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Alexandre Bertails betehess

View GitHub Profile
Hi Donald (and Martin),
Thanks for pinging me; it's nice to know Typesafe is keeping tabs on this, and I
appreciate the tone. This is a Yegge-long response, but given that you and
Martin are the two people best-situated to do anything about this, I'd rather
err on the side of giving you too much to think about. I realize I'm being very
critical of something in which you've invested a great deal (both financially
* "Select" off the first future to be satisfied. Return this as a
* result, with the remainder of the Futures as a sequence.
* @param fs a scala.collection.Seq
def select[A](fs: Seq[Future[A]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[(Try[A], Seq[Future[A]])] = {
def stripe(p: Promise[(Try[A], Seq[Future[A]])],
heads: Seq[Future[A]],

The Graph Literal section says the following

Concrete syntaxes MAY support simple literals, consisting of only a lexical form without any datatype IRI or language tag. Simple literals only exist in concrete syntaxes, and are treated as syntactic sugar for abstract syntax literals with the datatype IRI

In practice, it appears that both Jena and Sesame are broken in their handling of RDF Literals. They also break graph isomorphism for the same reasons.

betehess / gist:6713876
Last active December 23, 2015 23:59
Flushing ideas for an LDP PATCH proposal
# TimBL's removes his certificate informations
AT ca:i / cert:key DELETE .
# TimBL removes the certificate exponent from his certificate
AT ca:i / cert:key / cert:exponent DELETE .
# TimBL update his certificate informations
AT ca:i / cert:key UPDATE [
rdf:type cert:RSAPublicKey;
cert:exponent 65537;
object~extends Application{case class T(n:String,r:Double){def+(t:T)={val p=t.r/(r+t.r);val(w,l)=if(p>0.5||(p==.5&&n<t.n))(this,t)else(t,this);w.copy(r=r+(w.r-r)/5)}
case class R(r:Int,a:T,b:T,w:T){override def toString=s"$r,${a.n},${b.n},${w.n}"}
def g(l:List[T]):List[(T,T)]=l match{case a::b::l⇒(a,b)::g(l);case _⇒Nil}
def p(l:List[(T,T)],r:Int,a:Seq[R]):Seq[R]{case(a,b)⇒val(c,d)=a|b;R(r,c,d,a+b)}match{case m::Nil⇒a:+m;case e⇒p(g(,r+1,a++e)}
println(p(",")).sortBy(_(5)).sortBy(_(4)).map{case Array(a,b,c,d,_,_)⇒(T(a,b.toDouble),T(c,d.toDouble))},1,Seq()).mkString("\n"))}
"@context": {
"@base": "",
"@vocab": "",
"patch": "",
"ops": { "@container": "@list" },
"op": { "@type": "@id" },
"predicate": { "@type": "@id" },
"var": { "@type": "@id" },
"path": { "@type": "patch:path" },
betehess / scalaz.irclog
Last active November 29, 2017 09:06
On freenode/#scalaz this morning
<RaceCondition> can I use Scalaz to get exhaustion checks when matching on numeric values? Scala obviously doesn't do that
<RaceCondition> ! 1.1 match { case x if 0.0 <= x && x < 0.5 => "bad"; case x if 0.5 <= x && x <= 1.0 => "good" }
<dibblego> doubt it
<multibot_> scala.MatchError: 1.1 (of class java.lang.Double)
<multibot_> ... 38 elided
<dibblego> use types though?
<RaceCondition> wdym?
<dibblego> use a type to note each range
<dibblego> you want a floating-point between 0.0 and 1.0?
<RaceCondition> wouldn't that just move the problem to a different stage?
import java.util.function.*;
import java.util.*;
// this contract is mainly for library implementors, not that much for
// users. Well, this can be argued :-). Another side-effect of this
// approach is that code using the RDF interface would create and see
// the actual types/classes being manipulated, not the common
// interfaces.
interface RDF<Graph, Triple, RDFTerm, BlankNodeOrIRI, IRI, BlankNode, Literal> {
betehess / ammonite-shapeless
Created May 26, 2015 16:43
Using shapeless to drive Ammonite's PPrinter derivation, used to print shapeless values
> runMain ammonite.repl.Repl
[info] Running ammonite.repl.Repl
Loading Ammonite Repl...
@ load.ivy("com.chuusai" %% "shapeless" % "2.1.0")
@ import shapeless._
import shapeless._
@ 1 :: "lol" :: List(1, 2, 3) :: HNil
betehess /
Created November 27, 2015 01:51 — forked from vmarcinko/
Embedded Zookeeper & Kafka cluster
import kafka.server.KafkaConfig;
import kafka.server.KafkaServer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;