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Last active July 15, 2021 05:02
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Project Euler & HackerRank problem 19 solution: Counting Sundays solved using Python
import datetime as dt
delta, c, targetDOW, targetDate = dt.timedelta(days=1), 0, 6, 1
yS, mS, dS, yE, mE, dE = 1901,1,1, 2000,12,31
yearDelta = yE-yS # number of years
yS = (yS%400) + 400 # normalized and non-zero
a = dt.datetime(yS, mS, dS)
b = dt.datetime(yS+yearDelta, mE, dE)
while a <= b:
if and a.weekday()==targetDOW:
c+= 1
delta = dt.timedelta(days=7)
a+= delta
print (["Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun"][targetDOW],"on day", targetDate, "of the month:", c)
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