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Last active August 29, 2023 16:56
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Split a file into chunks.
// FILE=file.ext CHUNKS=4 go run split.go
// CHUNKS is optional (default is 4).
package main
import (
func Log(msg string, args ...any) {
fmt.Printf(msg + "\n", args...)
func LogAndExit(msg string, args ...any) {
Log(msg, args...)
func main() {
fname := os.Getenv("FILE")
chunksEnv := os.Getenv("CHUNKS")
if fname == "" {
LogAndExit("A file is needed.")
var chunks int
if chunksEnv == "" {
Log("CHUNKS unspecified. Defaulting to 4...")
chunks = 4
} else {
chnks, err := strconv.Atoi(chunksEnv)
if err != nil {
LogAndExit("Erroneous CHUNK variable: %s\n", err.Error())
chunks = chnks
f, err := os.Open(fname)
if err != nil {
LogAndExit("Error: %s\n", err.Error())
finfo, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
LogAndExit("Stat error: %s\n", err.Error())
size := int(finfo.Size())
sizeModChunks := size%chunks
isEvenlyDivisible := sizeModChunks == 0
var spillNumber int
if !(isEvenlyDivisible) {
spillNumber = sizeModChunks
Log("file %s size %d chunks %d spill %d\n", fname, size, chunks, spillNumber)
eachChunkSize := (size-sizeModChunks) / chunks
lastChunkSize := eachChunkSize + spillNumber
for i := 0; i < chunks; i++ {
chnkNum := eachChunkSize
if i == chunks-1 { chnkNum = lastChunkSize }
Log(" #%d %dB", i+1, chnkNum)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var totalBytesRead int
for i := 0; i < chunks; i++ {
byteCount := eachChunkSize
if i == chunks-1 {
byteCount = lastChunkSize
Log("\n>> Current offset %d", eachChunkSize*i)
bx, err := readBytes(f, byteCount, eachChunkSize*i)
if err != nil {
LogAndExit("Error while reading bytes: %s", err.Error())
totalBytesRead += byteCount
// if we use 'i' in fmt.Sprintf below, we'd not get what we expect. In the case where chunks=2,
// we always get ..._Chunk_2.bytes, because the loop ends before the goroutine even launches.
// I am not sure if it is actually related to the fact that Go doesn't create a new copy of the
// loop variable at each iteration or not (It uses the same address. This will change IIRC.).
// Anyways.
currentIdx := i
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
chunkName := fmt.Sprintf("%d_Chunk_%s.bytes", currentIdx+1, f.Name())
if err := writeChunk(bx, chunkName); err != nil {
LogAndExit("Error while writing chunk %s: %s", chunkName, err.Error())
Log("\nFinished job.")
func readBytes(f *os.File, howMany int, idx int) ([]byte, error) {
var bx = make([]byte, howMany)
n, err := f.ReadAt(bx, int64(idx))
Log(" Number of bytes read %d", n)
return bx, err
func writeChunk(bx []byte, chunkName string) error {
return os.WriteFile(chunkName, bx, 0666)
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