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Created June 11, 2024 15:12
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Brainfuck interpreter in Io
// There is no support for ',' which reads a byte from stdin
interpreter := Object clone
List last := method(self at((self size) - 1))
interpreter eval := method(prog,
ds := List clone preallocateToSize(30000) setSize(30000) map(0)
dp := 0
is := list()
ip := -1
while (ip < prog size - 1,
ip = ip + 1
if (prog at(ip) asCharacter == ">") then (
dp = dp + 1
if (prog at(ip) asCharacter == "<") then (
dp = dp - 1
if (prog at(ip) asCharacter == "+") then (
ds atPut(dp, ds at(dp) + 1)
if (prog at(ip) asCharacter == "-") then (
ds atPut(dp, ds at(dp) - 1)
if (prog at(ip) asCharacter == ".") then (
ds at(dp) asCharacter print
if (prog at(ip) asCharacter == "[") then (
stack := 1
end := ip + 1
while (stack != 0,
if (prog at(end) asCharacter == "[") then (
stack = stack + 1
) else (if (prog at(end) asCharacter == "]") then (
stack = stack - 1
end = end + 1
if (ds at(dp) == 0) then (
ip = end - 1
) else (
is append(ip)
if (prog at(ip) asCharacter == "]") then (
if (ds at(dp) != 0) then (
ip = is last
) else (
is removeLast
interpreter eval \
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