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Last active August 22, 2018 13:09
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  • Save beta-decay/10f026b15c3babd63c004db1f937eb14 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save beta-decay/10f026b15c3babd63c004db1f937eb14 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
botData = [
"name": "Jack",
"func": function (myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
var col = myself[0];
var myX = myself[1];
var myY = myself[2];
var notPreferred = [];
var move = "wait";
if(grid[myX][myY] != col){
var go = checkMove(move, grid[myX][myY]);
if(go) {
if(go == "notPreferred") {
} else {
nextMove(move, "standard");
return move;
move = "left";
if(myX > 0 && grid[myX-1][myY] != col){
var go = checkMove(move, grid[myX-1][myY]);
if(go) {
if(go == "notPreferred") {
} else {
nextMove(move, "standard");
return move;
move = "right";
if(myX < grid.length-1 && grid[myX+1][myY] != col){
var go = checkMove(move, grid[myX+1][myY]);
if(go) {
if(go == "notPreferred") {
} else {
nextMove(move, "standard");
return move;
move = "up";
if(myY > 0 && grid[myX][myY-1] != col){
var go = checkMove(move, grid[myX][myY-1]);
if(go) {
if(go == "notPreferred") {
} else {
nextMove(move, "standard");
return move;
move = "down";
if(myY < grid[0].length && grid[myX][myY+1] != col){
var go = checkMove(move, grid[myX][myY+1]);
if(go) {
if(go == "notPreferred") {
} else {
nextMove(move, "standard");
return move;
if(notPreferred[0]) {
nextMove(notPreferred[0], "notPreferred");
return notPreferred[0];
var r = ["up","down","left","right"][Math.random() *4|0];
nextMove(r, "random");
return r;
function checkMove(move, currentColor) {
var go = false;
if(currentColor === 0) {
go = true;
} else {
var z = [col, 0, currentColor][Math.abs(col - currentColor)%3]
go = z == 0 ? "notPreferred" : z != currentColor;
if(go) {
if(localStorage.nextMoveShouldNotBe && localStorage.nextMoveShouldNotBe == move) {
return false;
return go;
function nextMove(move, message) {
var oppositeMove = "wait";
if(move == "left") {
oppositeMove = "right";
} else if(move == "right") {
oppositeMove = "left";
} else if(move == "up") {
oppositeMove = "down";
} else if(move == "down") {
oppositeMove = "up";
localStorage.nextMoveShouldNotBe = oppositeMove;
"name": "Fuzzy Guy",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
var i,j,x,y = 0;
this.answerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything = 42;
this.round = gameInfo[0];
this.coloringStruggle = [];
this.myColor = myself[0];
this.botCount = bots.length;
this.sizeOfGrid = grid.length;
this.storageName = 'm53kp1of6igcnpsq';
this.distances = {up: 0, right: 0, down: 0, left: 0};
this.foodSmell = {up: 0, right: 0, down: 0, left: 0};
this.botSmell = {up: 0, right: 0, down: 0, left: 0};
this.botPredictedSmell = {up: 0, right: 0, down: 0, left: 0};
this.directionPoints = {up: 0, right: 0, down: 0, left: 0};
this.blockedMoves = function() {
var blocked = [];
if(myself[1] == 0) {
if(myself[2] == 0) {
if(myself[1] == this.sizeOfGrid - 1) {
if(myself[2] == this.sizeOfGrid - 1) {
return blocked;
this.getDistance = function(x1,y1) {
return [Math.abs(myself[1]-x1), Math.abs(myself[2]-y1)];
this.finddeliciousDirection = function() {
for (x = 0; x < this.sizeOfGrid; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < this.sizeOfGrid; y++) {
if (y < myself[2]) {
this.foodSmell.up+= ((1.9 - this.coloringStruggle[x][y]) / this.getDistance(x, y).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)) / 4;
if (y > myself[2]) {
this.foodSmell.down+= ((1.9 - this.coloringStruggle[x][y]) / this.getDistance(x, y).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)) / 4;
if (x < myself[1]) {
this.foodSmell.left+= ((1.9 - this.coloringStruggle[x][y]) / this.getDistance(x, y).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)) / 4;
if (x > myself[1]) {
this.foodSmell.right+= ((1.9 - this.coloringStruggle[x][y]) / this.getDistance(x, y).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)) / 4;
this.predictFuture = function(x0,y0,x1,y1) {
var xMovement = x1-x0;
var yMovement = y1-y0;
var xAfter2Turns = x1 + xMovement * 2;
var yAfter2Turns = y1 + yMovement * 2;
var hitsWall = [1, 1];
if (xMovement == 1) {
hitsWall = [2, 1]
} else if (xMovement == -1) {
hitsWall = [0, 1]
} else if (yMovement == 1) {
hitsWall = [1, 2]
} else if (yMovement == -1) {
hitsWall = [1, 0]
} else {
hitsWall = [1, 1]
if (xAfter2Turns < 0) {
xAfter2Turns = 0;
} else if (xAfter2Turns >= this.sizeOfGrid) {
xAfter2Turns = this.sizeOfGrid -1;
if (yAfter2Turns < 0) {
yAfter2Turns = 0;
} else if (yAfter2Turns >= this.sizeOfGrid) {
yAfter2Turns = this.sizeOfGrid -1;
return [xAfter2Turns, yAfter2Turns, hitsWall];
this.findCloseBots = function() {
var prevPositions;
var currentBot;
var future;
if (this.round > 1) {
prevPositions = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.storageName));
for (i = 0; i < bots.length; i++) {
if (bots[i][2] < myself[2]) {
this.botSmell.up+= 3 / (this.getDistance(bots[i][1], bots[i][2]).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)) + 0.333 / this.getDistance(bots[i][1], bots[i][2])[1];
if (bots[i][2] > myself[2]) {
this.botSmell.down+= 3 / (this.getDistance(bots[i][1], bots[i][2]).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)) + 0.333 / this.getDistance(bots[i][1], bots[i][2])[1];
if (bots[i][1] < myself[1]) {
this.botSmell.left+= 3 / (this.getDistance(bots[i][1], bots[i][2]).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)) + 0.333 / this.getDistance(bots[i][1], bots[i][2])[0];
if (bots[i][1] > myself[1]) {
this.botSmell.right+= 3 / (this.getDistance(bots[i][1], bots[i][2]).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)) + 0.333 / this.getDistance(bots[i][1], bots[i][2])[0];
if (this.round > 1) {
currentBot = prevPositions.find(function(element) {
return element[0] == bots[i][0];
if (currentBot[0] != this.myColor) {
future = this.predictFuture(currentBot[1], currentBot[2], bots[i][1], bots[i][2]);
if (future[1] < myself[2]) {
this.botPredictedSmell.up+= 3.14159 / (this.getDistance(future[0], future[1]).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0));
if (future[1] > myself[2]) {
this.botPredictedSmell.down+= 3.14159 / (this.getDistance(future[0], future[1]).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0));
if (future[0] < myself[1]) {
this.botPredictedSmell.left+= 3.14159 / (this.getDistance(future[0], future[1]).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0));
if (future[0] > myself[1]) {
this.botPredictedSmell.right+= 3.14159 / (this.getDistance(future[0], future[1]).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0));
if (future[2][0] == 0) {
if (future[2][0] == 2) {
if (future[2][1] == 0) {
if (future[2][1] == 2) {
localStorage.setItem(this.storageName, JSON.stringify(bots));
this.calculateColoringStruggle = function() {
for (x = 0; x < this.sizeOfGrid; x++) {
var yAxis = [];
for (y = 0; y < this.sizeOfGrid; y++) {
if (this.myColor == grid[x][y]) {
yAxis[y] = 2;
} else if (grid[x][y] == 0) {
yAxis[y] = 0;
else {
yAxis[y] = [0, 1, 2][Math.abs(this.myColor - grid[x][y])%3];
this.getEmptySlotsInDirection = function() {
for (x = (myself[1] + 1); x < this.sizeOfGrid; x++) {
if (grid[x][myself[2]] == 0) {
this.distances.right = (x-myself[1]) * 1.23456789;
} else {
if (x-myself[1]-1 == 0) {
this.distances.right = 0;
for (y = (myself[2] + 1); y < this.sizeOfGrid; y++) {
if (grid[myself[1]][y] == 0) {
this.distances.down = (y-myself[2]) * 1.23456789;
} else {
if (y-myself[2]-1 == 0) {
this.distances.down = 0;
for (x = (myself[1] - 1); x > -1; x--) {
if (grid[x][myself[2]] == 0) {
this.distances.left = (myself[1]-x) * 1.23456789;
} else {
if (myself[1]-x-1 == 0) {
this.distances.left = 0;
for (y = (myself[2] - 1); y > -1; y--) {
if (grid[myself[1]][y] == 0) {
this.distances.up = (myself[2]-y) * 1.23456789;
} else {
if (myself[2]-y-1 == 0) {
this.distances.up = 0;
this.getBestDistance = function() {
var max = -999, maxDir = 'up';
for (var property in this.distances) {
if (this.distances.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
this.directionPoints[property] = (this.distances[property] + this.foodSmell[property] - this.botSmell[property] - this.botPredictedSmell[property]);
if (this.directionPoints[property] > max && this.blockedMoves().indexOf(property) == -1) {
max = this.directionPoints[property];
maxDir = property;
return maxDir;
"name": "Territorial",
"func": function (myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
const w = 6, h = 6;
let my_c = myself[0], my_x = myself[1], my_y = myself[2], size = grid.length, roundnum = gameInfo[0];
let getDistance = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return (Math.abs(x1 - x2) + Math.abs(y1 - y2)) + 1;
let getColorValue = function (color) {
if (color === 0) {
return my_c;
return [my_c, 0, color][Math.abs(my_c - color) % 3];
//Choosing closest corner to defend
const topLeft = [0, 0], bottomLeft = [0, size - 1], topRight = [size - 1, 0], bottomRight = [size - 1, size - 1];
var distanceToTopLeft = getDistance(my_x, my_y, topLeft[0], topLeft[1]);
var distanceToTopRight = getDistance(my_x, my_y, topRight[0], topRight[1]);
var distanceToBottomLeft = getDistance(my_x, my_y, bottomLeft[0], bottomLeft[1]);
var distanceToBottomRight = getDistance(my_x, my_y, bottomRight[0], bottomRight[1]);
var nearestCorner = Math.min(distanceToTopLeft, distanceToTopRight, distanceToBottomLeft, distanceToBottomRight);
//And save it
if (!localStorage.territorial) {
if (nearestCorner === distanceToTopLeft) {
//console.log('nearest corner is: topLeft');
var offset_x = topLeft[0];
var offset_y = topLeft[1];
var innermostCorner_x = topLeft[0] + w - 1;
var innermostCorner_y = topLeft[1] + h - 1;
} else if (nearestCorner === distanceToTopRight) {
//console.log('nearest corner is: topRight');
var offset_x = topRight[0] - (w - 1);
var offset_y = topRight[1];
var innermostCorner_x = offset_x;
var innermostCorner_y = topRight[1] + h - 1;
} else if (nearestCorner === distanceToBottomLeft) {
//console.log('nearest corner is: bottomLeft');
var offset_x = bottomLeft[0];
var offset_y = bottomLeft[1] - (h - 1);
var innermostCorner_x = bottomLeft[0] + w - 1;
var innermostCorner_y = offset_y;
} else if (nearestCorner === distanceToBottomRight) {
//console.log('nearest corner is: bottomRight');
var offset_x = bottomRight[0] - (w - 1);
var offset_y = bottomRight[1] - (h - 1);
var innermostCorner_x = offset_x;
var innermostCorner_y = offset_y;
localStorage.territorial = JSON.stringify([offset_x, offset_y, innermostCorner_x, innermostCorner_y]);
offsets = JSON.parse(localStorage.territorial);
offset_x = offsets[0];
offset_y = offsets[1];
innermostCorner_x = offsets[2];
innermostCorner_y = offsets[3];
let targets = [];
for (let grid_x = offset_x; grid_x < offset_x + w; grid_x++)
for (let grid_y = offset_y; grid_y < offset_y + h; grid_y++)
if (grid[grid_x][grid_y] !== my_c && getColorValue(grid[grid_x][grid_y]) !== grid[grid_x][grid_y])
targets.push([grid_x, grid_y]);
let target = targets.pop();
//If territory is safe, move to border nearest boardCenter
if (target === undefined) {
targets.push([innermostCorner_x, innermostCorner_y]);
target = targets.pop();
if (target === undefined)
return 'wait';
if (target[0] > my_x)
return 'right';
if (target[0] < my_x)
return 'left';
if (target[1] > my_y)
return 'down';
if (target[1] < my_y)
return 'up';
return "wait";
"name": "Bob",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
var [mc, mx, my] = myself;
var output;
var allowRetracing = false;
var size = 3;
var scoreboard =>>c==mc? 0 : overMap(c, 2, 1, 0)));
for (let [bc, bx, by] of bots) if (bc != mc) {log([bc,bx,by],[mc,mx,my]);
scoreboard[bx][by] = -100;
if (inbounds([bx-2, by])) scoreboard[bx-2][by] = -50;
if (inbounds([bx+2, by])) scoreboard[bx+2][by] = -50;
if (inbounds([bx, by-2])) scoreboard[bx][by-2] = -50;
if (inbounds([bx, by+2])) scoreboard[bx][by+2] = -50;
function scoreOf (x, y) {
let score = 0;
for (let dx = -size; dx <= size; dx++) {
let cx = dx + x;
if (cx < 1 || cx >= grid.length-1) continue;
for (let dy = -size; dy <= size; dy++) {
let cy = dy + y;
if (cy < 1 || cy >= grid.length-1) continue;
score+= scoreboard[cx][cy];
return score;
var storage = this;
if (gameInfo[0] < 10) this.timer = 10000;
function rescore() {
storage.bestScore = -Infinity;
var blur =, x)=>, y) => {
let score = scoreOf(x, y);
if (score > storage.bestScore) {
storage.bestScore = score;
storage.bestX = x;
storage.bestY = y;
return score;
storage.atBest = false;
storage.timer = 0;
if (this.timer > 200) rescore();
if (grid[mx][my] == 0 && !bots.some(([col, bx, by])=> col != mc && bx==mx && by==my)) return "wait";
// annoying localStorage
if (!localStorage.dzaima_pastMoves) {
pastMoves = ["-1;0"];
nowMoves = new Array(30).fill("-1;0");
} else {
pastMoves = JSON.parse(localStorage.dzaima_pastMoves);
nowMoves = JSON.parse(localStorage.dzaima_pastMoves);
localStorage.dzaima_pastMoves = JSON.stringify(nowMoves);
function log(...args) {
// console.log(...args);
function over(col) { // 1 if overrides happen, -1 if overrides don't happen, 0 if override = 0
let res = Math.abs(mc-col) % 3;
return res==1? 0 : res==0? 1 : -1;
function overMap(col, best, good, bad, mine = good) { // 1 if overrides happen, -1 if overrides don't happen, 0 if override = 0
let res = Math.abs(mc-col) % 3;
return col == mc? mine : res==1? good : res==0? best : bad;
var iwin = col=>over(col) == 1;
var zeroes = col=>over(col) == 0;
function to([x, y]) {
var LR = x > mx? [mx+1, my] : x < mx? [mx-1, my] : null;
var UD = y > my? [mx, my+1] : y < my? [mx, my-1] : null;
if (LR && UD) {
var LRScore = overMap(LR, 2, 1, 0, 0);
var UDScore = overMap(UD, 2, 1, 0, 0);
if (LRScore == UDScore) return toPos([LR, UD][Math.random()>.5? 1 : 0])
else if (LRScore > UDScore) return toPos(LR);
else return toPos(UD);
} else return toPos(LR || UD || [x, y]);
function toPos([x,y]) {
if (x > mx) return "right";
if (x < mx) return "left";
if (y < my) return "up";
if (y > my) return "down";
return 'wait';
function inbounds([x, y]) {
// if (x<grid.length && y<grid.length && x>=0 && y>=0) return true;
if (x<grid.length-1 && y<grid.length-1 && x>=1 && y>=1) return true;
return false;
function get([x,y]) {
if (inbounds([x, y])) return grid[x][y];
return 0;
function bestOf (arr) {
if (arr.length == 0) return false;
var bestScore = -Infinity;
var bestPos;
for (var [x, y] of arr) {
let score = 0;
for (var [bcol, bx, by] of bots) {
let dist = Math.sqrt((x-bx)**2 + (y-by)**2);
let res = over(bcol);
let power = res==0? 1 : res==1? 0.4 : 1.4;
score+= power * dist;
if (pastMoves.includes(x+";"+y)) score-= 1000000;
if (score > bestScore) {
bestScore = score;
bestPos = [x,y];
if (bestScore < -500000) {
if (allowRetracing) log("RETRACING");
else return false;
output = to(bestPos);
return true;
// log(x,this.bestX, y,this.bestY);
var distToBest = Math.abs(this.bestX-mx) + Math.abs(this.bestY-my);
if (this.atBest || distToBest < 10) {
log("at best; collecting");
this.atBest = true;
var orth = [[-1,0],[0,-1],[1,0],[0,1]];
var neighbors = orth
.map(([x,y])=>[x+mx, y+my])
.filter(([x,y])=>!bots.some(([bid, bx, by]) => bx==x && by==y))
var best = neighbors.filter(([_, col]) => col != mc && col != 0 && over(col) == 1);
if (bestOf([pos, col]) => pos))) {
return output;
var good = neighbors.filter(([_, col]) => col == 0);
if (bestOf([pos, col]) => pos))) {
return output;
var okay = neighbors.filter(([_, col]) => over(col) == 0);
if (bestOf([pos, col]) => pos))) {
return output;
for (let i = 2; i < grid.length; i++) {
if (i > 6) allowRetracing = true;
neighbors = orth
.map(([x, y]) => [x*i + mx, y*i + my])
best = neighbors.filter(([_, col]) => col == 0 || (col != mc && over(col) == 1));
if (bestOf([pos, col]) => pos))) {
log("best dist");
return output;
okay = neighbors.filter(([_, col]) => over(col) == 0);
if (bestOf([pos, col]) => pos))) {
log("okay dist");
return output;
return ['right','left','up','down'][Math.floor(Math.random()*4)];
} else log("going to best");
if (scoreOf(this.bestX, this.bestY) < this.bestScore/2 || distToBest > 20) rescore();
return to([this.bestX, this.bestY]);
"name": "AnnoyingLittleBrother",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
// Some paramters
var brother_loop_length = 200; // For how long will we follow a brother?
var brother_loop_count = 0;
var brother_score = -1;
var brother_id = -1;
var saw_all_brothers_moves = false;
var moves_i = 0;
var moves_to_follow = 5; // How much moves will we follow?
var moves_saw = makeArray(moves_to_follow, 2, 0);
var my_id = myself[0];
var my_x = myself[1];
var my_y = myself[2];
var round = gameInfo[0];
var end_round = gameInfo[1];
var last_num_of_bots = 0;
// console.log('-------------------------------');
// Handle Storage
if(round === 1){ // First round TODO Why start with round 2?
brother_id = -1; // Choose a Big Brother randomly
brother_loop_count = 10;// Refind after 10 rounds
moves_i = 0;
moves_saw = makeArray(moves_to_follow, 2, 0);
// console.log(moves_saw);
// console.log(encode_moves(moves_saw));
localStorage.LB_moves_saw = encode_moves(moves_saw);
localStorage.LB_moves_i = moves_i;// Save it
localStorage.LB_brother_id = brother_id;// Save it
localStorage.LB_brother_loop_count = brother_loop_count; // Save it
localStorage.LB_saw_all_brothers_moves = saw_all_brothers_moves;
// console.log('My ID: ' + my_id);
moves_saw = decode_moves(localStorage.LB_moves_saw);
moves_i = localStorage.LB_moves_i;
brother_id = parseInt(localStorage.LB_brother_id);
brother_loop_count = parseInt(localStorage.LB_brother_loop_count);
saw_all_brothers_moves = (localStorage.LB_saw_all_brothers_moves === 'true');
last_num_of_bots = parseInt(localStorage.LB_last_num_of_bots);
// console.log('Round: '+round + ' , BLC: ' + brother_loop_count);
// console.log('Me: ' + my_x + ', ' + my_x);
// Check if a bot was eliminated
if(last_num_of_bots != bots.length){
// A bot was elimitated. Just tell LittleBrother to search for a new brother
brother_loop_count = 0;
brother_id = -1;
last_num_of_bots = bots.length;
// Are we tired of this brother yet?
if (brother_loop_count === 0){
// Yes, we are
// Find highest scoring brother
var bot_scores = Array.apply(null, Array(bots.length+1)).map(Number.prototype.valueOf,0);
for (var x = 0; x < grid.length; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < grid.length; y++) {
bot_scores[grid[x][y]] += 1; // Increase the score of the bot's who color this is
for (var uid = 0; uid < bot_scores.length; uid++){
if (bot_scores[uid]>brother_score && uid>0 && my_id!=uid){
if (Math.abs(my_id - (uid))%3<2){// Will it be annoying to the brother?
brother_score = bot_scores[uid];
brother_id = uid-1;
// Start the brother follow count
brother_loop_count = brother_loop_length;
moves_i = 0;
saw_all_brothers_moves = 0;
// console.log('Now following brother: ' + brother_id);
// console.log(bots[brother_id]);
// No, we will still follow him
brother_loop_count -= 1; // But only for so long
// Now do the actual following
var aim_x = -1;
var aim_y = -1;
if (brother_id > -1){
// console.log('Brother ID: ' + brother_id);
// console.log('Brother Location: ' + bots[brother_id][1] + ', ' + bots[brother_id][2]);
// Which point are we aiming for?
if(saw_all_brothers_moves === true){ // Did I see how my brother moves?
// Check if we are in his footsteps?
var in_brothers_footsteps = false;
for (var step = 0; step<moves_to_follow; step++){
if ((moves_saw[step][0] == my_x) && ((moves_saw[step][1] == my_y))){
in_brothers_footsteps = true;
if(in_brothers_footsteps === true){
// We are in his footsteps. Go to the next one!
// console.log('We are following in brothers footsteps');
step++; if (step >= moves_to_follow){step=0;}
aim_x = moves_saw[step][0];aim_y = moves_saw[step][1];
// We are not in his footsteps, aim for the footsteps
// console.log('We are moving to brothers trail');
aim_x = 0; aim_y = 0;
for (var step = 0; step<moves_to_follow; step++){// Calculate step's center of mass
aim_x += moves_saw[step][0];aim_y += moves_saw[step][1];
aim_x /= moves_to_follow; aim_y /= moves_to_follow;
// No, not yet. Just run towards him
//console.log('Blindly running to brother');
aim_x = bots[brother_id][1];
aim_y = bots[brother_id][2];
//console.log('My goal: [' + aim_x + ', ' + aim_y + ']');
// Watch big brother's moves
if(brother_id > - 1){
moves_saw[moves_i][0] = bots[brother_id][1];
moves_saw[moves_i][1] = bots[brother_id][2];
moves_i ++;
if (moves_i===moves_to_follow){
moves_i = 0; // Wrap counter for circular buffer
// Have I seen enough of them?
if(saw_all_brothers_moves === false){
saw_all_brothers_moves = true;
// console.log('Saw enough of big brothers steps now...')
// Save updated variables
localStorage.LB_moves_saw = encode_moves(moves_saw);
localStorage.LB_moves_i = moves_i;// Save it
localStorage.LB_brother_id = brother_id;// Save it
localStorage.LB_brother_loop_count = brother_loop_count; // Save it
localStorage.LB_saw_all_brothers_moves = saw_all_brothers_moves;
localStorage.LB_last_num_of_bots = last_num_of_bots;
// Finish function
if (brother_id < 0){ // If not following anybody, move randomly
return ["up","down","left","right"][Math.random()*4|0];
// Following a big brother!
// console.log('Move: ' + toPos([aim_x, aim_y]));
return toPos([aim_x, aim_y]);
// Some functions to ease the load
function toPos([x,y]) {
var dx = x - my_x;
var dy = y - my_y;
if (x > my_x) return "right";
if (x < my_x) return "left";
if (y < my_y) return "up";
if (y > my_y) return "down";
if (y < my_y) return "up";
if (y > my_y) return "down";
if (x > my_x) return "right";
if (x < my_x) return "left";
return 'wait';
function decode_moves(moves_str){
var moves_array = [];
var moves_strs = moves_str.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i<5; i++){
var splot = moves_strs[i].split(',');
moves_array[i] = [];
moves_array[i][0] = parseInt(splot[0]);
moves_array[i][1] = parseInt(splot[1]);
return moves_array;
function encode_moves(moves_array){
var moves_str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < moves_array.length; i++){
moves_str += moves_array[i][0] + ',' + moves_array[i][1];
if (i < moves_array.length - 1){moves_str += ';';}
return moves_str;
function makeArray(w, h, val) {
var arr = [];
for(i = 0; i < w; i++) {
arr[i] = [];
for(j = 0; j < h; j++) {
arr[i][j] = 0;
return arr;
"name": "NotSoDumbBot",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
let myCol = myself[0];
let myX = myself[1];
let myY = myself[2];
function getScore(x) {
let score = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < grid[i].length; j++) {
if (grid[i][j] == x) {
return score;
let myScoreHistory = {};
if (localStorage.samYonnouMyScoreHistory) {
myScoreHistory = JSON.parse(localStorage.samYonnouMyScoreHistory);
let myScore = getScore(myCol);
myScoreHistory[gameInfo[0]] = myScore;
localStorage.samYonnouMyScoreHistory = JSON.stringify(myScoreHistory);
function isProbalyTrolled() {
if (gameInfo[0] < bots.length * 2) {
return false; // too early to tell
if (localStorage.samYonnouEvasiveActionsStarted && gameInfo[0] - parseInt(localStorage.samYonnouEvasiveActionsStarted, 10) > 8) {
if (gameInfo[0] - parseInt(localStorage.samYonnouEvasiveActionsStarted, 10) > 13) {
localStorage.samYonnouEvasiveActionsStarted = null;
return false; // we need to test if our evasive actions worked
for (let i = bots.length; i > 0; i--) {
if (myScoreHistory[gameInfo[0] - i] < myScoreHistory[gameInfo[0] - i + 1]) {
return false;
return true;
function isTimeForAggression() {
return myScore > bots.length * 8;
function isInferiorExplorer(x, y) {
return grid[x][y] != myCol && Math.abs(grid[x][y] - myCol) % 3 == 0;
function isEnemyTerritory(x, y) {
let enemyScore = getScore(x, y);
return isTimeForAggression() && Math.abs(grid[x][y] - myCol) % 3 == 1 && enemyScore / myScore > 2;
function isRipeForExploration(x, y) {
return (grid[x][y] == 0 || isInferiorExplorer(x, y));
function getExplorationPriority(x, y) {
if (isInferiorExplorer(x, y)) {
let inferiorExplorerScore = getScore(grid[x][y]);
if (isTimeForAggression() && inferiorExplorerScore > myScore * 1.5) {
// this explorer is a danger and needs to be knocked down a peg
return inferiorExplorerScore;
let closestBot = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
for (let i = 0; i < bots.length; i++) {
if (bots[i][0] != myCol) {
let distance = Math.abs(bots[i][1] - myX) + Math.abs(bots[i][2] - myY);
if (distance < closestBot) {
closestBot = distance;
// the farther away the closest bot is the better
return -((2 * grid.length) - closestBot);
function selectPath(selectionFunction, adhereToDirectionBan) {
let possiblePaths = [];
let possiblePathPriority = [];
if (myX > 0 && selectionFunction(myX - 1, myY)) {
possiblePathPriority.push(getExplorationPriority(myX - 1, myY));
if (myX < grid.length - 1 && selectionFunction(myX + 1, myY)) {
possiblePathPriority.push(getExplorationPriority(myX + 1, myY));
if (myY > 0 && selectionFunction(myX, myY - 1)) {
possiblePathPriority.push(getExplorationPriority(myX, myY - 1));
if (myY < grid[0].length - 1 && selectionFunction(myX, myY + 1)) {
possiblePathPriority.push(getExplorationPriority(myX, myY + 1));
let tryPickPath = possiblePaths.length > 0;
while (tryPickPath) {
tryPickPath = false;
let selection = null;
let chosenPathPriority = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
for (let i = 0; i < possiblePathPriority.length; i++) {
if (possiblePathPriority[i] > chosenPathPriority) {
selection = possiblePaths[i];
chosenPathPriority = possiblePathPriority[i];
if (adhereToDirectionBan && localStorage.samYonnouBannedDirection && selection == localStorage.samYonnouBannedDirection) {
possiblePaths.splice(localStorage.samYonnouBannedDirection, 1);
tryPickPath = possiblePaths.length > 0;
} else {
return selection;
return null;
if (isProbalyTrolled()) {
// we are likely being trolled, try to lose the troll by going close to another explorer the troll can target
let closestDecoyDistance = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
let closestDecoy = null;
let closestDecoyScore = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < bots.length; i++) {
if (bots[i][0] != myCol && Math.abs(bots[i][0] - myCol) % 3 == 0) {
let distance = Math.abs(bots[i][1] - myX) + Math.abs(bots[i][2] - myY);
if (distance > 1 && distance < closestDecoyDistance + 50) {
let decoyScore = getScore(bots[i][0]);
if (decoyScore > closestDecoyScore) {
closestDecoyDistance = distance;
closestDecoy = bots[i];
closestDecoyScore = decoyScore;
if (closestDecoy) {
if (!localStorage.samYonnouEvasiveActionsStarted && closestDecoyDistance < 3) {
localStorage.samYonnouEvasiveActionsStarted = JSON.stringify(gameInfo[0]);
localStorage.samYonnouBannedDirection = null;
if (closestDecoy[1] > myX) {
return "right";
if (closestDecoy[2] > myY) {
return "down";
if (closestDecoy[1] < myX) {
return "left";
if (closestDecoy[2] < myY) {
return "up";
let selection = selectPath(isRipeForExploration, true);
if (!selection) {
selection = selectPath(isEnemyTerritory, true);
if (!selection) {
selection = selectPath(isRipeForExploration, false);
if (!selection) {
function findNewStart(selectionFunction) {
let newStart = null;
let bestDistance = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
for (let i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < grid[i].length; j++) {
if (selectionFunction(i, j)) {
let distance = Math.abs(i - myX) + Math.abs(j - myY);
if (distance > 1 && distance < bestDistance) {
newStart = [i, j];
bestDistance = distance;
return newStart;
let newStart = findNewStart(isRipeForExploration);
if (!newStart) {
newStart = findNewStart(isEnemyTerritory);
if (!newStart) {
newStart = [(myX + 23) % grid.length, (myY + 23) % grid.length];
if (newStart[0] > myX) {
selection = "right";
if (newStart[1] > myY) {
selection = "down";
if (newStart[0] < myX) {
selection = "left";
if (newStart[1] < myY) {
selection = "up";
localStorage.samYonnouBannedDirection = (selection == "left") ? "right" : ((selection == "up") ? "down" : ((selection == "down") ? "up" : "left"));
return selection;
"name": "Boxer",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
let val = gameInfo[0] % 16;
if(val < 3){
return "right";
}else if(val < 6){
return "up";
}else if(val < 9){
return "left";
}else if(val < 12){
return "down";
}else if(val < 14){
return ["up","down","left","right"][Math.random() *4 |0];
let xdist = myself[1];
let ydist = myself[2];
let xfardist = grid.length - 1 - myself[1];
let yfardist = grid.length - 1 - myself[2];
if(gameInfo[0] % 400 < 200){
if (xdist < ydist && xdist < xfardist && xdist < yfardist){
return "right";
}else if (ydist < xfardist && ydist < yfardist){
return "down";
}else if (xfardist < yfardist){
return "left";
return "up";
if (xdist > ydist && xdist > xfardist && xdist > yfardist){
return "right";
}else if (ydist > xfardist && ydist > yfardist){
return "up";
}else if (xfardist > yfardist){
return "left";
return "down";
"name": "Kneecapper",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
let [myId, myX, myY] = myself;
// Figure out who's doing well.
let targets = => bot[0]).filter(id => (id !== myId) && (Math.abs(id - myId) % 3 !== 2));
let flatGrid = [].concat.apply([], grid);
targets = targets.sort((a, b) => flatGrid.reduce((n, val) => n + (val === a) - (val === b), 0));
let targetX, targetY;
let targetScore = 0;
for (let x = 0; x < grid.length; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < grid.length; y++) {
let dist = Math.abs(x - myX) + Math.abs(y - myY);
let scariness = targets.indexOf(grid[x][y]) + 1;
if (scariness === 0) { continue; }
// Find a successful opponent who's not too far away.
let score = scariness ** 1.5 / (dist + 1);
if (score > targetScore) {
targetX = x;
targetY = y;
targetScore = score;
// Move toward the target.
if (targetX < myX) { return "left"; }
if (targetX > myX) { return "right"; }
if (targetY < myY) { return "up"; }
if (targetY > myY) { return "down"; }
return "wait";
"name": "MC",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
const W = grid.length, H = grid[0].length;
const meIdx = bots.findIndex(b => b[0] == myself[0]);
const meClr = bots[meIdx][0];
function copy2D(a) {
return => l.slice());
function paintValue(gr, x, y, clr) {
if (gr[x][y] == 0) return clr;
else return [clr, 0, gr[x][y]][Math.abs(clr - gr[x][y]) % 3];
function paint(gr, x, y, clr) {
gr[x][y] = paintValue(gr, x, y, clr);
function randomStep(gr, bt) {
const lastDir = new Array(bt.length).fill(-1);
for (let i = 0; i < bt.length; i++) {
const b = bt[i];
while (Math.random() < 0.95) {
const dir = Math.random() * 4 | 0;
if (dir == lastDir[i]) continue;
switch (dir) {
case 0: if (b[1] < W-1) b[1]++; else continue; break;
case 1: if (b[2] < H-1) b[2]++; else continue; break;
case 2: if (b[1] > 0) b[1]--; else continue; break;
case 3: if (b[2] > 0) b[2]--; else continue; break;
paint(gr, b[1], b[2], b[0]);
function calcScore(gr, id) {
let sc = 0;
for (let x = 0; x < W; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < H; y++) {
sc += gr[x][y] == id;
return sc;
const dxes = [1, 0, -1, 0, 0], dyes = [0, 1, 0, -1, 0];
const outputs = ["right", "down", "left", "up", "wait"];
let maxscore = -1, maxat = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
const nx = bots[meIdx][1] + dxes[i];
const ny = bots[meIdx][2] + dyes[i];
if (nx < 0 || nx >= W || ny < 0 || ny >= H) continue;
const grid2 = copy2D(grid);
const bots2 = copy2D(bots);
bots2[meIdx][1] = nx;
bots2[meIdx][2] = ny;
paint(grid2, nx, ny, meClr);
let score = 0;
for (let playouti = 0; playouti < 100; playouti++) {
const grid3 = copy2D(grid2);
const bots3 = copy2D(bots2);
for (let si = 0; si < 5; si++) {
randomStep(grid3, bots3);
score += calcScore(grid3, meClr);
if (score > maxscore) {
maxscore = score;
maxat = i;
if (maxscore == -1) return outputs[Math.random() * 5 | 0];
else return outputs[maxat];
"name": "Euclid",
"func": function euclidFn(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
const W = grid.length, H = grid[0].length;
const meIdx = bots.findIndex(b => b[0] == myself[0]);
const meClr = bots[meIdx][0];
const botIdToIndex = {};
for (let i = 0; i < bots.length; i++) {
botIdToIndex[bots[i][0]] = i;
function paintValue(floor, clr) {
if (floor == 0) return clr;
else return [clr, 0, floor][Math.abs(clr - floor) % 3];
function paint(gr, x, y, clr) {
gr[x][y] = paintValue(gr[x][y], clr);
function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return Math.abs(y2 - y1) + Math.abs(x2 - x1);
function calcHeatmap() {
const heat = new Array(W).fill(0).map(() => new Array(H).fill(0));
function weight(dx, dy) {
const d = dx + dy;
return d < 3 ? 1 / (1 + d) : 0;
for (let x = 0; x < W; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < H; y++) {
let s=0;
for (let x2 = Math.max(x-3, 0); x2 <= Math.min(W-1, x+3); x2++) {
for (let y2 = Math.max(y-3, 0); y2 <= Math.min(H-1, y+3); y2++) {
if (grid[x2][y2] == meClr) {
s += weight(Math.abs(x2 - x), Math.abs(y2 - y));
heat[x][y] = s;
return heat;
const heatmap = calcHeatmap();
function scorePos(px, py) {
let sc = 0;
if (grid[px][py] != meClr && paintValue(grid[px][py], meClr) == meClr) {
sc += 100;
let mindist = W + H + 1;
for (let x = 0; x < W; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < H; y++) {
if (grid[x][y] != meClr && paintValue(grid[x][y], meClr) == meClr) {
let d = distance(px, py, x, y);
if (d < mindist) mindist = d;
sc -= 3 * mindist;
mindist = W + H + 1;
for (let x = 0; x < W; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < H; y++) {
if (grid[x][y] == largestBotId) {
let d = distance(px, py, x, y);
if (d < mindist) mindist = d;
sc -= 6 * mindist;
sc -= 3 * heatmap[px][py];
sc += Math.random();
return sc;
function calcBotScores() {
const res = new Array(bots.length).fill(0).map((_,i) => [bots[i][0], 0]);
for (let x = 0; x < W; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < H; y++) {
if (grid[x][y] > 0) {
let i = botIdToIndex[grid[x][y]];
if (i != undefined) res[i][1]++;
return res;
const botScores = calcBotScores(); // [id, size]
const largestBotId = botScores
.filter(p => p[0] != meClr && paintValue(p[0], meClr) == meClr)
.sort((a,b) => b[1] - a[1])
const dxes = [1, 0, -1, 0, 0], dyes = [0, 1, 0, -1, 0];
const outputs = ["right", "down", "left", "up", "wait"];
let allscores = [];
let maxscore = -Infinity, maxat = -1;
let allowWait = grid[bots[meIdx][1]][bots[meIdx][2]] == 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 4 + allowWait; i++) {
const nx = bots[meIdx][1] + dxes[i];
const ny = bots[meIdx][2] + dyes[i];
if (nx < 0 || nx >= W || ny < 0 || ny >= H) {
let score = scorePos(nx, ny);
if (i == 4) score -= 20;
if (euclidFn.lastMove != undefined && i != euclidFn.lastMove) score -= 3;
allscores.push(~~(score * 1000) / 1000);
if (score > maxscore) {
maxscore = score;
maxat = i;
// console.log([maxscore, maxat], allscores);
let move = maxscore == -1 ? Math.random() * 5 | 0 : maxat;
euclidFn.lastMove = move;
return outputs[move];
"name": "DFSBot",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameinfo) {
my_id = myself[0];
my_x = myself[1];
my_y = myself[2];
delta = [[0, -1], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0]];
seen = Array(grid.length).fill().map(() => Array(grid.length).fill(false));
scores = Array(bots.length + 2).fill(0);
for (let i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < grid.length; j++) {
function search(x, y, depth) {
if (depth == 11) {
return [4, 0];
let max_score = 0;
let best_move = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
let x1 = x + delta[i][0];
let y1 = y + delta[i][1];
if ((x1 < 0) || (x1 >= grid.length)) {
if ((y1 < 0) || (y1 >= grid.length)) {
if (seen[x1][y1]) {
let n = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if (Math.abs(i - j) == 1) {
let x2 = x1 + delta[j][0];
let y2 = y1 + delta[j][1];
if ((x2 < 0) || (x2 >= grid.length)) {
if ((y2 < 0) || (y2 >= grid.length)) {
if (grid[x2][y2] == my_id) {
let prev = grid[x1][y1];
if (prev == 0) {
next = my_id;
} else {
next = [my_id, 0, prev][Math.abs(my_id - prev) % 3];
let score = 0;
score += 1e-10 * (n + 0.1 * Math.random());
if (next != prev) {
if (next == my_id) {
score += 1;
if (prev == 0 || scores[prev] > scores[my_id]) {
score += 1e-6;
grid[x1][y1] = next;
seen[x1][y1] = true;
let final_score = 0.05 * score + 0.95 * search(x1, y1, depth + 1)[1];
seen[x1][y1] = false;
grid[x1][y1] = prev;
if (final_score > max_score) {
max_score = final_score;
best_move = i;
return [best_move, max_score];
let best_move = search(my_x, my_y, 0)[0];
return ["up", "down", "left", "right", "wait"][best_move];
"name": "GiveMeSpace",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo){
localStorage.givemespace = JSON.stringify({
var firstchoice = {up:-1,down:-1,left:-1,right:-1}, nearestblank = [9999,-1,-1], store = JSON.parse(localStorage.givemespace), unique = [], numunique = 0,
currdist, i, j;
if(store.timeout >= 0 && store.corner[1] >= 0 && store.corner[2] >= 0){
if(store.corner[2] < myself[2]){
return 'up';
if(store.corner[2] > myself[2]){
return 'down';
if(store.corner[1] < myself[1]){
return 'left';
if(store.corner[1] > myself[1]){
return 'right';
if(store.recent.length == 20){
if(unique.indexOf(store.recent[i][1]+"_"+store.recent[i][2]) == -1){
if(numunique <= 6){
store.recent = [];
store.timeout = 10+numunique;
store.corner = [[-1,0,0],[-1,0,bots.length*3-1],[-1,bots.length*3-1,0],[-1,bots.length*3-1,bots.length*3-1]][Math.random()*4|0];
function dist(a,b){
return Math.abs(a[1]-b[1])+Math.abs(a[2]-b[2]);
function finalcolor(a,b){
return Math.abs(a-b)%3;
function persiststorage(store){
if(store.recent.length > 20) store.recent = store.recent.slice(1);
localStorage.givemespace = JSON.stringify(store);
if(myself[2] > 0 && myself[0] != grid[myself[1]][myself[2]-1] && (grid[myself[1]][myself[2]-1] == 0 || finalcolor(myself[0],grid[myself[1]][myself[2]-1]) == 0)){
firstchoice.up = 9999;
if(myself[2] < bots.length*3-1 && myself[0] != grid[myself[1]][myself[2]+1] && (grid[myself[1]][myself[2]+1] == 0 || finalcolor(myself[0],grid[myself[1]][myself[2]+1]) == 0)){
firstchoice.down = 9999;
if(myself[1] > 0 && myself[0] != grid[myself[1]-1][myself[2]] && (grid[myself[1]-1][myself[2]] == 0 || finalcolor(myself[0],grid[myself[1]-1][myself[2]]) == 0)){
firstchoice.left = 9999;
if(myself[1] < bots.length*3-1 && myself[0] != grid[myself[1]+1][myself[2]] && (grid[myself[1]+1][myself[2]] == 0 || finalcolor(myself[0],grid[myself[1]+1][myself[2]]) == 0)){
firstchoice.right = 9999;
if(firstchoice.up > 0 || firstchoice.down > 0 || firstchoice.left > 0 || firstchoice.right > 0){
if(bots[i][0] != myself[0]){
if(firstchoice.up > 0){
currdist = dist(bots[i],[0,myself[1],myself[2]-1]);
if(currdist < firstchoice.up){
firstchoice.up = currdist;
if(firstchoice.down > 0){
currdist = dist(bots[i],[0,myself[1],myself[2]+1]);
if(currdist < firstchoice.down){
firstchoice.down = currdist;
if(firstchoice.left > 0){
currdist = dist(bots[i],[0,myself[1]-1,myself[2]]);
if(currdist < firstchoice.left){
firstchoice.left = currdist;
if(firstchoice.right > 0){
currdist = dist(bots[i],[0,myself[1]+1,myself[2]]);
if(currdist < firstchoice.right){
firstchoice.right = currdist;
if(firstchoice.up >= firstchoice.down && firstchoice.up >= firstchoice.left && firstchoice.up >= firstchoice.right){
return 'up';
else if(firstchoice.down >= firstchoice.left && firstchoice.down >= firstchoice.right){
return 'down';
else if(firstchoice.left >= firstchoice.right){
return 'left';
return 'right';
if((i != myself[1] || j != myself[2]) && grid[i][j] != myself[0] && (grid[i][j] == 0 || finalcolor(myself[0],grid[i][j]) == 0)){
currdist = dist(myself,[0,i,j]);
if(currdist < nearestblank[0]){
nearestblank[0] = currdist;
nearestblank[1] = i;
nearestblank[2] = j;
if(nearestblank[0] < 9999){
if(nearestblank[2] < myself[2]){
return 'up';
if(nearestblank[2] > myself[2]){
return 'down';
if(nearestblank[1] < myself[1]){
return 'left';
if(nearestblank[1] > myself[1]){
return 'right';
return ['up','down','left','right'][Math.random()*4|0];
"name": "Smart Ant V4",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
// Assign variables.
let dest = {left: "left", right: "right", up: "up", down: "down", wait: "wait"};
let deltas = {x: {left: -1, right: +1, up: 0, down: 0, wait: 0}, y: {left: 0, right: 0, up: -1, down: +1, wait: 0}};
let [name, me, [rcurr, rmax], [gmin, gmax], blank] = ["Smart Ant V4", { c: myself[0], x: myself[1], y: myself[2] }, gameInfo, [0, grid.length - 1], 0];
// Define local functions.
function onEdge(pos, x = me.x, y = me.y) { // Returns true if on the edge.
switch (pos) {
case dest.left: return x == gmin; break;
case dest.right: return x == gmax; break;
case dest.up: return y == gmin; break;
case dest.down: return y == gmax; break;
default: return x == gmin || x == gmax || y == gmin || y == gmax;
function validXY(x, y) { // Validate coordinates.
return (gmin <= x && gmin <= y && x <= gmax && y <= gmax);
function validMove(pos = db['curr_pos'], x = me.x, y = me.y) {
return validXY(x + deltas.x[pos], y + deltas.y[pos]);
function toEdge(pos = db['curr_pos'], x = me.x, y = me.y) { // Returns true if the next move is towards the edge.
return onEdge(pos, x + deltas.x[pos], y + deltas.y[pos]);
function turnLeft(pos = db['curr_pos']) { // Get the new direction after turning left.
next = {left: dest.down, right: dest.up, up: dest.left, down: dest.right}; return next[pos];
function turnRight(pos = db['curr_pos']) { // Get the new direction after turning right.
next = {left: dest.up, right: dest.down, up: dest.right, down: dest.left}; return next[pos];
function getColorAbs(x, y) { // Get color using absolute position.
return validXY(x, y) ? grid[x][y] : -1;
function getColorRel(x, y) { // Get color using relative position.
return getColorAbs(me.x + x, me.y + y);
function getColorDir(pos = db['curr_pos']) { // Get color at the direction.
return getColorRel(deltas.x[pos], deltas.y[pos]);
function getNextColor(color) { // Predict the next color.
return color == blank ? me.c : [me.c, 0, color][Math.abs(me.c - color) % 3];
function noBlanks(color) { // Returns true if no blank squares around.
return Math.min(getColorDir(dest.left), getColorDir(dest.right), getColorDir(dest.up), getColorDir(dest.down)) > blank;
function isEdibleXY(x, y) { // Returns true if square is edible.
return (getColorAbs(x, y) != me.c && getNextColor(getColorAbs(x, y)) != getColorAbs(x, y));
function isBotXY(bx = me.x, by = me.y) {
return Object.keys(bots).map(function(key, index) {
[c, x, y] = bots[key];
return me.c != c && bx == x && by == y;
function calcEdibleSq(pos = db['curr_pos'], mx = me.x, my = me.y) { // Calculate number of edible squares minus distance for the given direction.
let [counter, penalty, x, y] = [0, 0, mx, my];
while (validXY(x, y)) {
[x, y, penalty] = [x + deltas.x[pos], y + deltas.y[pos], penalty + 1/gmax*2];
if (isEdibleXY(x, y)) counter += Math.max(0, getColorAbs(x, y) == blank ? 1 - penalty : 1 - penalty/2);
else if (getColorAbs(x, y) == me.c || isBotXY(x, y)) counter -= 1 - penalty;
return counter;
function getRandomDir() { // Get a random move.
Object.values(dest)[Math.floor(Math.random() * Object.values(dest).length)]
function getLongestDir() { // Get the longest direction (away from the edges).
return [me.x > gmax/2 ? dest.left : dest.right, me.y > gmax/2 ? dest.up : dest.down][Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)];
function getEdibleDir() { // Get direction based on number of edible squares.
best_moves = []
// Check current position.
routes = [{left: calcEdibleSq(dest.left)}, {right: calcEdibleSq(dest.right)}, {up: calcEdibleSq(dest.up)}, {down: calcEdibleSq(dest.down)}]
.sort(function(a, b) { return Object.values(b)[0] - Object.values(a)[0]});
// Check other 4 positions.
pos = dest.left;
routes = [
{left: calcEdibleSq(dest.left, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
{left: calcEdibleSq(dest.right, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
{left: calcEdibleSq(dest.up, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
{left: calcEdibleSq(dest.down, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
].sort(function(a, b) { return Object.values(b)[0] - Object.values(a)[0]});
pos = dest.right;
routes = [
{right: calcEdibleSq(dest.left, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
{right: calcEdibleSq(dest.right, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
{right: calcEdibleSq(dest.up, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
{right: calcEdibleSq(dest.down, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
].sort(function(a, b) { return Object.values(b)[0] - Object.values(a)[0]});
pos = dest.up;
routes = [
{up: calcEdibleSq(dest.left, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
{up: calcEdibleSq(dest.right, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
{up: calcEdibleSq(dest.up, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
{up: calcEdibleSq(dest.down, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
].sort(function(a, b) { return Object.values(b)[0] - Object.values(a)[0]});
pos = dest.down;
routes = [
{down: calcEdibleSq(dest.left, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
{down: calcEdibleSq(dest.right, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
{down: calcEdibleSq(dest.up, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
{down: calcEdibleSq(dest.down, me.x + deltas.x[pos], me.y + deltas.y[pos])},
].sort(function(a, b) { return Object.values(b)[0] - Object.values(a)[0]});
best_moves.sort(function(a, b) { return Object.values(b)[0] - Object.values(a)[0]});
[cost1, cost2] = [Object.values(Object.values(best_moves)[0])[0], Object.values(Object.values(best_moves)[1])[0]];
best_pos = Object.keys(Object.values(best_moves)[0])[0];
//if (cost1 <= 0) { console.log(best_moves); }
return cost1 > 0 ? best_pos : getLongestDir() || getRandomDir();
function rightMove(pos = db['curr_pos'], prev = db['prev_pos'], pri = 0) { // Check if our next move is right.
if (!validMove(pos)) return false; // Invalid move.
if (toEdge(pos)) return pri > 8; // Towards the edge.
if (getColorDir(pos) == me.c) return pri > 8; // Our color.
if (getNextColor(getColorDir(pos)) != me.c) return pri > 4; // Avoid not paintable squares.
if (deltas.x[pos] + deltas.x[prev] == 0 && deltas.y[pos] + deltas.y[prev] == 0) return pri > 4; // Prevent going back.
if (pos == dest.wait == prev) return false; // Do not wait twice.
return true;
let db = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(name)) || {};
if (rcurr == 1) db['curr_pos'] = getEdibleDir();
db['prev_pos'] = db['curr_pos'];
// Main code.
let next_move = db['curr_pos'];
let counter = 0;
if (isBotXY().includes(true)) {
// In case of clash with another bot, wait or dance random to avoid loops.
next_move = db['prev_pos'] != dest.wait ? dest.wait : getRandomDir();
else if (noBlanks() && !rightMove(next_move)) {
next_move = getEdibleDir();
else while (!rightMove(next_move, db['prev_pos'], counter)) {
next_move = turnRight(next_move);
if (++counter > 12) { next_move = getEdibleDir(); break; }
db['curr_pos'] = next_move || getLongestDir() || getRandomDir();
localStorage.setItem(name, JSON.stringify(db));
return db.curr_pos;
"name": "Humble Paint Salesman",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
let [id, x, y] = myself;
// if first move
if(gameInfo[0] == 1) {
this.size = grid.length;
this.mid = this.size / 2;
this.dx = x < this.mid ? "right" : "left";
this.dy = y < this.mid ? "down" : "up";
this.flip = function(v) {
this.dict = this.dict || {
right: "left",
left: "right",
down: "up",
up: "down"
return this.dict[v];
this.queue = [];
if(grid[x][y] == 0) {
return "wait";
else if(this.queue.length) {
return this.queue.shift();
else if(x == 0 || x + 1 == this.size) {
this.dx = this.flip(this.dx);
if(y == 0 || y + 1 == this.size) {
this.dy = this.flip(this.dy);
return this.dy;
return this.dx;
"name": "Clever Name",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
// Parse the arguments.
let myId = myself[0];
let myX = myself[1];
let myY = myself[2];
// Check each square to see if it's a good target.
let targetX, targetY, targetDist = Infinity;
let numAtDist;
for (let x = 0; x < grid.length; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < grid.length; y++) {
// We don't care about our own squares.
if (grid[x][y] === myId) { continue; }
// Only squares that we can recolor are useful.
if (grid[x][y] === 0 || Math.abs(grid[x][y] - myId) % 3 !== 2) {
// If this is the closest we've seen, target it.
let dist = Math.abs(myX - x) + Math.abs(myY - y);
if (dist < targetDist) {
targetX = x;
targetY = y;
targetDist = dist;
numAtDist = 1;
// If it's tied for the closest, sometimes target it.
} else if (dist === targetDist) {
if (Math.floor(numAtDist * Math.random()) === 0) {
targetX = x;
targetY = y;
// Move toward the target.
if (targetX < myX) { return "left"; }
if (targetX > myX) { return "right"; }
if (targetY < myY) { return "up"; }
if (targetY > myY) { return "down"; }
return "wait";
"name": "M.A.D.S.",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo)
const w = 6, h = 6;
let my_c = myself[0], my_x = myself[1], my_y = myself[2], size = grid.length, roundnum = gameInfo[0];
if (!localStorage.steelyeyedmissileman) {
var offset_x = Math.random() *(size-w-1) |0;
var offset_y = Math.random() *(size-h-1) |0;
localStorage.steelyeyedmissileman = JSON.stringify([offset_x, offset_y]);
offsets = JSON.parse(localStorage.steelyeyedmissileman);
offset_x = offsets[0];
offset_y = offsets[1];
let targets = [];
for(let grid_x = offset_x; grid_x < offset_x+6; grid_x++)
for(let grid_y = offset_y; grid_y < offset_y+6; grid_y++)
if(grid[grid_x][grid_y] != my_c)
targets.push([grid_x, grid_y]);
let target = targets.pop();
if(target == undefined) return 'wait';
if(target[0] > my_x) return 'right';
if(target[0] < my_x) return 'left';
if(target[1] > my_y) return 'down';
if(target[1] < my_y) return 'up';
return "left";
"name": "Hunter-Killer",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
targetColour = myself[0] % 3;
// If I can paint someone else's space to my colour, do so.
var options = [];
if (myself[1] !== 0 && grid[myself[1] - 1][myself[2]] % 3 === targetColour && grid[myself[1] - 1][myself[2]] !== myself[0] && grid[myself[1] - 1][myself[2]] !== 0)
if (myself[1] !== grid.length - 1 && grid[myself[1] + 1][myself[2]] % 3 === targetColour && grid[myself[1] + 1][myself[2]] !== myself[0] && grid[myself[1] + 1][myself[2]] !== 0)
if (myself[2] !== 0 && grid[myself[1]][myself[2] - 1] % 3 === targetColour && grid[myself[1]][myself[2] - 1] !== myself[0] && grid[myself[1]][myself[2] - 1] !== 0)
if (myself[2] !== grid.length - 1 && grid[myself[1]][myself[2] + 1] % 3 === targetColour && grid[myself[1]][myself[2] + 1] !== myself[0] && grid[myself[1]][myself[2] + 1] !== 0)
if (options.length > 0) return options[Math.random() * options.length | 0];
// Otherwise, move to the closest bot I can paint over.
var targetBots = bots.filter(bot => {
if (bot[0] === myself[0] || bot[0] % 3 !== targetColour) return false;
return true;
if (targetBots.length > 0) {
targetBots.sort((a, b) => (Math.abs(a[1] - myself[1]) + Math.abs(a[2] - myself[2])) < (Math.abs(a[1] - myself[1]) + Math.abs(a[2] - myself[2])));
if (Math.abs(targetBots[0][1] - myself[1]) > Math.abs(targetBots[0][2] - myself[2])){
return targetBots[0][1] - myself[1] > 0 ? "right" : "left";
return targetBots[0][2] - myself[2] > 0 ? "down" : "up";
options = [];
// If we've killed them all, try to move to a blank space.
if (myself[1] !== 0 && grid[myself[1] - 1][myself[2]] === 0 && grid[myself[1] - 1][myself[2]] !== myself[0])
if (myself[1] !== grid.length - 1 && grid[myself[1] + 1][myself[2]] === 0 && grid[myself[1] + 1][myself[2]] !== myself[0])
if (myself[2] !== 0 && grid[myself[1]][myself[2] - 1] === 0 && grid[myself[1]][myself[2] - 1] !== myself[0])
if (myself[2] !== grid.length - 1 && grid[myself[1]][myself[2] + 1] === 0 && grid[myself[1]][myself[2] + 1] !== myself[0])
if (options.length > 0) return options[Math.random() * options.length | 0];
options = [];
// If there aren't any, try to move to a space I can paint white.
targetColour = (targetColour + 2) % 3
if (myself[1] !== 0 && grid[myself[1] - 1][myself[2]] % 3 === 0 && grid[myself[1] - 1][myself[2]] !== myself[0])
if (myself[1] !== grid.length - 1 && grid[myself[1] + 1][myself[2]] % 3 === 0 && grid[myself[1] + 1][myself[2]] !== myself[0])
if (myself[2] !== 0 && grid[myself[1]][myself[2] - 1] % 3 === 0 && grid[myself[1]][myself[2] - 1] !== myself[0])
if (myself[2] !== grid.length - 1 && grid[myself[1]][myself[2] + 1] % 3 === 0 && grid[myself[1]][myself[2] + 1] !== myself[0])
if (options.length > 0) return options[Math.random() * options.length | 0];
// Otherwise, pick one at random.
return ["up","down","left","right"][Math.random() * 4 | 0];
"name": "No Do Overs",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
var c = myself[0];
var x = myself[1];
var y = myself[2];
var n = grid.length;
var dirs = ["left", "up", "down", "right"]
for(var _ = 0; _ < 4; _++) {
var dir = dirs.splice(Math.random() * dirs.length | 0, 1);
if(dir == "left" && x != 0 && grid[x-1][y] == 0) {
return "left";
if(dir == "right" && x != n - 1&& grid[x+1][y] == 0) {
return "right";
if(dir == "up" && y != 0 && grid[x][y-1] == 0) {
return "up";
if(dir == "down" && y != n - 1 && grid[x][y+1] == 0) {
return "down";
if(dir == "left" && x != 0 && grid[x-1][y] != c) {
return "left";
if(dir == "right" && x != n - 1 && grid[x+1][y] != c) {
return "right";
if(dir == "up" && y != 0 && grid[x][y-1] != c) {
return "up";
if(dir == "down" && y != n - 1 && grid[x][y+1] != c) {
return "down";
dirs = [];
if(x != 0) dirs[dirs.length] = "left";
if(x != n - 1) dirs[dirs.length] = "right";
if(y != 0) dirs[dirs.length] = "up";
if(y != n - 1) dirs[dirs.length] = "down";
return dirs[Math.random() * dirs.length | 0];
"name": "Trollbot",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
var c = myself[0];
var x = myself[1];
var y = myself[2];
var cd = -1;
var cx = -1;
var cy = -1;
var i;
for(i = 0; i < bots.length; i++){
var bc = bots[i][0];
var bx = bots[i][1];
var by = bots[i][2];
var flatGrid = grid.reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), []);
var botAlive = flatGrid.filter(function(cell) {return cell == bc}).length > 1;
if (botAlive && c != bc && Math.abs(c-bc)%3 == 0) {
var d = Math.abs(x-bx)+Math.abs(y-by);
if (d > 0 && (cd == -1 || d<cd)) {
cd = d;
cx = bx;
cy = by;
if (cd == -1) {
var j;
for(i=0; i<grid.length; i++) {
for(j=0; j<grid.length; j++) {
if (grid[i][j] == 0) {
var d = Math.abs(x-i)+Math.abs(y-j);
var sharingWithBot = (i == x && j == y && bots.filter((item) => item[1] == i && item[2] == j).length > 1);
if (!sharingWithBot && (cd == -1 || d<cd)) {
cd = d;
cx = i;
cy = j;
var move;
var dx = cx-x;
var dy = cy-y;
if (cd == -1) {
move = ["up","down","left","right"][Math.random() *4 |0];
} else if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) {
move = "wait";
} else if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) || (Math.abs(dx) == Math.abs(dy) && Math.random() * 2 < 1)) {
if (dx > 0) {
move = "right";
} else {
move = "left";
} else {
if (dy > 0) {
move = "down";
} else {
move = "up";
return move;
"name": "The Bot That Paints The Board Constantly But Is Not A Painter",
"func": function (me, board, painters, info) {
let id = me[0], meX = me[1], meY = me[2], size = board.length, round = info[0], end = info[1], i;
let getDistance = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return (Math.abs(x1 - x2) + Math.abs(y1 - y2)) + 1;
let getColorValue = function (color) {
if (color === 0) return 2;
if (color === id) return 0;
return 2 - (Math.abs(id - color) % 3);
let getScore = function (x, y) {
let score = 0, paintersLength = painters.length, i;
for (let bX = 0; bX < size; bX++) {
for (let bY = 0; bY < size; bY++) {
let distance = getDistance(x, y, bX, bY);
let colorValue = getColorValue(board[bX][bY]);
let factor = 1;
if (distance === 1) {
for (i = 0; i < paintersLength; i++) if (painters[i][1] === bX && painters[i][2] === bY) factor = 0;
if (factor > 0) factor = 3;
score += (colorValue / (distance / 4)) * factor;
for (i = 0; i < paintersLength; i++) {
let pId = painters[i][0], pX = painters[i][1], pY = painters[i][2];
if (pId === id) continue;
let pDistance = getDistance(x, y, pX, pY);
let pIdValue = getColorValue(pId);
score -= (pIdValue / (pDistance / 2)) / 4;
return score + Math.random();
let possibleMoves = [{x: 0, y: 0, c: 'wait'}];
if (meX > 0) possibleMoves.push({x: -1, y: 0, c: 'left'});
if (meY > 0) possibleMoves.push({x: -0, y: -1, c: 'up'});
if (meX < size - 1) possibleMoves.push({x: 1, y: 0, c: 'right'});
if (meY < size - 1) possibleMoves.push({x: 0, y: 1, c: 'down'});
let topCommand, topScore = null;
for (i = 0; i < possibleMoves.length; i++) {
let score = getScore(meX + possibleMoves[i].x, meY + possibleMoves[i].y);
if (topScore === null || score > topScore) {
topScore = score;
topCommand = possibleMoves[i].c;
return topCommand;
"name": "Random Filler",
"func": function([id, x, y], grid, bots, gameInfo) {
let painted = {
false: {
un: [],
other: [],
me: [],
true: {
un: [],
other: [],
me: [],
let moves = {
left: {x: x - 1, y},
up: {x, y: y - 1},
right: {x: x + 1, y},
down: {x, y: y + 1},
wait: {x, y},
let isbot = m => bots.some(([, x, y]) => m.x == x && m.y == y);
let whose = n => n ? n == id || Math.abs(id - n) % 3 > 1 ? "me" : "other" : "un";
for (let dir in moves) {
let move = moves[dir];
if (move.x >= 0 && move.x < grid.length && move.y >= 0 && move.y < grid.length)
choices = [painted.false.un, painted.false.other, painted.true.un, painted.true.other,,].find(choices => choices.length);
let move = choices[Math.random() * choices.length | 0];
return move;
"name": "NearSightedGreed",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
let ret = [];
let col = myself[0];
let myX = myself[1];
let myY = myself[2];
if(grid[myX][myY] != col){
return "wait";
if(myX != 0 && grid[myX-1][myY] != col){
if(myX != grid.length-1 && grid[myX+1][myY] != col){
if(myY != 0 && grid[myX][myY-1] != col){
if(myY != grid[0].length && grid[myX][myY+1] != col){
return ret[Math.random() * ret.length|0]
"name": "CandyButton",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
var mc = myself[0];
var mx = myself[1];
var my = myself[2];
if(grid[mx][my]==0) return "wait"; // Edit: wait when white.
if(mx==grid.length-1 && my<grid.length-1) return "down";
if(my==grid.length-1 && mx>0) return "left";
if(mx==0 && my>0) return "up";
if(mx==0 && my==0) return "right";
if(my<grid.length-2) return "down";
return "right";
if(my>0) return "up"
return "right";
"name": "Borderline",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
// Check if already on border
if (myself[1] == 0 || myself[1] == grid.length-1 || myself[2] == 0 || myself[2] == grid.length-1) {
// Move anticlockwise around the border
if (myself[1] == 0 && myself[2] != 0 && myself[2] != grid.length-1) {
return "down";
if (myself[1] == 0 && myself[2] == 0) {
return "down";
if (myself[2] == grid.length-1 && myself[1] != 0 && myself[1] != grid.length-1) {
return "right";
if (myself[1] == 0 && myself[2] == grid.length-1) {
return "right";
if (myself[1] == grid.length-1 && myself[2] != 0 && myself[2] != grid.length-1) {
return "up";
if (myself[1] == grid.length-1 && myself[2] == grid.length-1) {
return "up";
if (myself[2] == 0 && myself[1] != 0 && myself[1] != grid.length-1) {
return "left";
if (myself[1] == grid.length-1 && myself[2] == 0) {
return "left";
} else {
// Find the nearest border and move to it
if (myself[1] <= grid.length-1 - myself[1]) {
// Move to left border
return "left";
} else {
// Move to right border
return "right";
"name": "Jim",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
var [mc, mx, my] = myself;
var output;
var allowRetracing = false;
var size = 3;
var scoreboard =>>c==mc? 0 : overMap(c, 2, 1, 0)));
for (let [bc, bx, by] of bots) if (bc != mc) {log([bc,bx,by],[mc,mx,my]);
scoreboard[bx][by] = -100;
if (inbounds([bx-2, by])) scoreboard[bx-2][by] = -50;
if (inbounds([bx+2, by])) scoreboard[bx+2][by] = -50;
if (inbounds([bx, by-2])) scoreboard[bx][by-2] = -50;
if (inbounds([bx, by+2])) scoreboard[bx][by+2] = -50;
function scoreOf (x, y) {
let score = 0;
for (let dx = -size; dx <= size; dx++) {
let cx = dx + x;
if (cx < 1 || cx >= grid.length-1) continue;
for (let dy = -size; dy <= size; dy++) {
let cy = dy + y;
if (cy < 1 || cy >= grid.length-1) continue;
score+= scoreboard[cx][cy];
return score;
var storage = this;
if (gameInfo[0] < 10) this.timer = 10000;
function rescore() {
storage.bestScore = -Infinity;
var blur =, x)=>, y) => {
let score = scoreOf(x, y);
if (score > storage.bestScore) {
storage.bestScore = score;
storage.bestX = x;
storage.bestY = y;
return score;
storage.atBest = false;
storage.timer = 0;
if (this.timer > 200) rescore();
if (grid[mx][my] == 0 && !bots.some(([col, bx, by])=> col != mc && bx==mx && by==my)) return "wait";
// annoying localStorage
if (!localStorage.dzaima_pastMoves) {
pastMoves = ["-1;0"];
nowMoves = new Array(30).fill("-1;0");
} else {
pastMoves = JSON.parse(localStorage.dzaima_pastMoves);
nowMoves = JSON.parse(localStorage.dzaima_pastMoves);
localStorage.dzaima_pastMoves = JSON.stringify(nowMoves);
function log(...args) {
// console.log(...args);
function over(col) { // 1 if overrides happen, -1 if overrides don't happen, 0 if override = 0
let res = Math.abs(mc-col) % 3;
return res==1? 0 : res==0? 1 : -1;
function overMap(col, best, good, bad, mine = good) { // 1 if overrides happen, -1 if overrides don't happen, 0 if override = 0
let res = Math.abs(mc-col) % 3;
return col == mc? mine : res==1? good : res==0? best : bad;
var iwin = col=>over(col) == 1;
var zeroes = col=>over(col) == 0;
function to([x, y]) {
var LR = x > mx? [mx+1, my] : x < mx? [mx-1, my] : null;
var UD = y > my? [mx, my+1] : y < my? [mx, my-1] : null;
if (LR && UD) {
var LRScore = overMap(LR, 2, 1, 0, 0);
var UDScore = overMap(UD, 2, 1, 0, 0);
if (LRScore == UDScore) return toPos([LR, UD][Math.random()>.5? 1 : 0])
else if (LRScore > UDScore) return toPos(LR);
else return toPos(UD);
} else return toPos(LR || UD || [x, y]);
function toPos([x,y]) {
if (x > mx) return "right";
if (x < mx) return "left";
if (y < my) return "up";
if (y > my) return "down";
return 'wait';
function inbounds([x, y]) {
// if (x<grid.length && y<grid.length && x>=0 && y>=0) return true;
if (x<grid.length-1 && y<grid.length-1 && x>=1 && y>=1) return true;
return false;
function get([x,y]) {
if (inbounds([x, y])) return grid[x][y];
return 0;
function bestOf (arr) {
if (arr.length == 0) return false;
var bestScore = -Infinity;
var bestPos;
for (var [x, y] of arr) {
let score = 0;
for (var [bcol, bx, by] of bots) {
let dist = Math.sqrt((x-bx)**2 + (y-by)**2);
let res = over(bcol);
let power = res==0? 1 : res==1? 0.4 : 1.4;
score+= power * dist;
if (pastMoves.includes(x+";"+y)) score-= 1000000;
if (score > bestScore) {
bestScore = score;
bestPos = [x,y];
if (bestScore < -500000) {
if (allowRetracing) log("RETRACING");
else return false;
output = to(bestPos);
return true;
// log(x,this.bestX, y,this.bestY);
var distToBest = Math.abs(this.bestX-mx) + Math.abs(this.bestY-my);
if (this.atBest || distToBest < 10) {
log("at best; collecting");
this.atBest = true;
var orth = [[-1,0],[0,-1],[1,0],[0,1]];
var neighbors = orth
.map(([x,y])=>[x+mx, y+my])
.filter(([x,y])=>!bots.some(([bid, bx, by]) => bx==x && by==y))
var best = neighbors.filter(([_, col]) => col != mc && col != 0 && over(col) == 1);
if (bestOf([pos, col]) => pos))) {
return output;
var good = neighbors.filter(([_, col]) => col == 0);
if (bestOf([pos, col]) => pos))) {
return output;
var okay = neighbors.filter(([_, col]) => over(col) == 0);
if (bestOf([pos, col]) => pos))) {
return output;
for (let i = 2; i < grid.length; i++) {
if (i > 6) allowRetracing = true;
neighbors = orth
.map(([x, y]) => [x*i + mx, y*i + my])
best = neighbors.filter(([_, col]) => col == 0 || (col != mc && over(col) == 1));
if (bestOf([pos, col]) => pos))) {
log("best dist");
return output;
okay = neighbors.filter(([_, col]) => over(col) == 0);
if (bestOf([pos, col]) => pos))) {
log("okay dist");
return output;
return ['right','left','up','down'][Math.floor(Math.random()*4)];
} else log("going to best");
if (scoreOf(this.bestX, this.bestY) < this.bestScore/2 || distToBest > 20) rescore();
return to([this.bestX, this.bestY]);
"name": "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ (Random moves)",
"func": function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
return ["up","down","left","right"][Math.random() *4 |0]
var grid = [];
var CSS_COLOR_NAMES = ["Aqua","Bisque","Blue","BlueViolet","Brown","CadetBlue","Chartreuse","Chocolate","Coral","CornflowerBlue","Cornsilk","Crimson","DarkCyan","DarkGoldenRod","DarkGray","DarkGreen","DarkKhaki","DarkMagenta","DarkOliveGreen","Darkorange","DarkOrchid","DarkRed","DarkSalmon","DarkSeaGreen","DarkSlateBlue","DarkSlateGray","DarkSlateGrey","DarkTurquoise","DarkViolet","DeepPink","DeepSkyBlue","DimGray","DimGrey","DodgerBlue","FireBrick","FloralWhite","ForestGreen","Fuchsia","Gainsboro","GhostWhite","Gold","GoldenRod","Gray","Grey","Green","GreenYellow","HoneyDew","HotPink","IndianRed","Indigo","Ivory","Khaki","Lavender","LavenderBlush","LawnGreen","LemonChiffon","LightBlue","LightCoral","LightCyan","LightGoldenRodYellow","LightGray","LightGrey","LightGreen","LightPink","LightSalmon","LightSeaGreen","LightSkyBlue","LightSlateGray","LightSlateGrey","LightSteelBlue","LightYellow","Lime","LimeGreen","Linen","Magenta","Maroon","MediumAquaMarine","MediumBlue","MediumOrchid","MediumPurple","MediumSeaGreen","MediumSlateBlue","MediumSpringGreen","MediumTurquoise","MediumVioletRed","MidnightBlue","MintCream","MistyRose","Moccasin","NavajoWhite","Navy","OldLace","Olive","OliveDrab","Orange","OrangeRed","Orchid","PaleGoldenRod","PaleGreen","PaleTurquoise","PaleVioletRed","PapayaWhip","PeachPuff","Peru","Pink","Plum","PowderBlue","Purple","Red","RosyBrown","RoyalBlue","SaddleBrown","Salmon","SandyBrown","SeaGreen","SeaShell","Sienna","Silver","SkyBlue","SlateBlue","SlateGray","SlateGrey","Snow","SpringGreen","SteelBlue","Tan","Teal","Thistle","Tomato","Turquoise","Violet","Wheat","White","WhiteSmoke","Yellow","YellowGreen"];
var arenaSize = botData.length * 3;
var maxRounds = 200;
var turnNumber = 1;
var interval;
var running = false;
Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
var i = this.length, j, temp;
if ( i == 0 ) return this;
while ( --i ) {
j = Math.floor( Math.random() * ( i + 1 ) );
temp = this[i];
this[i] = this[j];
this[j] = temp;
return this;
function decodeHTMLEntities(text) {
var entities = [
['amp', '&'],
['apos', '\''],
['#x27', '\''],
['#x2F', '/'],
['#39', '\''],
['#47', '/'],
['lt', '<'],
['gt', '>'],
['nbsp', ' '],
['quot', '"']
for (var i = 0, max = entities.length; i < max; ++i)
text = text.replace(new RegExp('&'+entities[i][0]+';', 'g'), entities[i][1]);
return text;
var stringify = function(obj, prop) {
var placeholder = '____PLACEHOLDER____';
var fns = [];
var json = JSON.stringify(obj, function(key, value) {
if (typeof value === 'function') {
return placeholder;
return value;
}, 2);
json = json.replace(new RegExp('"' + placeholder + '"', 'g'), function(_) {
return fns.shift();
return 'this["' + prop + '"] = ' + json + ';';
function updateBotData() {
botData = [];
url: "",
method: "get",
dataType: "jsonp",
crossDomain: !0,
success: function(e){
try {
var answerBody = e.body;
answerBody = answerBody.replace(/<[\/]*a[^>]*>/g,"");
var regexp = /(?:<h\d>)([^<]+)(?=<\/h\d>)/g;
var name = regexp.exec(answerBody)[1];
var regexp2 = /(?:<code>)([^<]+)(?=<\/code>)/g
var code = regexp2.exec(answerBody)[1];
var func;
eval("func = "+decodeHTMLEntities(code));
name: name,
func: func
} catch(err) {
// Do nothing
console.log(stringify(botData, "botData"));
function runBots() {
var bots_array = [];
for (var j = 0; j < botData.length; j++) {
if (!botData[j].eliminated) {
bots_array.push([botData[j].uid, botData[j].x, botData[j].y]);
for (var i = 0; i < botData.length; i++) {
if (!botData[i].eliminated) {
var uid = botData[i].uid;
var botself = [uid, botData[i].x, botData[i].y];
var gameInfo = [turnNumber, maxRounds];
var botself_copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(botself));
var grid_copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(grid));
var bots_array_copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(bots_array));
var gameInfo_copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(gameInfo));
var response = botData[i].func(botself_copy, grid_copy, bots_array_copy, gameInfo_copy);
if (response == "up") {
botData[i].y -= 1;
if (botData[i].y == -1) {
// Prevent bot from leaving arena
botData[i].y = 0
} else if (response == "down") {
botData[i].y += 1;
if (botData[i].y == arenaSize) {
// Prevent bot from leaving arena
botData[i].y = arenaSize-1;
} else if (response == "right") {
botData[i].x += 1;
if (botData[i].x == arenaSize) {
// Prevent bot from leaving arena
botData[i].x = arenaSize-1;
} else if (response == "left") {
botData[i].x -= 1;
if (botData[i].x == -1) {
// Prevent bot from leaving arena
botData[i].x = 0;
if (grid[botData[i].x][botData[i].y] > 0) {
grid[botData[i].x][botData[i].y] = [botData[i].uid, 0, grid[botData[i].x][botData[i].y]][Math.abs(botData[i].uid-grid[botData[i].x][botData[i].y])%3];
} else {
grid[botData[i].x][botData[i].y] = botData[i].uid;
for (var a = 0; a < botData.length; a++) {
for (var b = 0; b < botData.length; b++) {
if (!botData[a].eliminated && !botData[b].eliminated && botData[a] != botData[b] && botData[a].x == botData[b].x && botData[a].y == botData[b].y) {
grid[botData[a].x][botData[a].y] = 0;
var count_array = findArea();
for (var j = 0; j < count_array.length; j++) {
if (count_array[j] <= 1 && turnNumber >= 5) {
botData[j].eliminated = true;
function colourGrid() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("playWindow");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
for (var x = 0; x < arenaSize; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < arenaSize; y++) {
if (grid[x][y] == 0 || (botData[grid[x][y]-1].eliminated)) {
ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = botData[grid[x][y]-1].colour;
ctx.fillRect(x*20+1, y*20+1, 18, 18);
function drawBots() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("playWindow");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
for (var i = 0; i < botData.length; i++) {
if (!botData[i].eliminated) {
ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
var xpos = botData[i].x*20;
var ypos = botData[i].y*20;
ctx.fillRect(xpos, ypos, 20, 20);
ctx.fillStyle = botData[i].colour;
ctx.fillRect(xpos+2, ypos+2, 16, 16);
function drawGrid() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("playWindow");
canvas.width = arenaSize*20;
canvas.height = canvas.width;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
for (var x = 0; x < canvas.width; x+=20) {
ctx.strokeStyle = "#DDDDDD";
ctx.lineTo(x, canvas.width);
for (var y = 0; y < canvas.width; y+=20) {
ctx.strokeStyle = "#DDDDDD";
ctx.lineTo(canvas.height, y);
function findArea() {
var count_array = new Array(botData.length);
for (var x = 0; x < arenaSize; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < arenaSize; y++) {
if (grid[x][y] > 0) {
count_array[grid[x][y]-1] = (count_array[grid[x][y]-1] | 0) + 1;
return count_array;
function findWinner() {
var count_array = findArea();
for (var n = 0; n < count_array.length; n++) {
if (count_array[n] === undefined) {
count_array[n] = 0;
var maxArea = Math.max.apply(null, count_array);
var message = "";
var end = " wins!"
for (var i = 0; i < count_array.length; i++) {
if (count_array[i] == maxArea && !botData[i].eliminated) {
var name = botData[i].name;
var colour = botData[i].colour;
if (message.length == 0) {
message += "<span style=\"color:"+colour+";\">" + name + "</span>";
} else {
message += " and <span style=\"color:"+colour+";\">" + name + "</span>";
end = " win!";
message += end;
document.getElementById("roundNum").innerHTML += " - "+message;
function removeBot(id) {
botData.splice(id-1, 1);
function updateBoard() {
document.getElementById("playerTable").innerHTML = "<tr><td style=\"font-size: 1.5em;font-weight: bold\">Player Name</td><td style=\"font-size: 1.5em;font-weight: bold\">Score</td><td style=\"font-size: 1.5em;font-weight: bold\">Eliminated?</td></tr>";
var scores = findArea();
for (var n = 0; n < scores.length; n++) {
if (scores[n] === undefined) {
scores[n] = 0;
var maxArea = Math.max.apply(null, scores);
var winners = [];
for (var i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) {
if (scores[i] == maxArea && !botData[i].eliminated) {
for (var k = 0; k < botData.length; k++) {
document.getElementById("playerTable").innerHTML += "<tr><td><span style=\"font-size: 1.5em;font-weight: bold;color:"+botData[k].colour+"\">"+botData[k].name + (winners.indexOf(botData[k].name)>=0?"*":"") + "</span></td><td><span style=\"font-size: 1.5em;font-weight: bold;color:"+botData[k].colour+"\">" + (botData[k].eliminated?0:scores[k]) + "</span></td><td><span style=\"font-size: 1.5em;font-weight: bold;color:"+botData[k].colour+"\">"+(botData[k].eliminated?"Yes":"No")+"</span></td><td><button onclick=\"javascript:removeBot("+botData[k].uid+")\">Remove Bot</button></td></tr>";
function doStuff() {
if (turnNumber == maxRounds) {
running = false;
document.getElementById("roundNum").innerHTML = turnNumber;
if (turnNumber == maxRounds) {
function runGame() {
if (!running) {
maxRounds = document.getElementById("gameInput").value;
var fps = document.getElementById("fpsInput").value;
running = true;
interval = setInterval(doStuff, 1/fps * 1000);
function stopGame() {
running = false;
function initialise() {
document.getElementById("roundNum").innerHTML = "0";
turnNumber = 0;
arenaSize = botData.length * 3;
grid = [];
botData = botData.shuffle();
for (var i = 0; i < arenaSize; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < arenaSize; j++) {
var previous_x = [];
var previous_y = [];
for (var k = 0; k < botData.length; k++) {
do {
botData[k].x = Math.floor(Math.random()*arenaSize);
botData[k].y = Math.floor(Math.random()*arenaSize);
while (previous_x.indexOf(botData[k].x) >= 0 || previous_y.indexOf(botData[k].y) >= 0)
botData[k].colour = CSS_COLOR_NAMES[k];
botData[k].uid = k+1;
botData[k].eliminated = false;
grid[botData[k].x][botData[k].y] = botData[k].uid;
function addNewBot() {
botName = document.getElementById("newBotNameInput").value;
eval("botFunction = "+document.getElementById("newBotCodeInput").value);
name: botName,
func: botFunction
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Art Attack KoTH</title>
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font-family: ubuntu;
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padding-left: 20px;
padding-right: 20px;
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font-weight: bold;
background-color: gainsboro;
.colourKey {
padding: 30px;
li {
margin: 10px 0;
#playerTable td {
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text-align: center;
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#playerTable {
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a {
font-size: 110%;
text-decoration: none;
color: blue;
<script src=""></script>
<script src="botData.js"></script>
<script src="controller.js"></script>
<h1>Art Attack - King of the Hill challenge</h1>
<h3>Round <span id="roundNum">0</span></h3>
<td><canvas id="playWindow" width=10000 height=10000></canvas><br/><br/>
<button onclick="javascript:runGame()">Run Game</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;<button onclick="javascript:stopGame()">Pause Game</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;<button onclick="javascript:initialise()">Reset Game</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;<button onclick="javascript:doStuff()">Step a Single Round</button>
<td style="padding:50px">
<table id="playerTable">
<tr><td>Player Name</td><td>Score</td><td>Eliminated</td></tr>
<br/><strong>Asterisk denotes the player(s) in the lead</strong>
<br/><br/><strong><a href="javascript:updateBotData()">Update Bots from PPCG</a></strong>
<td><strong>Game Length: </strong></td><td><input type="text" id="gameInput" value="200"></td>
<td><strong>FPS: </strong></td><td><input type="text" id="fpsInput" value="5"></td>
<h2>Add your own bot to the game:</h2>
<em>Note that this is not permanent and should only be used for testing</em><br/><br/>
<strong>Name: </strong><input type="text" id="newBotNameInput" value="">
<textarea id="newBotCodeInput" rows=10 cols=80 style="padding:10px;font-style:monospace">function(myself, grid, bots, gameInfo) {
// Code here
return move;
<button onclick="javascript:addNewBot()">Add and run</button>
Copy link

kenorb commented Aug 21, 2018

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