null == columnToMatch2 ) throw 'Missing right table column index: Argument 4 is required.';
if( Array.isArray(columnToMatch1) != Array.isArray(columnToMatch2) ) throw 'Type mismatch: Argument 3 and 4 must have same type. They both need to be an integer or an array of integers';
if( Array.isArray(columnToMatch1) && columnToMatch1.length != columnToMatch2.length ) throw 'Size mismatch: Argument 3 and 4 must have the same length';
arr1 = tableTrimmer( arr1 );
arr2 = tableTrimmer( arr2 );
if( !Array.isArray(columnToMatch1) ) columnToMatch1 = Array.of(columnToMatch1);
if( !Array.isArray(columnToMatch2) ) columnToMatch2 = Array.of(columnToMatch2);
var output = [];
// Dealing with headers
if( hasHeader ) {
var headers = arr1[0].concat(arr2[0]);
// Right join itself
var arr1RowLength = arr1[0].length;
for( let i = hasHeader?1:0; i < arr2.length; i++ ) {
let r = null;
for( let j = hasHeader?1:0; j < arr1.length; j++ ) {
// First, let's check if these two rows matches according to the desired column(s)
let isMatch = true;
for( let k = 0; k < columnToMatch1.length && isMatch; k++ ) {
isMatch = isMatch && ( arr1[j][columnToMatch1[k]] === arr2[i][columnToMatch2[k]] )
// If they match, add them to the output and go for the next pair
if( isMatch ) {
r = arr1[j].concat(arr2[i]);
// If we couldn't find any match for the row, add it but with nulls for the other entries
if( null == r ) {
r = Array(arr1RowLength).fill(null).concat(arr2[i]);
return output;
* Returns an outer join of table 1 with table 2.
* @param {Any[][]} arr1
* Left table
* @param {Any[][]} arr2
* Right table
* @param {(number|number[])} columnToMatch1
* Column(s) from table 1 used for matching, "joining on"
* @param {(number|number[])} columnToMatch2
* Column(s) from table 2 used for matching, "joining on"
* @param {boolean=false} hasHeader
* Boolean to represent if tables have headers or not
* @return {Any[][]} An outer join of table 1 with table 2.
* @customfunction
function outerJoin( arr1, arr2, columnToMatch1, columnToMatch2, hasHeader = false ) {
if( null == arr1 ) throw 'Missing left table: Argument 1 is required.';
if( null == arr2 ) throw 'Missing right table: Argument 2 is required.';
if( null == columnToMatch1 ) throw 'Missing left table column index: Argument 3 is required.';
if( null == columnToMatch2 ) throw 'Missing right table column index: Argument 4 is required.';
if( Array.isArray(columnToMatch1) != Array.isArray(columnToMatch2) ) throw 'Type mismatch: Argument 3 and 4 must have same type. They both need to be an integer or an array of integers';
if( Array.isArray(columnToMatch1) && columnToMatch1.length != columnToMatch2.length ) throw 'Size mismatch: Argument 3 and 4 must have the same length';
arr1 = tableTrimmer( arr1 );
arr2 = tableTrimmer( arr2 );
if( !Array.isArray(columnToMatch1) ) columnToMatch1 = Array.of(columnToMatch1);
if( !Array.isArray(columnToMatch2) ) columnToMatch2 = Array.of(columnToMatch2);
var output = [];
// Dealing with headers
if( hasHeader ) {
var headers = arr1[0].concat(arr2[0]);
// Outer join itself
var arr1RowLength = arr1[0].length;
var arr2RowLength = arr2[0].length;
var visitedFromArr2 = Array(arr2.length).fill(false);
for( let i = hasHeader?1:0; i < arr1.length; i++ ) {
let r = null;
for( let j = hasHeader?1:0; j < arr2.length; j++ ) {
// First, let's check if these two rows matches according to the desired column(s)
let isMatch = true;
for( let k = 0; k < columnToMatch1.length && isMatch; k++ ) {
isMatch = isMatch && ( arr1[i][columnToMatch1[k]] === arr2[j][columnToMatch2[k]] )
// If they match, add them to the output and go for the next pair
if( isMatch ) {
r = arr1[i].concat(arr2[j]);
visitedFromArr2[j] = true;
// If we couldn't find any match for the row of the left table, add it but with nulls for the other entries
if( null == r ) {
r = arr1[i].concat(Array(arr2RowLength).fill(null));
// Now let's go back and deal with the unmatched rows of the right table
for( let i = 1; i < arr2.length; i++ ) {
if( visitedFromArr2[i] ) continue;
let r = Array(arr1RowLength).fill(null).concat(arr2[i]);
return output;
function joins_tests() {
var a1 = [[1, 'a', 'a1'], [2, 'a', 'b2'], [3, 'c', 'b2'], [4, 'c', 'a1']];
var a2 = [[6, 'a', 'a1'], [7, 'b', 'a1'], [8, 'c', 'b1'], [9, 'c', 'a1']];
var cross = crossJoin(a1, a2, false);
var left = leftJoin (a1, a2, 1, 1, false);
var right = rightJoin(a1, a2, 1, 1, false);
var inner = innerJoin(a1, a2, 1, 1, false);
var outer1 = outerJoin(a1, a2, 1, 1, false);
var outer2 = outerJoin(a1, a2, 1, 1);
var outer3 = outerJoin(a1, a2, [1], [1]);
var outer4 = outerJoin(a1, a2, [1,2], [1,2]);
* The following code snippet was written by
* It's freely available at
* You can copy, change and even make money with it
* as long as credit is properly given.
* Returns a 2-dimensional array similar to the input but with columns
* and rows that are completely empty trimmed out.
* Trim null columns and null rows from a 2-dimension array.
* @param {Any[][]} input
* The array to be trimmed
* @returns {Any[][]}
* A table with null columns and rows removed
* @customfunction
function tableTrimmer( input ) {
// If there are 3 Consecutive null Rows, assumes that
// the data has ended and trim to rest of the table altogether
const CNR_LIMIT = 3;
let arr = Array.from(input);
let rowSize = Array.isArray(arr[0])? arr[0].length : 1;
let colHasData = Array(rowSize).fill(false);
let consecutiveNullRows = 0;
// Null rows removal
let i;
for( i = 0; i < arr.length && consecutiveNullRows < CNR_LIMIT; i++ ) {
let hasData = false;
let row = Array.isArray(arr[i])? arr[i] : Array.of(arr[i]);
// Does this row have data?
for( let j = 0; j < row.length; j++ ) {
if( !(row[j] == null || row[j] == '' ) ) {
hasData = true;
colHasData[j] = true; // This row has data in this column
// If the row has data, ignore it and go to the next
if( hasData ) {
consecutiveNullRows = 0;
} else { // If it doesn't, remove it
// Removes remaining rows
// Null columns removal
// Is there any column with absolutely no values whatsoever?
let hasEmptyCol = false;
for( let j = 0; j<colHasData.length; j++ ) {
hasEmptyCol = hasEmptyCol || !colHasData[j];
// Yep, let's remove it
if( hasEmptyCol ) {
for( let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) {
for( let j = colHasData.length-1; j>=0; j-- ) {
if( !colHasData[j] ) {
let aux = Array.from(arr[i])
arr[i] = aux;
return arr;
* Replace a value if it is null or empty by a given replacement.
* This function can be used if replacing all null or empty values in an array
* by a predefined value is desired. Like "---", "empty", "0" and so on.
* @param {(Any|Any[])} value
* The value to be evaluated (can be infinitely nested in arrays).
* @param {string} replace
* The value to replace is case value is null or empty.
* @return {Any}
* replace if value is null or empty, value otherwise.
* @customfunction
function isNE( value, replace ) {
if( Array.isArray(value) ) {
for( let i = 0; i < value.length; i++ ) {
value[i] = isNE(value[i], replace);
return value;
} else {
return myIsNE_(value, replace);
function myIsNE_( value, replace ) {
return ( value === null || value == '' ) ? replace : value;
* Returns an array with all indices were 'value' was found at column 'column'.
* Find all rows that have a given value in a specific column.
* @param {Any[][]} table
* Table to look for a row.
* @param {number} column
* Column at which to look for the value.
* @param {Any} value
* Value being searched.
* @returns {number[]}
* Array with indices of all rows containing 'value'.
function valueSearch( table, column, value ) {
var result = [];
for( var r = 0; r < table.length; r++ ) {
if( table[r][column] === value ) result.push(r);
return result;
* Returns the index of the row in which the given UID is located, -1 if not found. 0-indexed.
* Find a row with a given UID. Bootstraped mixed binary search. UID in a
* table with no deleted entries will always be at index = UID-1, if it exists.
* @param {Any[][]} table
* Table to search into.
* @param {number} uid
* UID being searched.
* @return {number}
* Row index of given UID. -1 if not found.
function uidSearch( table, uid ) {
if( uid <= 0 ) return -1;
var searchPos = Math.min(uid-1, table.length-1);
if( table[searchPos][0] === uid ) return searchPos;
else if( table[searchPos][0] > uid ) {
if( searchPos === 0 ) return -1;
else if( table[searchPos-1][0] === uid ) return searchPos-1;
else if( table[searchPos-1][0] < uid ) return -1;
else return bsearch_(table, uid, 0, searchPos-2);
else {
if( searchPos+1 === table.length ) return -1;
else if( table[searchPos+1][0] === uid ) return searchPos+1;
else if( table[searchPos+1][0] > uid ) return -1;
else return bsearch_(table, uid, searchPos+2, table.length-1);
* Returns the index of the row in which the given UID is located, -1 if not found. 0-indexed.
* Recursive binary search on table looking for a unique identifier (integer)
* with partial sequential search as UIDs are also sequential and rarely skips.
* @param {Any[][]} table
* Table to search into.
* @param {number} uid
* UID being searched.
* @param {number} firstIdx
* Index of first element inside searching scope.
* @param {number} lastIdx
* Index of last element inside searching scope.
* @return {number}
* Row index of given UID. -1 if not found.
function bsearch_( table, uid, firstIdx, lastIdx ) {
if( lastIdx < firstIdx ) return -1;
var mid = Math.floor((lastIdx+firstIdx)/2);
if( table[mid][0] === uid ) return mid;
else if( table[mid][0] > uid ) {
if( mid-1 < 0 ) return -1;
if( table[mid-1][0] == uid ) return mid-1;
else if( table[mid-1][0] < uid ) return -1;
else return bsearch_( table, uid, firstIdx, mid-2 );
else if( table[mid][0] < uid ) {
if( mid+1 === table.length ) return -1;
if( table[mid+1][0] == uid ) return mid+1;
else if( table[mid+1][0] > uid ) return -1;
return bsearch_( table, uid, mid+2, lastIdx );
else return -1;
* Returns the index of the column named 'value', -1 if not found.
* Find the column of a specified header in table header.
* @param {string[]} headers
* Header row of table.
* @param {string} value
* Value being searched.
* @return {number}
* Index of column named value. -1 if not found.
function searchHeaders( headers, value ) {
for( var c = 0; c < headers.length; c++ ) {
if( headers[c] === value ) return c;
return -1;
* Returns an array with properly ordered values in accordance with the table.
* Uses an array of headers to transform an object with
* properties in an array with the correct order of values.
* @param {Object} obj
* Object containing the values that represent a table entry.
* @param {string[]} headers
* Array containing the headers of a table.
* @return {Any[]}
* Array with values properly ordered.
function objectToArray( obj, headers ) {
var entries = Object.entries(obj);
var result = [];
headers.forEach( (h) => {
var idx = entries.findIndex( (element) => {return element[0] === h} );
if(idx > -1) result.push(entries[idx][1]);
else result.push(null);
return result;
* Returns an object with named properties in accordance with the table.
* Uses an array of headers to transform an array with correctly
* ordered values into an object with properties.
* @param {Any[]} arr
* Array containing the values that represent a table entry.
* @param {string[]} headers
* Array containing the headers of a table.
* @return {Object}
* Object with named properties in accordance with the table.
function arrayToObject( arr, headers ) {
var result = {};
arr.forEach( (elem, index) => {
Object.defineProperty(result, headers[index], {value: elem});
return result;
* Returns the next free index to be used.
* Use this function to get the index for a new entry and auto
* increment the value for the next call.
* @param {string} table
* Name of the table to look for next index.
* @return {integer}
* The a free index that should be used.
* @throws Table name needs to exist in Indexes table.
function getNextIndex( table ) {
var idxSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName("Indexes");
var idxRow = valueSearch(idxSheet.getDataRange().getValues(), 0, table)
if( idxRow.length == 0 ) throw "This table entry does not exist in Indexes";
else idxRow = idxRow[0];
var idxRange = idxSheet.getRange(idxRow+1, 2, 1, 1);// +1 because Range is 1-indexed and array is 0-indexed
var index = idxRange.getValue();
return index;
* Returns the index of the inserted element.
* Inserts an Entry into a Table.
* @param {string} table
* Name of the table to insert.
* @param {Object} entry
* Object with values to be inserted.
* @return {number}
* The index of the inserted element.
* @throws Table name needs to exist in Indexes table.
function insertEntry( table, entry ) {
entry.UID = getNextIndex(table);
var tabela = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName(table);
var headers = tabela.getDataRange().getValues()[0];
tabela.appendRow(objectToArray(entry, headers));
return entry.UID;
function tableUtils_tests() {
var tableToTrim = [[1, 'a', null], [2, 'b', null], [3, null, null], [null, null, null], [null, null, null], [null, 4, null], [null, null, null]];
var trimmedTable = tableTrimmer(tableToTrim);
var headers = ["UID", "Name", "Telephone"];
var arr = [5, 'John Doe', '+1 999 999 9999'];
var obj = {Name: 'John Doe', Telephone: '+1 999 999 9999', UID: 5};
var objArr = objectToArray(obj, headers);
var arrObj = arrayToObject(arr, headers);
var bigTable = [[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[11],[12],[13],[14],[15],[16],[17],[18],[19],[99]];
var searchResult = uidSearch(bigTable, 10);
var foundIdx = searchResult == -1 ? -1 : bigTable[searchResult][0];
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