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Last active April 28, 2020 05:32
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# Python 3.7+
# by beta@plus, gwon minjae.
# special thx to whysw@plus, yang seungwon.
import random
import subprocess
import os
NUM_TEST_MAX = 10000
FILE_OUTPUT = "result.csv"
info = lambda x: print(f"[+] {x}")
erro = lambda x: print(f"[-] {x}")
blan = lambda x: print(f" {x}")
class Node:
def __init__(self, value: str):
self.left: Node = None
self.right: Node = None
self.value: str = value
class Tree:
root: Node
def find_idx(self, tree_str: str, start: int, end: int) -> int:
if start > end:
return -1
result: str = ""
for idx in range(start, end + 1):
data = tree_str[idx]
if data == "(":
result += data
elif data == ")":
if result[-1] == "(":
result = result[:-1]
if len(result) == 0:
return idx
return -1
def _build_tree(self, tree_str: str, start: int, end: int) -> type(Node):
if start > end:
return None
node = Node(tree_str[start])
idx = -1
if start + 1 <= end and tree_str[start + 1] == "(":
idx = self.find_idx(tree_str, start + 1, end)
if idx != -1:
node.left = self._build_tree(tree_str, start + 2, idx - 1)
node.right = self._build_tree(tree_str, idx + 2, end - 1)
return node
def build_tree(self, tree_str: str):
self.root = self._build_tree(tree_str, 0, len(tree_str) - 1)
def pre_order(self):
result_list = []
self._pre_order(self.root, result_list)
return result_list
def _pre_order(self, node: type(Node), result_list):
if node is None:
self._pre_order(node.left, result_list)
self._pre_order(node.right, result_list)
def post_order(self):
result_list = []
self._post_order(self.root, result_list)
return result_list
def _post_order(self, node, result_list):
if node is None:
self._post_order(node.left, result_list)
self._post_order(node.right, result_list)
def in_order(self):
result_list = []
self._in_order(self.root, result_list)
return result_list
def _in_order(self, node, result_list):
if node is None:
self._in_order(node.left, result_list)
self._in_order(node.right, result_list)
def height(self) -> int:
return self._height(self.root)
def _height(self, node):
if node is None:
return -1
return ((self._height(node.left)) if (self._height(node.left) > self._height(node.right)) else (
self._height(node.right))) + 1
def is_complete(self):
h = self.height()
return self._is_complete(self.root, h, 0, False, True)[0]
def _is_complete(self, node, height: int, depth: int, is_done: bool, complete: bool) -> (bool, bool):
if not complete:
return complete, is_done
if node is None:
return (height == depth) or (height == (depth - 1)), is_done
if depth == height - 1:
if is_done:
complete = (node.left is None) and (node.right is None)
is_done = (node.left is None) or (node.right is None)
complete = not ((node.left is None) and (node.right is not None))
elif depth != height:
complete = (node.left is not None) and (node.right is not None)
(complete, is_done) = self._is_complete(node.left, height, depth + 1, is_done, complete)
(complete, is_done) = self._is_complete(node.right, height, depth + 1, is_done, complete)
return complete, is_done
class MinHeap:
heap_size: int = 0
heap_arr = [None] * 100
def print(self):
res = ""
for i in range(self.heap_size):
res += (str(self.heap_arr[i]) + " ")
return res.strip()
def parent_idx(self, idx: int) -> int:
return int((idx - 1) / 2)
def lc_idx(self, idx: int)->int:
return (idx*2)+1
def rc_idx(self, idx: int)->int:
return (idx*2)+2
def insert_key(self, k: int):
self.heap_arr[self.heap_size] = k
p = self.parent_idx(self.heap_size)
idx = self.heap_size
self.heap_size += 1
while True:
if idx == 0:
if self.heap_arr[p] > self.heap_arr[idx]:
self.heap_arr[p], self.heap_arr[idx] = self.heap_arr[idx], self.heap_arr[p]
idx = p
p = self.parent_idx(idx)
def delete_min(self):
if self.heap_size == 0:
self.heap_size -= 1
self.heap_arr[0], self.heap_arr[self.heap_size] = self.heap_arr[self.heap_size], None
def _prop(self, i):
if i > self.heap_size:
lc = self.lc_idx(i)
rc = self.rc_idx(i)
mi = 0
if lc >= self.heap_size:
elif rc >= self.heap_size:
mi = lc
mi = lc if self.heap_arr[lc] < self.heap_arr[rc] else rc
if self.heap_arr[mi] < self.heap_arr[i]:
self.heap_arr[mi], self.heap_arr[i] = self.heap_arr[i], self.heap_arr[mi]
def open_file(file_name):
is_header = False
if os.path.exists(file_name):
rf = open(file_name, "r")
if rf.readable():
is_header = ("Task" in rf.readline())
af = open(file_name, "a")
if not is_header:
af.write("Task\tPython Result\tMy Result\n")
return af
def parser(cmd_str):
res = []
task_num = cmd_str[0]
cmd_str = cmd_str[4:-2]
cmd = cmd_str.split("('")[1:]
for i in cmd:
t = i.split("'")
tmp = t[1][1:].split(")")[0]
res.append([t[0], "NULL" if "NULL" in tmp else int(tmp)])
return task_num, res
def make_str(res_list):
result = ""
for i in res_list:
result = result + str(i) + " "
return result[:-1]
def get(exe, cmd_str):
if os.path.exists("./submit.txt"):
os.remove("./submit.txt")"./{exe} {cmd_str}", shell=True)
f = open("submit.txt")
def rnd_num_str(able: bool = True):
l = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
if able:
return random.choice(l)
def gen_node_str(v, l, r):
return f"{v}({l})({r})"
def gen_tree_str(n):
tree_str = gen_node_str(rnd_num_str(False), rnd_num_str(), rnd_num_str())
for _ in range(n):
l = [tree_str, rnd_num_str()]
tree_str = gen_node_str(rnd_num_str(False), l[0], l[1])
return tree_str
def gen_rnd_tree_str(n):
a = random.randint(0, n)
b = n - a
return gen_node_str(rnd_num_str(False), gen_tree_str(a), gen_tree_str(b))
def gen_rnd_tree(n):
t = Tree()
return t
def parse_tree_cmd(cmd: str)->str:
return cmd.split('"')[1].split('"')[0]
def gen_block_str(ins: str, num: int) -> str:
return f"('{ins}',{'NULL' if 'delMin' in ins else str(num)})"
def rnd_block_str() -> str:
return gen_block_str(random.choice(["insert", "delMin"]), random.randint(0, NUM_RANGE_TEST_HEAP))
def gen_heap_str(n: int) -> str:
res = ""
for _ in range(n):
res += (rnd_block_str() + ",")
return f"[{res[:-1]}]"
def parse_heap_cmd(cmd_str: str) -> list:
res = []
cmd_str = cmd_str[4:-2]
cmd = cmd_str.split("('")[1:]
for i in cmd:
t = i.split("'")
tmp = t[1][1:].split(")")[0]
res.append([t[0], "NULL" if "NULL" in tmp else int(tmp)])
return res
class Task:
set = []
task_num = 0
def run(self, cmd_str) -> str:
return ""
def make_cmd(self, g):
return f'{self.task_num} "{g}"'
class Task2(Task):
set = ["preorder", "inorder", "postorder"]
task_num = 2
def make_cmd(self, g):
return f'{self.task_num} "{g}" "{random.choice(self.set)}"'
def run(self, cmd: str):
t = Tree()
res = ""
if "inorder" in cmd:
l = t.in_order()
elif "postorder" in cmd:
l = t.post_order()
elif "preorder" in cmd:
l = t.pre_order()
return ""
for _ in l:
res += (str(_) + " ")
return res[:-1]
class Task3(Task):
task_num = 3
def run(self, cmd: str):
t = Tree()
return str(t.height())
class Task4(Task):
task_num = 4
def run(self, cmd: str):
t = Tree()
return "1" if t.is_complete() else "0"
class Task6(Task):
task_num = 6
def run(self, cmd: str):
l = parse_heap_cmd(cmd)
h = MinHeap()
for c in l:
if 'delMin' in c[0]:
if 'insert' in c[0]:
return h.print()
f = open_file(FILE_OUTPUT)
tasks = [Task2(), Task3(), Task4(), None, Task6()]
t = lambda x: tasks[x - 2]
def simulate(task_num, size, res_file):
if task_num == 6:
cmd = t(task_num).make_cmd(gen_heap_str(size))
cmd = t(task_num).make_cmd(gen_rnd_tree_str(size))
py_res = t(task_num).run(cmd)
my_res = get(FILE_EXECUTABLE, cmd).strip()
is_success = py_res == my_res
return is_success, cmd, py_res, my_res
num_fail = 0
for i in range(NUM_TEST_MAX):
if i % NUM_PRINT_PROCESS == 0:
info(f"Processing... {i/NUM_TEST_MAX*100}%")
task_num = random.choice([2, 3, 4, 6])
size = random.randint(1, SIZE_TREE_MAX)
s, c, p, m = simulate(task_num, size, f)
if not s:
num_fail += 1
blan(f"Case: {c}")
blan(f"Pypy: {p}")
blan(f"Mymy: {m}")
info(f"Done! Success: {str((NUM_TEST_MAX - num_fail)/NUM_TEST_MAX * 100)}%")
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YangSeungWon commented Apr 26, 2020

When a tree has only one node, its height is 0, not 1.
So please edit line 112 from return 0 to return -1.

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When a tree only one node, its height is 0, not 1.
So please edit line 112 from return 0 to return -1.

I checked 'bout it. thx, @YangSeungWon
Below is reference about that.
I'll revise that issue.

2020-04-21 15:15:46
1) Sorry for the confusing instruction. The example input & output in the lab instruction for problem 3 seems wrong. The correct answer will be 0, 1, 2 respectively. In short, the tree height will be 0 if there are only one node in tree

2) It seems like a problem. Let me check the problem with other TAs.

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and according to the PA's answer, they remove spaces from front and back of the answer. It's shown at evaluate.cpp also.

string removeSpaces(string submit) {
    while (!submit.empty() && isspace(*submit.begin()))

    while (!submit.empty() && isspace(*submit.rbegin()))
        submit.erase(submit.length() - 1);

    return submit;

so it's better to remove spaces from my_res before comparing with py_res in line 291.

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betarixm commented Apr 26, 2020

I added .strip() at my_res.
thanks for comment. @YangSeungWon

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